Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1181 Unending Surprises

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Chapter 1181 Unending Surprises

The young man with the face of a fish covered his entire body with lightning as he flashed through the arena, charging at Grey. 

Grey reciprocated his energy, using the lightning element to bolster his speed as well. When they were about to collide, the young man's speed shot up by almost double. A small tornado formed behind his legs, making him faster. 

Apparently, he was not just a Lightning Elementalist, but he also had the wind element. 

Grey was almost tempted to do the same, but he held himself back, besides, he had the s.p.a.ce element, there was no need to show more of his elements. 


Both parties collided and Grey was actually forced back by the strength of the young man's attack. 

The young man attacked with the lightning element, sending out a lightning bolt that wrapped itself around Grey's leg. With a pull, Grey lost balance but he used the earth element to create hands that he used to clamp onto the lightning holding onto him. 

He stabilized himself but felt a powerful wind pus.h.i.+ng him in the direction of the young man. 

He didn't fight against the wind and let it carry him in the direction of the young man, a fireball appeared on his hand which he threw at the young man. 

The young man was forced to dodge the attack, unable to complete his plan. 

Grey landed on the ground and let out a soft smirk, his leg muscles contracted and he exploded out with speed superior to what he showed the last time. 

The young man smiled and also shot at Grey, this time, his hands were covered with the lightning and wind element. 

Grey's right hand had only the fire element, their fists collided and they were both pushed back, but it was only for a second. Both rushed at each other and started trading blows, blocking the attack of each other as they attacked. 

The intensity of the fight made the blood of those watching boil. This was what they wanted to see, a fight that would put them on the edge of their seats. 

·ƈθm Grey had been too overwhelming in his previous battles, the same could be said for this young man. Now, they were both equals and their battle was refres.h.i.+ng for these people to watch. 

Boom! Bang! Bam! 

The sounds of fists. .h.i.tting each other didn't stop, and neither did the explosions that came with their elemental attacks. 

Grey threw a right hook at the young man, but the young man managed to dodge it on time, watching the flames-covered hand pa.s.s, before delivering a powerful punch of his own to Grey's head. 

Grey raised his left arm to block the punch of the young man. The part of his arm used in blocking the punch was covered with earth armor, which broke apart almost immediately after the fist made contact with him. But that was enough time for Grey to give a spinning kick. 

While kicking out, Grey's feet were covered in flames, and the flames followed the movements of his spinning kick, giving an enchanting view to those who were watching. 

As for the person receiving the kick, it was by no means enchanting, all he saw was something he should avoid at all costs. 

He sent a lightning bolt at Grey's feet and both attacks collided, forcing the duo to take some steps back, giving each other some s.p.a.ce. 

"You're strong." The young man said, not showing any signs of tiredness. 

"You too." Grey nodded at the young man as a show of respect. 

Of course, he hadn't gone all out, but the same can be said for the young man. He was certain that someone of the young man's caliber would definitely have awakened his domain. 

And he wasn't wrong, the area surrounding the young man started to show signs of a lightning and wind storm. A mixture of the wind and lightning domain.

Grey didn't shy away as his fire domain appeared, covering the area he was standing, he took a step forward.

The young man did the same, pointing at the sky, the area surrounding the arena turned dark. He pointed at Grey and a lightning bolt shot at Grey from the sky. 

Grey sent a stream of fire at the lightning bolt, easily dealing with the attack. However, he noticed that wind blades were coming his way from the lightning and windstorm behind the young man. Each wind blade was filled with tiny specks of lightning. 

He looked at the attack and an earth wall rose from the ground, blocking the attack coming his way. 

The sound of the wind blades. .h.i.tting the earth wall just started reverberating when the young man appeared on the side of Grey, just as he was about to attack, he felt the gravity suddenly increase and his figure fell to the ground. 

Grey looked at the young man, and from the sky covered with dark clouds, a lightning rain fell on where the young man was kneeling. 

For some time now, Grey had rarely utilized his gravitational force field, it wasn't because he had forgotten about it, but the opportunity just hadn't presented itself. This young man liked close-range battles, so he decided to use it against him. 

The young man's roar was heard from the lightning rain and a large figure made from wind appeared. 

When Grey saw it, he couldn't help but recall a familiar sight. Due to Reynolds, he had actually forgotten that there were actual normal Summons and not only Elemental Warriors. Elemental Warriors were the upgraded versions that were stronger, but Summons were still by all means very powerful. 

He looked the Wind Summon in the eyes and didn't back down, rather, he attacked first. An orb, dark in color appeared. 

When those in the crowd saw this, they were stupefied, they could all sense the power lying within the small orb. 

They all felt that Grey had shown all his strength, but the more he was pushed, the more powers he showed. 

It was as if Grey hadn't even shown his true strength from the start. 


Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1181 Unending Surprises

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1181 Unending Surprises summary

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