Star Odyssey Chapter 3078: Pursuit

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Chapter 3078: Pursuit

Lu Yin had not encountered Ji Luo, Shao Yin, or any of the other partic.i.p.ants of the Divine Selection, as they had all hidden themselves.

Even for someone as powerful as Ji Luo, death could come at any moment on the current battlefield.

Also, the partic.i.p.ants of the Divine Selection were undoubtedly targets for the Immemorial Citadel’s powerhouses. Even if the Ossis Ark contained many powerful experts, not all of them could rival the Seven SkyG.o.ds, whereas the partic.i.p.ants of the Divine Selection were quite close to that level.

It was time for Lu Yin to move again. He had stayed in the same place for two hours, and he could not linger any longer.

Just as he was about to leave, a sense of danger fell upon him. This feeling had become all too familiar to Lu Yin after he arrived at the Immemorial Citadel’s battlefield. Every attack that approached him gave him this sensation.

He scanned the area with Heaven’s Sight, and he immediately noticed a pair of eyes staring at him from the distance. They belonged to an old man. He looked weathered and quite frail, to the point where he looked like he might collapse at any moment. However, when the old man stared at Lu Yin, his gaze brought about a sense of imminent danger.

Lu Yin did not hesitate, and he simply fled. He had no intention of fighting against any of the powerhouses from the Immemorial Citadel. All of them were the most powerful experts of their generation from the multiple eras of human civilization.

The old man sighed. "You joined the Divine Selection, and yet you don't even want to fight? You are too cautious."

Lu Yin ignored the man and instead picked up his speed.

The old man's eyes flashed. "A peak powerhouse who’s mastered a comprehension technique? You can't be allowed to live."

With that, the old man’s hand rose up, and he pinched his fingers together as though he was grabbing something.

Lu Yin suddenly froze when he was trying to escape, and his face contorted with pain. He clutched at his chest. He was suffering from an indescribable agony that felt like his heart was being burnt by the sun. He could not see any sign of an attack. There was no battle technique, no sequence particles, no Progenitor’s world. There was nothing.

How was he being attacked?

He turned around to look at the old man.

The old man was also staring at Lu Yin, his hand stretched out in Lu Yin's direction.

Realization suddenly struck Lu Yin. This was a comprehension technique. The old man was attacking with a comprehension technique. That was why Heaven’s Sight could not see anything.

The old man's technique targeted Lu YIn’s heart, though that was not quite right. It was much like how Lu Yin’s Setting Sun seemed to burn his enemies, but they were not actually being burnt.

Lu Yin quickly raised his hand, and he mirrored the old man's position as he used Setting Sun.

Once again, the darkness of outer s.p.a.ce was illuminated by a beautiful, warm sunset. The old man found the sight beautiful, but also terrifying.

"You can still attack while under my Burning Heart’s effects?" the old man exclaimed as he tried to evade Setting Sun. However, there was no escape from the sunset. As Setting Sun disappeared, the horizon was illuminated by the afterglow.

When Setting Sun disappeared, the old man grew pale, and he involuntarily took several steps back as blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yin also coughed up blood, but he also used Inverse Step to escape as quickly as possible.

The old man wanted to attack again, but Lu Yin had already disappeared.

The man was stunned. What was with that cloaked figure’s speed? No, he had used a movement technique that not even the old man could see through. Aeternus had gained another difficult expert, and realizing this ruined the old man’s mood.

Lu Yin was similarly frustrated. A peak powerhouse who had mastered a comprehension technique was chasing after him. It appeared that Lu Yin was being targeted precisely because of his own comprehension technique.

Comprehension techniques were difficult to find, as they could not be taught to another, and they were not easy to learn. However, once they were mastered, they made a person both powerful and unpredictable in battle.

The Immemorial Citadel greatly valued comprehension techniques as well.

There was no doubt in Lu Yin’s mind that the old man was still pursuing him. In fact, it was possible that even more people had been sent after Lu Yin.

Lu Yin decided that he would not hide any longer. Given the current situation, no one from Aeternus would still be observing him, and if he continued to hide his strength, the slightest mistake could result in his death.

Over the next few days, Lu Yin used Inverse Step to evade conflicts, while also using Heaven's Sight to move to locations with the fewest number of sequence particles. Always, he remained as far away from the Immemorial Citadel as possible.

The old man remained in pursuit of Lu Yin, but he could never catch up.

There were still two weeks left of the Divine Selection, and if Lu Yin continued to hide, he just might be able to survive.

However, this could not be all that there was to the Divine Selection.

