Lucifer's Descendant System Chapter 370: 370 - Start of the Girls' Night

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Chapter 370: 370 - Start of the Girls' Night

In another room, the girls had began their nightly event, all sat on the bed with matching clothes.

"Sha, Sha, so, tell me, how is it to fight with those strong blessed?" the girls' conversations started on their interests as women, clothes, food, and general lifestyle, but suddenly took a turn as Maggie began asking more personal questions.

"I mean... It's normal, I guess," Sha quickly avoided the question, but a certan black being encircled her, climbing over her spine and making her s.h.i.+ver.

"You know that's not what she's asking about, come on," she said, teasing the pink haired healer.

"... Lilith, I know that, but she's still a teen, I'm not gonna—" she started responding in a low voice, but soon the other three leaned in to listen, making her blush. "What are you guys..." she asked, curling a little, embarra.s.sed.

"Eh... It seems our pure and pinky little sister has some dirty dirty secrets she doesn't want to share," Khish teased her, leaning over and sliding her index finger over the bottom of the girl's foot.

"Hii! Khi, stop!" Sha flinched, before puffing her cheeks.

"She's so cute, isn't she?" Khish turned asking Maggie, who had a broad smile on her face.

"Yeah, she's adorable!" Maggie exclaimed, before making a harmless comment, "That's probably why Noah favors her so much." Or so she thought.

Immmediately, the air around her s.h.i.+fted, as two of the people around her had eyes of vultures. But only for a second, before Khish cleared her throat loudly, making Allie and Lilith calm down.

"Yeah, that's probably why," Khish said, ignoring the strage atmosphere that was created, and Maggie and Sha's general confusion. "Now that I think of it... the two of you are very alike, aren't you?" she asked, noticing the similarity in the two girl's personalities.

"You think so?" Sha asked, smiling, as she glaced over at Maggie, who had a cute expression on her face, before pouncing towards the pink haired healer. "M—Maggie?" she stuttered, as the girl hugged her dearly.

"Thanks for taking care of my brother. He's annoying and dumb but I really love him," Maggie said, sinking her face onto her bossom. The pink haired healer hugged her back, combing the girl's hair with her fingers, a warm smile on her face.

"They are so similar it makes me wonder if Noah likes her because he has a sister complex..." Khish muttered under her breath, watching the two girls slime at each other. "Now that I think of it, there's two more people here with a very similar personality too," she said, feeling the equally strong piercing gazes fall upon her. "Yep, you two are also very much the same, aren't you?" she asked, throwing glances at both Lilith and Al.

"Hmpf. I'm just there to help him when he needs it, it's not like I feel anything for that thick-skinned slowpoke," Lilith said, looking away from Khish while raising her head prideful.

"Yeah, why would anyone want something to do with that kind of dense and stupid guy who can't read the mood, like, ever?" Allie completed, almost reproducing her speech and reaction, making Khish start to laugh heartily

"G.o.d d.a.m.n..." she muttered under her fit of laughter, holding her stomach. "How can it be that there's two pairs of you that are so similar... What about me, then?" she asked more as a joke than anything.

"Now that I look at it... you actually remind me a little of Noah," Maggie said, turning her head, and making Sha raise hers in the process.

"Heh?" Khish was left dumbfounded, as everyone looked at her with their brows furrowed.

"... Not that you mentioned, they do things very similarly, don't they?" Even Lilith stepped in in agreement, remembering her answers to her questions and how she still held a firm belief in her family, until she was warned by him and saw things differently.

"Act first, think later," Al said, making her widen her eyes in silence, her laughter dying down.

"Jumping the gun on decisions in order to prioritize family regardless of what happens," Sha continued, thoughtful.

"Dense and only realizing things afterwards," Maggie b.u.t.ted in while laughing.


"Doing everything on their own so n.o.body else had to do it," even Lilith stepped in, making her gaze wander among the three, as if searching for a safe place.

"Yup, Khi is Noah's female version," Sha drove the last nail in the coffin, making Khish pout with her lip puffed, as she hugged her knees.

"Guess I'll die alone, then," she said, resting her face on her knees.

"Do you hate my brother that much?" Maggie asked, saddened, crawling closer to the now depressed girl.

"No! Of course I don't!" Khish exclaimed, without raising her eyes. "What kind of man would choose a woman who's the spit image of him when he has so many better options?!" she asked aloud, making Maggie freeze in place, shocked upon hearing that.

