Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1256 You're Not One Of Them

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Chapter 1256 You're Not One Of Them

Grey and the other trio waited patiently and the Grand Elder came back with Elder Thorunn after a few minutes. 

"There was misunderstanding and the Faction will send envoys to the Braun Family to apologize and also show how sincere we are to do business with them as usual." The Grand Elder said after everyone was seated. 

The reputation of the Elder was already down, there was no use in criticizing him in front of these youngsters. Grey had already disgraced him enough. 

Grey and Klaus had nothing to say, and neither did Luthera, she was more than satisfied with leaving this place and never coming back. At the moment, all the trio wanted was to leave the Faction. 

The Grand Elder nodded and turned to Ralf, "Take them around the Faction, they should be given one pill each." 

Klaus was about to reject the offer, but Luthera hurriedly stood up and bowed, "Thank you." 

This pill was what the Lanark Faction were renowned for. There were a few of them in circulation, but getting one was very difficult and quite expensive. 

Grey didn't know what the pill was made for, and he didn't bother too much about it. Since Luthera wanted it, he didn't mind getting it too. 

Klaus also didn't speak up, they both thanked the Grand Elder and left the place, following Ralf. 

They told him they didn't need a tour of the place, it was all formalities, what they truly wanted was to leave, and they obviously can't do that without the pills they were supposed to be offered. 

Ralf understood what they meant and didn't waste any more time, taking them to where to get the pills, he handed them over and gave them a brief explanation of what the pill was used for. 

Grey's body jolted when he heard the use of it. 

Apparently, when a Sage Plane Elementalist was on the verge of breaking through to the Elemental Venerable Plane and can't find the origin source, this pill will heighten their senses toward it and give them a better chance to locate it and connect it to their essence. It has an eighty percent success rate which was pretty frightening, but Grey had zero interest in all that, what he was concerned about was locating the origin source. 

Presently, he was trying to locate the origin source and merge the golden energy he got from the Chaos Battlefield into it. If he could locate the origin source, he might be able to increase his strength by a whole lot. 

He never thought that thanks to Klaus, he would be getting such a high end pill that would help him fulfill his wish. It was truly fascinating just thinking of it. 

His thoughts were kept to himself, he knew if Klaus were to find out that thanks to him he would be able to achieve something he had been attempting for, he would brag to no end about it. As much as he didn't want to beat up Klaus, he might not be able to stop himself if Klaus found out about this. 


Outside the Lanark Faction. 

"What's the plan now?" Luthera asked Grey and Klaus.

"We were originally going for a mission, but he wanted to see you so we stopped by. We still have a few days to go. So we can spare a day." Grey replied, not giving Klaus the chance to speak. 

Klaus looked at him with grateful eyes, he thought Grey would rush them and he wouldn't be able to spend time with Luthera, but luckily, Grey was smart enough to know that he needed some to spend some time with Luthera before they left. 

Unknown to Klaus, the reason Grey did this was so that he would be able to try out the pill. He was currently out and needed to increase his strength. The fastest way was to increase his cultivation stage to the Ninth stage, but he promised himself he would take it slow. Since that was out of the picture, his next best pick was to merge the two energies together and create a better one. 

With these two energies, he would be able to defeat stronger opponents with much ease. In Grey's books, he didn't include Elder Thorunn as a Peak Elemental Venerable. He had encountered the really strong Peak Elemental Venerables, and they weren't as weak as Elder Thorunn. 

Even a normal Ninth stage Elemental Venerable amongst the young geniuses in the Continent would be able to make light walk of this Elder. Grey knew the Lanark Faction wasn't the only one who had such an Elder, even the Dawson Family, and the Pyrmond Faction had such Elders. Getting to the Peak of the Elemental Venerable Plane was no easy feat, but if one doesn't get the complete attributes of a Peak Elemental Venerable, then they were useless. 

"We should head into the City, you coming?" Klaus asked. 

"Don't worry about me, we can meet up tomorrow. I have some things I need to take care of." Grey waved them off. 

Klaus didn't ask again and left with Luthera. 

Grey watched the duo leave before turning to stare at the large expanse of forest before him. His current target was to get to a secluded area and see if he could locate the origin source on his own. He would resort to using the pill if his efforts fails. After all, this pill was a valuable treasure that could be used to help others. 

"The city would be fun, you know." Void said. 

"Training is fun. Come on, we might see something good in the woods." Grey chuckled. 

"There's nothing good about training." 

"You literally advance your realm while sleeping. Unlike people like me who have to put in the work." 

"I don't think you should cla.s.sify yourself in that category." 

"What do you mean, I always work my b.u.t.t off." 

"No, not exactly." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Reynolds, now that's someone who works his b.u.t.t off, you just get one thing and boom, an upgrade." 

Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1256 You're Not One Of Them

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1256 You're Not One Of Them summary

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