One day, a dark red light glow appeared on Lu Yin’s chest. It came from the slitted crimson eye that Di Qiong had given him before the start of the Divine Selection, though he had not received any explanation about its functions.

Lu Yin pulled out the crimson eye. This particular item was not just the symbol of Aeternus, as it was also a communication device, much like the Origin Universe’s wireless jincans and communication crystals.

"All remaining partic.i.p.ants of the Divine Selection are to attack the southeast corner of the Immemorial Citadel. Failure to appear there will mean forfeiting the a.s.sessment."

Lu Yin was not surprised. If the partic.i.p.ants of the Divine Selection were allowed to hide until the end, the a.s.sessment would lose all meaning. On top of that, the number of people who had pa.s.sed the previous Divine Selections would not be so small.

He looked at the majestic Immemorial Citadel that stood in the distance. The southeast corner?

Given Lu Yin’s current position, he would soon arrive at the specified location by going straight towards the citadel. However, he instead turned and went in another direction.

Only a fool would attack the Immemorial Citadel. Even if Lu Yin was not a human, attacking was suicide.

This was the real challenge of the Divine Selection. The first half of the month had been for the partic.i.p.ants to adapt to the battlefield, but even that had caused half of them to be eliminated.

At the moment, only four partic.i.p.ants remained: Shao Yin, w.a.n.g Fan, Ji Luo, and the disguised Lu Yin. He wondered if the others would attack the Immemorial Citadel.

Lu Yin decided to go elsewhere. In fact, he intended to go as far from the citadel’s southeast corner as possible.

He had no thought of actually trying to pa.s.s the Divine Selection, as he did not want to face True G.o.d.

Lu Yin continued moving around the battlefield for several more days, and he unwittingly arrived at the Immemorial Citadel’s northwest corner, which was the furthest point from the southeast corner.

Just one day ago, a fierce battle had broken out at the southeast corner. Through Heaven’s Sight, Lu Yin had seen Ji Luo's sword flicker about, as well as Shao Yin's sequence particles. However, Lu Yin had only caught a fleeting glimpse of the battle before it was obscured by countless sequence particles.

There were simply too many sequence particles around the Immemorial Citadel.

In contrast, the northwest corner of the Immemorial Citadel was very quiet. There were still sequence particles continuously gathering to the southeast corner, which suggested that more combatants were being sent there. Thus, the northwest corner was relatively peaceful.

Lu Yin rested for two days while occasionally glancing at the distant battle. As he looked around the area, he spotted a familiar sight: w.a.n.g Fan.

The Progenitor had also not gone to the southeast corner, instead moving away from it just like Lu Yin.

What a coincidence.

It appeared that w.a.n.g Fan similarly had no intention of pa.s.sing the Divine Selection.

Compared to the rest of the individuals challenging the Divine Selection, w.a.n.g Fan was relatively weak, as he was not even a Sequence Progenitor. In fact, Lu Yin wondered why Progenitor Xi had even allowed w.a.n.g Fan to partic.i.p.ate as a representative of the First Scourge.

Even w.a.n.g Xiaoyu would have been a better choice; she had at least cultivated divine energy, which would allow her to defend against sequence particles.

When Lu Yin noticed w.a.n.g Fan, w.a.n.g Fan also saw him.

The Progenitor approached, which caused Lu Yin to frown, though he did not move away. Instead, Lu Yin allowed w.a.n.g Fan to get closer.

"I am w.a.n.g Fan, from the First Scourge. Are you the Third Scourge’s Di Xia?" w.a.n.g Fan asked as he approached.

Lu Yin turned to face w.a.n.g Fan directly. "Yes, I am."

w.a.n.g Fan looked quite happy at the answer. "It seems that you also have no intention of trying to pa.s.s this selection."

Lu Yin replied in a hoa.r.s.e voice, "No confidence."

w.a.n.g Fan sighed. "That’s precisely it. That’s why both of us decided to not join the fray."

Lu Yin stared at w.a.n.g Fan. "Why did you join the Divine Selection?"

w.a.n.g Fan's expression fell. "A trick of fate."

He had not wanted to join the Divine Selection.

The Sixverse a.s.sociation’s invasion of the First Scourge had exposed w.a.n.g Fan as a traitor, which was why he could not return to the Sixverse a.s.sociation. He had been stranded in the First Scourge.

The First Scourge had also been sealed off. All of the human powerhouses who had joined Aeternus had perished during the invasion, leaving only w.a.n.g Fan and Shao Yin alive.

Shao Yin was a sequence powerhouse, and he far surpa.s.sed w.a.n.g Fan. While w.a.n.g Fan was strong on his own, he had never cultivated divine energy, and he also had not managed to become a Sequence Progenitor. Thus, he was quite insignificant in the First Scourge.

