Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1138 Learning An Earth Element Technique

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Chapter 1138 Learning An Earth Element Technique

Void looked at the turtle, after some time he replied. 

"I don't know." 

The turtle wasn't surprised he could talk, Void was different, from the moment it saw him, it could already feel he was special. 

"You should be from that place. I think you can only find out when you reach the stage." The turtle said. 

"What place?" Grey was the one who asked the question. 

"You're still too weak, you'll find out when you get strong enough." The turtle said in a mysterious manner. 

"Can you tell me?" Void asked. 

"There's no need for you to know about that information for now, it will not do you any good." The turtle replied, "I don't really know much about it, but I suspect that's where you're from." 

"Where's that?" Void asked. 

"There's a higher realm." The turtle thought for a while before saying, "When you get there, you will know why I said you're too weak to know about it now." 

"A higher realm?" Grey wore a confused expression. 

"Yes." The turtle replied but didn't want to say anything about it.

Void asked, but the turtle kept mute about it. 

"How long have you been here?" Grey asked. 

"I can't remember, I've been here for so long." The turtle shook its head. 

It had been here for a some time now, even before the fall of the Twilight Faction. 

"Alright, how can we advance to the next stage?" Grey didn't ask any more questions, going to the important part. 

The turtle explained the rules to Grey. Apparently, Grey was the only one who had entered this place. 

To get past this place, Grey would have to comprehend a technique pa.s.sed on to him by the turtle. 

The turtle was an Earth Elementalist, and was very proficient with the earth element. The technique it wanted to teach Grey had to do with the earth element. 

Grey listened to the teaching of the turtle, and after a while he paused. The turtle was teaching him a peak defense technique, and if Grey could learn it, his defense would increase. 

The turtle closed its eyes after it was done teaching Grey the technique. Unless Grey learned the technique and used it here, he would not be able to leave this place. 

Grey started to learn the technique, not wanting to waste any time. 


On another side. 

The old man's projection had a shocked expression on his face. 

"How did he get there?"

The place Grey appeared in wasn't part of the places people headed. This turtle was a beast he couldn't order so when creating this place, no one added the turtle to it. The turtle must've been the one who brought Grey over on its own. 

The reason Grey was taken there was most likely because of Void who was with him. The old man didn't know Void was the reason Grey was taken there. 

He was shocked by the fact that Grey was actually taken there. 

From what he was seeing, he could tell that the turtle was imparting a technique to Grey. 

This would make it the third technique Grey was learning, and all of them were top tier techniques in the place. The ice technique he learned in the ice building, the light technique he learned from the lady, and now he was learning an earth elemental technique from the turtle. 

He also saw Grey comprehending something from the last stage he appeared on, so there's a chance he got something good from there. 

"Who's luckier?" 

The old man looked at another location, there was Klaus who strolled into a place that was helping him increase his cultivation stage. 

In all the stages, this was the only place one could increase their cultivation stage. On a normal basis, those who appeared there would have to go through a tough test to try to get there. Not everyone could even get there after pa.s.sing through the test. 

Klaus on the other hand was taken directly to the place where he could increase his cultivation. This could make people pull their hair out in frustration, even the old man was a bit envious. 

The old man sighed, staring at the two. There was Alice who was not having a bad run as well. 

Other than these three, there were still a few who had caught the attention of the told man. Grey was a freakish ent.i.ty, after Grey, Klaus was the next one. 


Time ran as Grey was cultivating there. 

Before he knew it, a day had gone by. He hadn't been able to learn the technique at the moment. 

He opened his eyes and looked at the turtle. 

"Senior, I can't learn it in a short time. I have to leave soon." Grey shook his head in disappointment. 

"Don't worry, the time here is slower than outside." The turtle replied. 

"Time? There's a way to slow down time?" Grey was stunned. 

If he knew of a technique like this, wouldn't he be able to cultivate all he wanted?

The turtle nodded, "Don't get your hopes up, you can't learn it." 

Grey was a bit disappointed when he heard this, but he didn't speak about it any further. This was the first time he was hearing about anything related to slowing down time. He didn't think there would be anything like this. 

"One day here is two hours outside. So you don't have to worry." The turtle rea.s.sured Grey. 

Grey nodded and focused fully cultivating. He wanted to learn this technique. Even if he didn't perfect it, he wanted to at least get a few things on it. 

The technique involved increasing his body's strength. With that, his physical strength would skyrocket. 

The turtle didn't speak any further and closed its eyes when it saw that Grey had continued cultivating. 

The bunny leader and Void were playing around, not bothering with anything. They focused on playing. 

'Do you think we can take the turtle?' The bunny leader asked Void. 

Void looked at it and shook his head, "Difficult."


Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1138 Learning An Earth Element Technique

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1138 Learning An Earth Element Technique summary

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