"You... Do you like my brother?" Maggie asked, surprised, her reaction making Khish raise her eyes, thinking it was obvious already. "If that's the case, it's too early for you to give up... Even if he likes someone else, I'm sure he likes you too," Maggie said, smiling broadly, recomforting the girl.

"Really?" Khish raised her head, letting go of her knees and extending them, going back to her usual self.

"Of course," Maggie exclaimed happily. "After all, you tried to break into his house. If he didn't like you, let alone stop Lilith from torturing you, he would've burnt you to a crisp right there and then," Maggie said with a smile, making Khish pale, as she looked around to see Sha and Lilith nodding.

'Just who in the world did I get involved with...' she thought, swallowing dry, as she saw Al walk towards the fridge and grab herself two cans of something.

"Khishy, catch!" she exclaimed, throwing one of the cans towards her, who quickly turned and caught it.

"Hey!" she complained, before looking at the can of her favourite bubble soda, and smiling inwardly. "Thanks..."

After asking, Al grabbed a drink for each, including the snake, that was now large enough to fit the can of soda in her mouth and drink from it without issue.

"By the way... Do you guys think Noah likes anyone, like, as a love interest like?" Maggie asked the tough questions. making everyone stop what they were doing and gulp.

"I don't know..." Sha was the one to start speaking, as she felt everyone's eyes on her. "He never told me anything about liking anyone... but aside from Maggie, the only name I ever heard him talk about was Lilith's," she said, lighting up Maggie's gossipy nature.

"Eh... Is that so? I heard many times he doesn't go anywhere without her ever since they met at the petstore," she said fueling the gossip, as if Lilith herself wasn't present.

"... Lilith?" Al was surprised, looking at the snake.

"Yeah, duh," Maggie taunted. "If she wasn't a girl, I wouldn't have brought her with us together here," she said, trying to get something out of the others.

"Um... Excuse me," Khish interjected, her brows furrowed. "I thought Lilith was some kind of monster, bound to him by a contract," she said, prompring Maggie for an explanation, which she didn't exactly have.

"Actually," but, embarrased by the whole situation, Lilith herself took front, talking about herself. "I'm not a monster, because I don't come from a fortress... But I'm not from this world either," she started speaking, catching everyone's attention, except for Maggie's, who circled her in order to stand from the bed and grab herself a tray of canapés to eat while listening to her story.

"I'm from a paralel world that is part of human mythology, and it seems I have been around and interacting with humans for a long, long time... but," she stopped, looking at Maggie eating and rolling her eyes. "I forgot a lot about myself," she said, piquing Sha's curiosity.

"... So, you are very very old?" she asked, making Lilith turn towards her.

"Most probably, yes," she answered precisely, not avoiding Sha's question.

"I guess you're immortal, then? Or age very slowly?" she pried a little more, making Lilith jump the hoops of her missing memory to try and remember the truth.

"I... I don't know for sure. Maybe one, or the other, or both... I really don't know," she answered, trying to remeber mroe about herself on those details, but bound by something that stopped her memory from returning completely.

"Wait up, if you are like that, does it mean you are supposed to look like an actual woman?" Allie stepped in, asking something that left Maggie a little uncomfortable. Not for herself, but because she could feel the change of emotion in Lilith's eyes.

"... I think I was a woman, but I can't recall..." she murmured, trying to remember, as she started to feel her head pounding.

"Eh, what did you look like? Were you tall or short?" she asked, only out of curiosity, Lilith still trying to remember.

"I don't know..." she said with a pained voice.

"Guy's I think we should stop—" Maggie tried to warn them, but she was quickly interrupted by Khish, who was also br.i.m.m.i.n.g with curiosity.

"What was you hair like, was it the color of your scales? I think if if they were like that with your purple eyes it would look very pretty," she said, pus.h.i.+ng Lilith to try and evoke that image of herself from her memory, as a splitting headache a.s.saulted her.

"I can't recall..." Lilith muttered, her headache intensifying, as she closed her eyes and saw the shadow of a woman insider her mind, but only a shadow.

Lucifer's Descendant System Chapter 370: 370 - Start of the Girls' Night

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Lucifer's Descendant System Chapter 370: 370 - Start of the Girls' Night summary

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