Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1123 Chased Out

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Chapter 1123 Chased Out

"The essence of the Twilight Faction?" Grey didn't expect the young man to ask him this.

The young man felt a bit irritated when he saw Grey's expression, "If you don't want you can  leave, I'll dissipate soon."

Grey was shocked by the young man's words, "You're not real?"

"Of course not! Is something wrong with your head?" The young man looked at Grey strangely, adding, "I'm like a spiritual body. Once you've taken the armor, I'll dissipate. The armor was the only thing sustaining me for so long."

"Oh, okay." Grey still continued looking at him, and he advanced, almost trying to touch the young man's body.

The eyes of the young man twitched when he saw how Grey was examining him like a specimen, he calmed himself and asked again, "Do you want to learn it or not?"

Grey nodded, "Yes, senior, I do."

"Good, I can sense you have the lightning element. Condense a lightning orb." The young man instructed.

Grey did as instructed, creating a lightning orb in his hand.

The young man looked at it and said, "You've been helped by the previous tests, but you still lack control over your essence. The top priority of the Twilight Faction is getting perfect control over your elemental essence. Since I'm a Lightning Elementalist, I'll use the element I'm more proficient in to help you."

He opened his palm, and a lightning orb appeared on his palm. It was extremely docile.

"Touch it." He said to Grey.

Grey looked at the young man, unsure of what to do. When he sensed the young man's gaze, he threw caution to the wind and touched it. His expression changed and his eyes widened when he did this.

"Impossible." He blurted out unconsciously.

His hand was currently in the lightning orb, but all he felt was a warm sensation. One has to know that the lightning element was a destructive element, no part of it was docile, but the one in the young man's hand was different. It almost felt like placing a hand in warm water.

"How's this possible?" He couldn't help but ask.

The young man chuckled, "This is what happens when you have a hundred percent control over your essence and element."

The young man tossed the orb to the side, what happened next shocked Grey to the core. The previously docile lightning orb gave off a frightening explosion. The strength of the blast was beyond Grey's expectations. However, that was not the only shocking thing, the range of the explosion was so well contained that other than feeling the strength of the explosion, Grey didn't feel its impact.

Seeing not just Grey's shocked face, but Void's and the bunny leader's also gave him a certain sense of satisfaction. The trio didn't give him the chance to show his abilities the last time and he was depressed because of that. He was a top expert, yet he was somewhat manhandled by these juniors. Now that he saw their dumbstruck expression over his abilities, he was satisfied with their reactions.

"Void, touch mine." Grey said with a playful smile.

"Touch it yourself." Void disappeared from Grey's side, going closer to the young man.

"You don't have to tell him to do that. You should naturally know when it's safe to do so. Doing this is not really the hard part, the hard part is containing your attack into a smaller range, maximizing the attack power." The young man chuckled as he explained.

Grey smiled, he was only joking with Void. He knew a thing or two about making his attacks docile, not on the young man's level, but he shouldn't be that bad. It was just like the young man said, the other parts are harder. Containing the attack within a particular range and making sure not even a single essence spills while attacking, was the true essence of what the young man was speaking about.

"Senior, can you teach me?" Grey asked humbly.

He wanted to learn all these so he would grow stronger.

"I can, but you will only be able to learn this after awakening your lightning element domain." The young man responded.

"I already have that." Grey activated his lightning domain, and the silver lightning arcs turned red in an instant.

Similar to his fire domain, he can alternate between the two types of lightning he has.

The young man looked at him, and even though he didn't have a heart since he was a spiritual body, he felt his heart throb. Grey was a freak! A freak among freaks!

"You can use two types of lightning?" He asked in a soft voice.

Void added by the side, "And fire. He also has two types of fire."

The young man didn't want to believe this, he looked at Grey, and Grey used his fire domain, changing between the normal and special type. He glared at Void while doing all this.

The young man felt his world collapse.

"You can use your domain to contain the attack…"

Basically, with the domain, Grey would be able to contain it. This would also help in making sure he doesn't spill out any essence while attacking. Of course, it wasn't as easy as it sounds, but that was the general idea.

Before Grey could even attempt it, the young man chased him away. He didn't want to speak with Grey any further. He felt he might break down if he continued speaking with Grey and Void.

He would've broken down if he had known that Grey also had a water domain. He could tell that Grey recently broke through to the Elemental Venerable Plane, at most, he would only awaken one domain, or maybe two during his breakthrough. He could also have awakened the domains even before breaking through to the Elemental Venerable Plane.


"He chased us out." Grey stared at the doors to the building. It was shut, and even the building slowly started to become illusionary.

"Let's go, Alice is waiting." Grey shook his head.

Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1123 Chased Out

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