My Rich Wife Chapter 2838: Xiao Hai's Judgment

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Chapter 2838: Xiao Hai’s Judgment


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The voice pierced straight through Qin Yu’s heart, causing him to gather his final consciousness again.

The remnant page of the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds was peeled off from Qin Yu’s chest. The entrance to the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds’ s.p.a.ce slowly opened.

A misty power of sealing G.o.ds shone on Qin Yu’s body. His body instantly entered the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds from the pa.s.sage.

“Great! You’re finally in!”

Xiao Hai punched the air.

Smoker Xie, who had been watching the whole process, let out a sigh of relief.

In an instant, the entire sky of the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds rotated.

The misty s.p.a.ce of the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds suddenly boiled like a pot of hot oil stimulated by ice water.

The power of sealing G.o.ds descended in all directions, directly enveloping Qin Yu.

The tentacles on Qin Yu’s body wiggled. His flagged body was now emitting a Life Aura.

It clashed with the holy energy that was destroying Qin Yu’s power. This was the full-power strike of the Human Saint, Jue Chen’s Shadowless Divine Hand.

This kind of confrontation also caused a huge change in the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds. However, the power of sealing G.o.ds quickly gained an advantage in s.p.a.ce.

After a short confrontation, the power of the Human Saint, Jue Chen, was quickly wiped out.

When the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds was about to absorb the power, Sir Dagger released a crazy shout.

“I’ll gladly accept this power!”

The full-powered attack that contained saintly might instantly enter its body.

Almost at the same time, Jue Chen’s body shook when he was still in the Eight Desolates Beast Domain.

Then, he let out a crazy roar. The holy power was devoured!

Even in the pa.s.sage, he could still feel that power.

However, that power had completely disappeared in an instant.

This also meant it would take him another hundred years to gather this power again.

“I will remember the saber you swung at the human race.”

Liu Bai carried the old Daist and moved away from Jue Chen.


Jue Chen’s face flashed with a trace of gloominess. This time, it was simply a loss to the extreme.

He originally wanted to s.n.a.t.c.h the incomplete page of the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds when Qin Yu was in a desperate situation.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to come to this area with his true form.

In the end, he still failed at the last step. This was difficult for him to accept.

“Hahahaha! Finally, there is a decent force!”

Sir Dagger laughed out loud. With a long howl, it entered Qin Yu’s body. At this moment, the dagger’s body was changing as if it was rea.s.sembling into a new form.

Xiao Hai frowned slightly at this turn of events. However, he did not continue to care about this weapon after seeing that the dagger had no ill intentions towards Qin Yu.

“What a wonderful performance! He managed to survive after dancing on the tip of three blades that surpa.s.sed the power of a Saint!”

Smoker Xie’s face was filled with excitement. It had been a long time since he last had such an emotional fluctuation.

Perhaps he would have no regrets even if he died to be able to experience something like this once.

“Miracles always happen to people like him, don’t they?”

Xiao Hai chuckled as he looked at Qin Yu.

He suddenly returned to the scene of Qin Yu risking his life to save him during the decisive battle in Nanzhou.

Even Xiao Hai himself could not believe this battle could achieve such a result.

At this moment, Qin Yu’s body was emitting some kind of change. His powers of creation were constantly undergoing subtle changes.

His powers of creation experienced hundreds of millions of changes every second.

At this moment, they could use this power without restraint since the giant of the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds was not here.

Xiao Hai did not waste time and sat cross-legged, entering cultivation with Qin Yu.

This time, the cultivation lasted for nearly three months before Qin Yu woke up.

When he opened his eyes, countless b.u.t.terflies and three-eyed crows circled him. Leaves fluttered everywhere.

When Qin Yu’s peak power was released, the b.u.t.terflies and the three-eyed crows landed on Smoker Xie’s body.

“Is this a new life?”

Smoker Xie’s voice trembled. He had never seen such heaven-defying peak power in his entire life.

Even the level 15 peak power recorded did not have the power to create new lives.

But now, this kind of thing had become a reality in front of him. This almost made him feel like he was living in a dream.

“Smoker Xie.”

Qin Yu kept the powers of creation back in his hand.

He had been cultivating all this time. Now only he realized that this was the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds’ s.p.a.ce.

“Is the giant injured?”

In this s.p.a.ce, Qin Yu’s thoughts were like lightning.

With just a thought, he could roughly guess what had happened.

“Yes. A powerful force suddenly rushed out of your body at the last moment. That force was even stronger than the power of sealing G.o.ds and directly injured it!”

When Smoker Xie talked about that power, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

Qin Yu nodded. At this moment, his divine sense was looking at his body.

However, he could not detect that trace of energy no matter how hard he searched.

Qin Yu said with a bitter smile.

The power might surpa.s.s the level 8 G.o.d realm to make his Guardian father value it. Otherwise, he could not injure the terrifying giant from the Primordial Chaos stage with a single strike.

However, there was a trick to this. The power of sealing G.o.ds was fighting between the Path of Heaven’s power and the human race’s righteous qi.

These two forces had already consumed a lot of the power of the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds. Therefore, the giant was injured when that trace of power suddenly awakened. Otherwise, the outcome of this game was unknown.

“Qin Yu, you’re awake! Your battle was too exciting. You already have a place as the main character of this world.”

At this moment, Xiao Hai had already sensed Qin Yu’s internal qi. He revealed a smile.

“Big brother Xiao Hai, I would have died countless times if it wasn’t for you.”

Qin Yu’s eyes were a little red.

Xiao Hai had silently protected him so many times since they were in the ghost realm. Now that he was talking to him, Qin Yu suddenly wanted to cry.

“Haha! We’re both from Nanzhou, so there’s no need to be so formal. Nanzhou’s reputation will protect the human race and create miracles in this era.”

Xiao Hai laughed.


Qin Yu clenched his fists. At this moment, he felt a power he had never felt before.

“Big Brother Xiao Hai, how is the situation with the Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds?”

Qin Yu wanted to hear Xiao Hai’s opinion.

Xiao Hai was top-notch in terms of talent and a.n.a.lysis. Otherwise, he would not have the t.i.tle of Legend of Nanzhou.

“The Invest.i.ture of G.o.ds is a super brain. Everyone who enters here can use this power. It is not limited to anyone. The story that Smoker Xie told is not accurate.”

Xiao Hai’s words immediately made Qin Yu and Smoker Xie’s hearts skip a beat.

My Rich Wife Chapter 2838: Xiao Hai's Judgment

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My Rich Wife Chapter 2838: Xiao Hai's Judgment summary

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