As for his achievements, no one mentioned anything.

w.a.n.g Fan had betrayed humanity and joined Aeternus because he had once been saved by Forgotten Ruins G.o.d when he had faced death on the Perennial World’s rear battlefield. When confronted by his family’s founding ancestor, the young w.a.n.g Fan had not had any intention of resisting. He had followed his ancestor's thoughts and intention as his own. Besides that, w.a.n.g Fan possessed no sense of loyalty or righteousness.

He had been easily swayed to betray humanity.

While w.a.n.g Fan had later regretted his decision, he had already betrayed humanity, and that was a label that he could never wash away. Without any other choice, he could only continue down his dark path.

At first, everything had seemed to be going well. w.a.n.g Fan had successfully caused w.a.n.g Si to remember her mother's past, and then he had instigated the four ruling powers to go after the Lu family. The Lu family had successfully been exiled, which had allowed the w.a.n.g family to rise to power.

Unfortunately, everything had been ruined by Lu Xiaoxuan. w.a.n.g Fan had hoped to kill Lu Tianyi when the Sixverse a.s.sociation invaded the First Scourge, and by doing so, become a hero of Aeternus. Unfortunately, Lu Tianyi had seen through those intentions.

From the Daosource Sect era to the current era, w.a.n.g Fan had carried out many tasks for Aeternus, though none had succeeded.

While the Lu family had successfully been banished, they had later returned, stronger than ever. On top of that, Lu Xiaoxuan had become Lu Yin, who had risen up to become a major threat to Aeternus as a whole.

w.a.n.g Fan’s attempt to Lu Tianyi had failed, and he had also been exposed, which forced him to seek refuge in the First Scourge.

w.a.n.g Fan's betrayal of humanity had accomplished absolutely nothing, and no one acknowledged his efforts at all.

Even so, the man was proud and ambitious. After openly joining Aeternus, he had insisted on staying as w.a.n.g Fan, and he had refused to cultivate divine energy or allow Aeternus to control him. He wanted to become a sequence powerhouse and eventually attain the same level of strength as the Seven SkyG.o.ds.

Progenitor Xi had seen w.a.n.g Fan’s ambition, and she had offered him the opportunity to partic.i.p.ate in the Divine Selection.

However, the man had never intended to genuinely partic.i.p.ate in this Divine Selection. If he actually challenged the selection, he would only do so after becoming a Sequence Progenitor.

Taking the selection at w.a.n.g Fan’s current level of strength was simply seeking death.

However, Progenitor Xi had not given w.a.n.g Fan any choice in the matter. Aside from him and Shao Yin, there was no one else the First Scourge could send as representatives.

Though reluctant, w.a.n.g Fan had joined the Divine Selection.

For a moment, w.a.n.g Fan’s thoughts swirled as he recalled his entire life.

Lu Yin's eyes glinted dangerously. During the Daosource Sect era, of the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas, Progenitor Chen and Progenitor Ku had been the most talented and most powerful. However, while all of the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas had shared the same t.i.tle, people like Xia Shenji and w.a.n.g Fan could not compare to Progenitor Chen or Progenitor Ku.

If not for the shared t.i.tle, Progenitor Chen and Progenitor Ku would have never been placed on the same level as Xia Shenji and w.a.n.g Fan.

w.a.n.g Fan was not a weak Progenitor, and he was also quite cunning and sneaky. He had kept the fact that Specter Progenitor was his shadow clone secret for many years. Even so, w.a.n.g Fan was not quite as strong as Xia Shenji, and he had not yet managed to become a Sequence Progenitor.

Of the sequence powerhouses Lu Yin had ever met, such as Old Mo and Ancestor Tianyi, nearly all of them had lived for a very long time. Even Shao Yin and the other Sovereigns had lived for much longer than w.a.n.g Fan and those from his era. For w.a.n.g Fan’s cultivation time, Arch-Elder Zen was the perfect example of an average cultivator.

Arch-Elder Zen had started cultivating during the Daosource Sect era, and he had only broken through to become a Progenitor in recent years.

The time he had taken was not much different from what w.a.n.g Fan and his peers had used to become Progenitors. It was possible that w.a.n.g Fan or some of his peers were more talented and had cultivated slightly quicker, but such differences were irrelevant given the level of time being considered.

If Arch-Elder Zen wanted to become a Sequence Progenitor, it would take him an extremely long time.

The same was true for w.a.n.g Fan and Xia Shenji.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Nes.h.i.+/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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