Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1145 Beaten In All Ways

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Chapter 1145 Beaten In All Ways

Void, on the other hand, was not having an easy time since he was facing two people. He could handle himself against them, but it was a bit stressful. 

The bunny was going from one battle to another, watching the show. 

After Klaus and Reynolds. .h.i.t the young man, they didn't speak any further, attacking him once again. 

The young man smiled, the dark mist that came out started to spread at a fast pace. 

'Don't inhale it.' The bunny leader warned from the side. 

Klaus and Reynolds already knew this was not something they should take in, and are already working on ways to fight against it. Reynolds released his domain to fight against it, trying to stop it from touching them. 

Klaus on the other hand attacked the young man on his own. He might be the one with the best defense in the group, but it didn't mean he didn't have strong offensive powers. 

His heavy water was released as he tried to force the mist and the young man away from where they were. 

The young man seemed to blend into the dark mist and was out of sight. 

Klaus didn't panic as he spread the range of his water. Reynolds attacked at this time as well. 

Lightning fell from the sky, enveloping the place. 

The bunny leader quietly slipped away, it didn't want to be caught in the middle of the attacks. 

Klaus and Reynolds didn't put it in mind while attacking. If not for its reminder, they would've forgotten it was there. 

"Hehe, I'll kill you two slowly, just take your time. You can't find me, and you'll die soon enough." The young man's creepy voice sounded from the mist. 

They couldn't pinpoint the place the voice was coming from, the voice came from everywhere the mist was. Even the duo who were covered by the mist heard the voices in their eyes as if the young man was whispering into their ears from the side. 

Klaus covered himself with a thin film of transparent ice to ward off the dark mist. Reynolds did the same. 

They've noticed their efforts to try to stop the mist from growing were not working. Even with Klaus' heavy water and Reynolds' lightning, they couldn't stop it. 

Reynolds looked at Klaus, worried, "What do we do? I can't sustain this form for long." 

"Since he wants to hide, let's leave." Klaus started to walk off the second he said this. 

The young man who was hiding in the mist was taken aback, he didn't think of this. The duo could easily walk away from this place and no longer have to worry about him or his dark mist. 

Reynolds laughed, "Wait up." 

The young man moved and sent a cloud of mist over, trying to stop them.

Klaus didn't even bat an eye to the cloud of mist, he waved his right hand and a large ice wall appeared and blocked the mist. There was no way for it to touch them. 

The mist turned into black spears that shot at them. 

Reynolds used his lightning sword to block each of the spears, sending them back. 

The young man was forced to come out and attack the duo since they had walked out of the range of the dark mist. 

"Stop!" He yelled at the duo.

"Oh, you're done playing hide and seek?" Klaus looked at him mockingly. 

The young man's face contorted out of anger. 

"I'll kill you." He said angrily. 

"I know, you've said that repeatedly, and then proceeded to hide. You're a weakling who only knows how to weaken his opponents before fighting." Klaus berated him. 

The young man paused, not expecting Klaus to say things like this. While he was still in his confused state, he was stunned when he noticed his legs had been frozen to the ground. 

He raised his head only to see Reynolds swinging his lightning blade at him. 

His reaction was instantaneous, without holding back he unleashed his strength.

The young man's outburst forced Reynolds back. 

Klaus came close and attacked with the sword that enhanced his ice abilities. 

The young man didn't expect Klaus to choose a close range method of attack, but he still did his best to repel him. While he was trying to repel him, Reynolds attacked once again.

The duo were doing everything to make sure they killed the young man before Reynolds was exhausted from his current form. 

The young man also knew of this and stopped attacking them, rather, he focused on defending. He knew as long as he focused only on defending, he would be able to outlast them. 

A few minutes later. 

"d.a.m.n it!" Klaus cursed when he noticed Reynolds' form was starting to show signs of falling apart. 

The second the Elemental Warrior detaches from Reynolds' body, it is over. 

Reynolds' aura started to decline in the process as well. 

The young man was ecstatic when he saw this and laughed in pure delight. 

"F*ck! Run!" Klaus and Reynolds came to the same conclusion after sharing a glance. 

The young man laughed and ran after the duo. Reynolds' Elemental Warrior had dissipated, he knew this was the chance he needed to kill them. 

Klaus and Reynolds were attacking as they ran, trying to slow down the young man and get a better chance of running. 

Reynolds turned around and attacked with a lightning bolt. The young man dodged it and a large palm made from the darkness element enveloped Reynolds. 

As the hand was shutting tight, Klaus slashed out with his sword, cutting it open. 

"d.a.m.n it." 

They cursed simultaneously and started running again. 

"Haha, you can't run from me." The young man laughed. 

"Who's running from you? You're not even fit to clean my shoes, pig!" Klaus retorted.

The young man didn't mind his words, he was closer to them now and knew another attack would put them in front of him. 

He attacked again and the duo were forced to block it. 

"Got you!" 

"No, we got you." Klaus grinned and turned to Reynolds. 

Reynolds' body was covered with lightning, his Elemental Warrior came back full of life as it merged with him. 

Klaus smiled and blocked the attack while Reynolds attacked. 

This time, the young man was not prepared for their counter so he was left wrongfooted from the start. 

Reynolds' attack was powerful, sending the young man flying, electrocuting him in the process. 

The young man had not balanced himself when Klaus appeared and attacked as well. 

The young man was forced to disregard the havoc Reynolds' attack was causing in his body and block Klaus' attack. 

The attack sent him flying, even when he tried to block it, he was still forced back by the heaviness of the water. 

Reynolds attacked at the same time, striking the young man down from the air.


The young man crashed into the ground, causing a pit on the ground. 

Reynolds and Klaus walked over to the place and looked at the defeated young man, who was dragging his body out of the pit.

"And to think you were shouting about killing me some seconds ago." Klaus looked at the young man with a smug smile on his face. 

He went on to mock the young man repeatedly cursing him as well. 

Reynolds could only shake his head as he sent another lightning bolt at the young man. 

The young man coughed out a mouthful of blood as he struggled to stand once again. When he managed to stand, a large hole was in his stomach. 


A large hammer made from ice appeared in the sky and slammed into the young man, burying him in the ground.

"Come on, stop showing us such gruesome things." Klaus commented with a straight face. 

The young man was dead. 

Klaus and Reynolds exchanged glances and headed for where they sensed Void fighting with the other two. 

At the time they got there, the young man in the Second stage was on the ground, dead, leaving only the young lady who was in the Fourth stage, struggling with Void. 

She was not his match, even while she tried to block, she could barely block the attacks. 

Void was just too fast, what was worse for her was that no matter what she did, her darkness element seemed to have almost no effect on Void. 

"Should we help you?" Klaus asked from the side. 

"No need, she's already at her end." Void said. 

"Hey lady, should we help you?" Klaus turned to the young lady. 

The young lady was stunned by his question and almost wanted to nod, only to realize that Klaus was mocking her. 


"You what? Fight, I thought you were all high and mighty while chasing me. Where's that att.i.tude now?" Klaus interrupted her. 

The young lady bit her lips, she knew her chances of surviving this was very slim, but she didn't want to give up, not until the end. 

She was still trying to fight when Klaus started talking again. 

Void was beating her physically, while Klaus was terrorizing her mentally. 


She blew up. 


Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1145 Beaten In All Ways

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1145 Beaten In All Ways summary

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