Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 686 Favor

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Chapter 686 Favor

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 21:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, Southern Watch military base.

"Favor? Not only do you disrespect me, but you dare to ask a favor. Boy, your skin is thick. Come on, lay it on me. I want to hear what outlandish demand you want to make." Lorenzo was more expressive of his thoughts in the presence of Anna's twin compared to Anna herself.

"Old gentleman, I will keep it short. Could you teach me array formation?" Yes, Anna did warn me that I would have to flatter Lorenzo for him even to consider teaching me array formation. But things had already deviated from the original path.

"Old gentleman? That's a new one. I don't know whether to consider it disrespectful or not? But my answer is a big fat no! I don't want a disrespectful disciple like you. I would instead teach array formation to a stone over you." Lorenzo made his intentions clear to me.

"Fine, I will ask your granddaughter. After all, she will be my professor in three months. I bet she is more generous and approachable than you." Anna did say that Luna is too busy to teach me array formation. Well, Anna said many things, but none of it was going accordingly, so I had to improvise.

"You stay the h.e.l.l away from my grandbaby. She is too pure and will easily be tainted in your company. I forbid you from ever uttering her name. Stay the heck away from her." Lorenzo yelled frantically.

"Whoa! Where is that coming from? And who are you to decide for Dr. Lorn? I will meet her now and decide on our schedule to begin on array formation." I didn't heed Lorenzo's protest. This petty old man could not stop me from pursuing knowledge.

"You win! I will teach you array formation." Lorenzo gave in as he could not imagine his grandbaby spending long hours teaching array formation to the hooligan who bewitched Anna and Ann. Not to mention, array formation is the most romantic field of all.

"Nope, you don't seem sincere enough. Step aside. I will find Luna." I reject Lorenzo's offer. Now that I knew what got his strings strained, I was unwilling to settle.

"What? Kid, here take this. It contains all my books on basic to advanced array formation. Am I sincere enough now?" Lorenzo hurriedly handed me a storage card. Calming that it had books on all his understanding, research, and findings from basic to advanced array formation.

"Um… okay. So when do we start our sessions? If you are free, I would like to start right away." After inspecting the storage card, I agreed to let Lorenzo teach me.

"First, go through all the materials I have given you. If you have any doubts, come find me." Seeing my sullen expression, Lorenzo added, " don't expect me to spoon-feed me. Don't you pride yourself as a genius? A genius would not require me to spoon-feed him. Would he now?"

"..." Seeing the smug smile on Lorenzo's shameless face, I wanted to slap him hard, but I controlled myself as the materials on basic to advanced array formation was enough for me. I could handle the learning part by myself.

"What? If you have nothing else to say, I will head back to my post." My glare only made Lorenzo happier. He thought he pulled one over me. But I will give him the greatest shock of his life, a surprise so big that he will start to question his reality.

"..." I glared at Lorenzo's back as he flew deeper into the base.

"Grandpa's notes are very detailed and self-explanatory. You will not require step-by-step guidance. As he said, if you have any doubt, you can reach out to him or me. However, my knowledge of array formation is not on par with my grandpa. But I am confident that I can solve some of your doubts as long as it is limited to advanced array formation." Anna's twin tried to console me. And offered her help with regards to doubts about an array formation.

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"Hi, sorry for the late introduction, but I am Wyatt, Dalton Wyatt." I indirectly reminded Anna's twin that she did not introduce herself.

"Sorry for my lack of manners, I am Ann, Anna's twin sister." Ann wanted her suitor to treat her like a person rather than Anna's summons or worse, a card. Therefore she lied.

"Ms. Ann, nice meeting you. Forgive my rude remarks earlier. Anna never mentioned that she had a twin." I apologized to Ann for calling her Anna's impersonator earlier.

"No need to apologize. You didn't know. And I should have introduced myself earlier." Unlike Anna, Ann sounded polite and humble. If you compare the twin's fas.h.i.+on styles and speech patterns, you can notice that despite their external similarities, they are opposite to each other personality-wise. Ann was everything Anna wasn't. That included boring and plain. I didn't mean it as an insult to Ann, but it was my observation.

"Thank you, Ms. Ann. You are too polite. It's getting dark. I should head back." I made an excuse to take my leave. But hearing my words, Ann's face expressed disappointment.

"Master Wyatt, I was about to have dinner. Would you care to join me?" Ann invited me to dinner out of nowhere.

"Sure, why not? I have a takeout of monster meat steaks with me. We can share it." Ann did save me from Lorenzo, so I couldn't bring myself to reject her.

"Oh! That's great." Ann replied excitedly. She seemed thrilled to hear me accept her dinner invite. Then I followed her into a standard military tent. Entering it, I was surprised to see the inside of the tent was more s.p.a.cious than it appeared from the outside.

"Tammy, bring dinner for two," Ann ordered her personal aid to make arrangements for dinner for two.

"Right away, madam." Ann's aid replied politely and hurried to make the necessary arrangements for the dinner.

"Master Wyatt, please make yourself home," Anna said, seeing me look around the tent with curiosity.


Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 686 Favor

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