Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2074 Honesty

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Chapter 2074  Honesty

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 17:56

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Air s.p.a.ce

The Royal Instructor was never considered a genius. He was just another regular kid from a humble family with a strong thirst for knowledge. He did not allow anything in his life to come between his quest for knowledge not even his family, friends, or lover. However, the Royal Instructor never let it cross into the taboo and managed to keep it in check. Because of such drive and control, he was able to achieve so much despite his humble being. Many believe it was also what kept him alive longer than the others of his time. Card DemiG.o.ds had a long lifespan though not comparable to the insanely long lifespans enjoyed by Viltronians but none of the demiG.o.ds were known to enjoy it to completion. They were considered lucky if they were able to enjoy a third of it. The Royal Instructor was one of these lucky people. However, from the looks of it, his old injuries were slowly catching up to him. If he did not achieve a minor breakthrough in his active soul control soon, he might not live to see the next century. However, the Royal Instructor did not fear death, his only regret would be he was never able to recreate the myth of the Celestial Rule Domain himself. Yet, he did not bother to search for a perfect answer that would satisfy Wyatt instead answered from his heart because he knew honesty was his best ally here. However, the Royal Instructor did not fear death, his only regret would be he was never able to recreate the myth of the Celestial Rule Domain himself. Yet, he did not bother to search for a perfect answer that would satisfy Wyatt instead answered from his heart because he knew honesty was his best ally here. The Royal Instructor had fought for resources with his peers for his strength, with the neighboring region for the Southern Region, and with devils and their wors.h.i.+ppers for the Card World. All three of them were dear to him, Asking him to choose between these three was like asking him to choose between his father and mother. One would never know the answer to these kinds of questions until such a situation arises. Hence, his answer. Listening to the Royal Instructor's answer, the Field Marshal nodded in understanding even though she would preach to her soldier to choose the Southern Region over anything, anybody, and in any situation. She and other demiG.o.ds along with the Royal Instructor waited for Wyatt's response with grim expression. With them realizing, Wyatt's words have begun to hold a lot of weight and sway in their minds and hearts. "Good enough!" Wyatt declared, causing the demiG.o.ds to sigh in relief especially, the Royal Instructor. The only thing stopping him from the knowledge he sought had been cleared. The Royal Instructor's gut was correct. Wyatt's intent behind his question could not be clearer, he wanted to see what kind of person the Royal Instructor was so if he were to answer what he believed would satisfy then he would fail as anything but honesty would only make him a liar who would say and do anything to get what he wants in Wyatt's eyes. However, seeing that he could be honest when the stakes were this high showed that he was a genuine person or a very calculating one. There was no way to be certain but it was good enough for Wyatt. Wyatt had to prepare the world for the possible second demon invasion. That involved helping the strong of the card world grow stronger to face the incoming threat. He had to start somewhere and starting with his allies seemed as a good plan as any. The demiG.o.ds were celebrating that the Royal Instructor's answer satisfied Wyatt but their expression turned complicated hearing Wyatt say, "Field Marshal, please isolate our surroundings. I don't trust these guys yet."

Before the demiG.o.ds could complain, the Field Marshal, isolated the Wyatt, Royal Instructor, and herself from the rest. Ransom banged on her domain yelling, "Mother, let me in. What kind of mother doesn't trust her son?" Wyatt used his soul pupils to check the isolation was through and the other demiG.o.ds could not eavesdrop on them before proceeding to ask, "Tell me what did you not understand about my mastery of the 'One with the World' state being greater than yours?" Inside the isolated s.p.a.ce, the Royal Instructor's stern face now had a gentle smile but listening to Wyatt's question he frowned a little, wondering if Wyatt was testing him again but he felt belittled to be asked such a question. Still, maintaining his gentle smile he prepared to reply. However, before the Royal Instructor could speak the Field Marshal not wanting a misunderstanding to arise between Wyatt and her instructor elaborated on the Royal Instructor's behalf, "Wyatt, your mastery of the 'One with the World' state can't be greater than that of the Royal Instructor who has been practicing it for many centuries while it hasn't been a year since you became a card apprentice. Even I, despite the help from my high-grade ego gem and unique eyes had to practice for centuries before catching up to him in terms of mastery of the 'One with the World' yet I still do not dare to say I am as skillful as him." "Oh, I see what's the confusion here," Wyatt nodded understanding what was the problem. Then, he pointed it out to the duo, "Why do you keep letting the incomplete knowledge limit you? Especially, when you know it is incomplete." "Wyatt, details," the Field Marshal rolled her eyes and exaggeratedly demanded Wyatt to stop with the mystery and explain himself. She had been lectured by Wyatt so many times that she no longer felt shame like she did the first time. "Increasing one's mastery of 'One with the World' state through regular practice was the traditional method. In the Myriad Realm, there are other ways to increase one's mastery through external means. I happened to be lucky enough to use one of those said external means to increase my mastery of the 'One with the World' state both spiritually and physically," Wyatt revealed only to hear the Field Marshal and the Royal Instructor exclaim simultaneously, "Impossible." 

Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2074 Honesty

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