Reincarnation: I Have Always Been Rich Chapter 1028

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Chapter 1028: Chapter 1028

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“If we don’t leave, do you think Chen Meng’er will let us go? Do you think the Qu family will let us go?” Han Chaoyun looked at Han Ying and asked. “Do you think we want to leave the capital? Our family’s foundation is in the capital. If we leave the capital, do you think we don’t know what kind of life we will have to face in the future? But, what can we do? What right does the current Han family have to go head-to-head with the Qu family and the Green Gang?”

Han Chaoyun was also a member of the Qu family until this morning. He only learned this when Chen Meng’er came to the Han family.

He learned this too late. Otherwise, he would definitely not listen to his sister, and would have stopped her plans.

“Then are you willing to give up so much of the foundation our family’s ancestors left behind?” Han Ying asked anxiously. She could only count on her two brothers now. Although Chen Meng’er did not let her leave the capital, if her two brothers left, then she would be left alone in the capital. She would be weak, and she would lose the ident.i.ty of the Qu family’s daughter-in-law. So what was even the use of her staying in the capital?

Therefore, Han Ying tried her best to convince her two brothers to stay. It would be best if they could help her fight against Chen Meng’er to the end.


Han Chaoyun did not say anything. He did not want to leave the capital either. However, even if he did not want to, how could they stay?

“That’s right. How are we going to explain to our late father that we left the Han family’s inheritance behind and left the capital with our tails between our legs?” After Chen Meng’er left, the Han brothers did their best to cash out the a.s.sets they had. However, no matter how capable they were, they could not cash out everything in such a short period of time.

Han Chaojie was not really worried about the loss of the Han family’s a.s.sets since their father had already pa.s.sed. Originally, before his father pa.s.sed away, he had entrusted the Han family to his brother. Other than some of the Han family’s shares, he did not have any say in the Han family.

Han Chaojie only said that because he was thinking about how they would live in the future if the Han family was gone and they left the capital. If he could not leave the capital in the future, others would not address him as respectfully as before.

Therefore, he rolled his eyes and began to plan in his heart.

Han Chaoyun did not want to leave the capital either. Now that Han Chaojie had said this to Han Ying, he began to hesitate. “So what if we don’t leave? How can we be a match for Chen Meng’er?” If they could compete with Chen Meng’er, they wouldn’t have been forced into such a corner by Chen Meng’er.

“If you guys are still willing to risk your lives for a sliver of hope to stay, then listen to me.” Previously, Han Ying wanted to take control of the Qu family, but now, she only wanted to take revenge.

Han Ying went to Qu Yaotian’s office to look for Qu Yaotian. In the end, she only received a divorce agreement. She hated him so much.

Since Qu Yaotian was so heartless to her, she would pay him back.

Han Ying hated Chen Meng’er, but now she hated Qu Yaotian’s ruthlessness to her even more. She wanted Qu Yaotian to suffer.

h.e.l.l hath no fury like a woman scorned.

The Han brothers looked at the sinister smile on Han Ying’s face, and they could not help but feel a chill down their spines. Han Chaojie asked, “Ying, what are you going to do?”

“Doesn’t our family have a newspaper under our name? Now, make a call and have them change the front page overnight,” Han Ying said with a fierce tone.

“Ying, what are you thinking?” Han Chaoyun looked at Han Ying like this and asked with a shocked heart.

Reincarnation: I Have Always Been Rich Chapter 1028

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Reincarnation: I Have Always Been Rich Chapter 1028 summary

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