Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2024 Origin Card: My Space

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Chapter 2024  Origin Card: My s.p.a.ce

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 16:02

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Air s.p.a.ce

The variant artificial energy core monopolized by Cervos's family was the reason why Cervos was able to raise his realm from the Card master realm to the Card emperor realm. This was known to everyone in the crowd gathered at the edge of the void of Sky Blossom City's air s.p.a.ce. However, what they did not know was how could a card master carry a variant artificial energy core that held the capacity to rise his realm to the Card emperor realm. After all, Crevos's grimoire was a golden grimoire meaning it could only equip cards of A-rank at max, but a variant artificial energy core with the capacity to raise one's realm to card emperor realm should be at least an SS-rank card. Regardless of how one tried to explain how Crevos could use an SS-rank variant artificial energy core despite the limits of his golden grimoire, no one could come up with a half-decent answer. This question haunted the crowd and their family elders back home. After all, who would not want to know the secret to overcome the limits of a grimoire? Even though many were desperate for the answer none dared to resort to desperate means fearing the family behind Cervos. After all, they weren't just one of the top families in the Southern Region but also one of the world leaders. No one was desperate enough to make an enemy of them over what could be a simple trick that was only fit for Cervos. After all, only Cervos was capable of this in his family and no one else in his family could replicate his combo. And they were right to think so. The reason why Cervos was able to care for an SS-rank variant artificial energy core that would help him temporarily rise his realm from card master to card emperor realm was because of his origin card, My s.p.a.ce. [ Card Name: My s.p.a.ce

 Card Type: Origin card  Card Rank: Unique grade

 Card Rate: -/-  Card durability: -/-  Card Effect: i) The user gains a personal sub-s.p.a.ce of 250,000 ft3. ii) The sub-s.p.a.ce coordinate is locked to the user. Allowing them to access it anywhere anytime. iii) The user can directly access things stored in the sub-s.p.a.ce. Restriction: i) No living being can enter the sub-s.p.a.ce.

ii) The user can only store things that belong to them inside the sub-s.p.a.ce.  Note: i) The s.p.a.ce inside the sub-s.p.a.ce will increase with the realm of the user. ii) The time flow inside the sub-s.p.a.ce will be the same as the time flow influencing the user.]

Cervos's origin card was the reason why only he in his family was able to use an SS-rank variant artificial energy core overcoming the limitation of his realm and golden grimoire. This unique feat allowed him to become one of the heir candidates to be trained by his family. Ultimately, becoming the source of his arrogance. The reason Cervos's private sub-s.p.a.ce was able to help him use an SS-rank variant artificial energy core was because of Cervos's ingenious idea to recruit a decent array master in his family to help him create an SS-rank variant artificial energy core as a physical item instead of a tradition item card using an array formation. By doing this Cervos could store the SS-rank variant artificial energy core in his sub-s.p.a.ce and access it from within his sub-s.p.a.ces to help him recover his soul energy or temporarily raise his realm. Can other card apprentices not do the same with storage cards? No, because the storage card would not allow them to directly access the SS-rank variant artificial energy core item stored in them to help them recover their soul energy or temporarily raise their realm like Cervos sub-s.p.a.ce can. They would have to summon the item out of the storage card to use it, which was not practical in a fight. Though Cervos's sub-s.p.a.ce had many restrictions it was unique this way. Cervos's subs.p.a.ce not only helped him store and use an SS-rank variant artificial energy core but it also allowed him to store the refined corpse of an SSS-rank nine-winged devil dragon. This was how he could fake summon the SSS-rank nine-winged devil dragon. Fake summon? Cervos only retrieved the SSS-rank nine-winged devil dragon from his sub-s.p.a.ce but he acted like he summoned to confuse the He did not want to reveal his origin card to the onlookers. This was also the main reason why the people had misunderstood that Cervos able to overcome the limitations of a golden-grade grimoire. Not to mention it would keep his opponents guessing making him an enigma in their eyes. Usually, monster corpse possession puppetry works on by a card apprentice possessing a monster corpse puppet but Cervous could not do so in the case of the SSS-rank nine-winged devil dragon as beyond the limitation of what his grimoire can equip. So, Cervos had the elders of his family procure an intact corpse of an SSS-rank nine-winged devil dragon and refine it using array formation so that it would not rot. This way Cervos could store the SSS-rank nine-winged devil dragon in his sub-s.p.a.ce and retrieve it when he needs it.

No matter how incredible the corpse possession skill card was, an A-rank Corspe possession skill card would not allow a Card Master to possess an SSS-rank monster corpse. However, Cervos found a way around it by using the SS-rank variant artificial energy core to temporarily raise his rank to the Card emperor realm such that he could use an A-rank Corspe possession card to temporarily possess the corpse of an SSS-rank nine-winged devil dragon. By this means Cervos was able to rise to the rank of most promising youths of the present generation. He was an example that one did not need to be talented to achieve greatness, his unique approach to use his origin card to its maximum allowed him to enjoy the same treat as that of a genius. 

Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2024 Origin Card: My Space

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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2024 Origin Card: My Space summary

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