Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2178 Kiss Me!

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Chapter 2178  Kiss Me!

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 10:25

"I am done here, let us get started now," Susan finally got rid of Wyatt's arm around her waist and moved to Park's side while fixing her clothes that had gotten messy during the struggle. "..." Wyatt quietly watch her reminiscing her soft lips.

"You guys, this is none of my business, Corey might kill me if she learns I suggested this to you guys but why don't you guys go on a proper date instead of trying to sneak around in between work like this," Park pointed out what they were doing was wrong.

They were sneaking around as if they were doing something wrong when if they really liked each other they should be going out on a proper date like any regular people would, that way they would not have to worry about being interrupted or caught in an awkward position. "That is a great idea," Wyatt exclaimed, forgiving Park for her interruption earlier. However, he did not expect Susan to say, " Forget it. Park, let us go prepare for the presentation." Susan left in a hurry after saying those words, Park had no choice but to follow behind her while shaking her head at Wyatt, as if saying, 'Don't blame me, I tried to help.' Wyatt stood there, feeling whole world was crus.h.i.+ng down on him, not knowing what to make of Susan's words. He wondered if she did not want to discuss their relations.h.i.+p in front of Park or if it something he did. Was he too forceful just now? Did he make her uncomfortable? He was usually confident around women, but in front of the woman that mattered to him he could not display a similar confidence. It was like his IQ and EQ were suppressed by half when it came to her. Currently, he was just another man trying to figure out the woman he liked. What happened just now wasn't a big deal, but he could not help but feel that way. Fortunately, he wasn't some teenager with little experience who in a moment of confusion would turn a small matter into a big deal. At the least, he was experienced enough not to let it affect his work. Therefore, Wyatt left the seed world deciding to throw himself in to rule comprehension and wait for the time when Susan was ready to talk to him about it. That was the best thing he could do about it as of now. Seeing how she hurried away from him, she clearly wasn't prepared to talk to him about it yet. So, going behind her would not help him.

Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2178 Kiss Me!

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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2178 Kiss Me! summary

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