Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1268 You Asked For It

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Chapter 1268 You Asked For It

**A.N: Reload the last three chapters, there is an error with them.**

Klaus was not the only one who they thought highly of, Reynolds was another one. Having an Elemental Warrior automatically gives him the edge over other geniuses, being a genius in his own right made him even more frightening. 

He was a member of a lightning Faction and was representing them well. Alice was using the fire element more compared to her lightning element. 

The special thing about Alice was her Seelie, and her ability to manipulate her domain. Grey wasn't going crazy, there truly was a method on how to manipulate domains, but it was something very few people could achieve. Alice was one, Reynolds was another. 

But Reynolds didn't have the versatility of Alice. Alice having a dual domain made her special in that aspect. 

When the information of her being able to manipulate her domain this well came out in her Faction, she gained a little more fame, and as expected, her status in the Faction increased. 

One of the most important things in these top Factions was how powerful or how much of a genius one could prove to be. The better you are when compared to your peers, the stronger you would become later in the future. These are the people a Faction would want to build around, so when Alice showed this potential, her status was elevated. 

Klaus and Reynolds have always had a good position in their Factions, Klaus was more fortunate since he gained the tutors.h.i.+p of his Faction Leader. 

Grey was also in the same position, but he didn't really care much about his Faction Leader. Fortunately, he was being protected by him which was enough for him. 

"All four of them are special kids. We're truly blessed." Grey's grandfather said softly. 

"According to what they've said, they were all friends from after Grey awakened his elements and went to an Academy…" 

Martha recounted what Klaus told her. Klaus was quite talkative, and she was very curious to know how Grey spent his life. Even though he had told her about it when they reunited, she wanted to hear it from someone else's mouth. To her surprise, it was more thrilling when Klaus was saying it. 

She knew he wasn't lying since some of the things he saw was exactly the same thing Grey told her. 

When listening to how the group met, both Lucas and Grey's grandfather was amazed. Their friends.h.i.+p was really good since they've been through all those events. 

"Who do you think will win?" Martha asked Lucas after she was done telling them of the groups journey. 

She didn't want to spend too long with telling them the information, so she transmitted her voice which only took a few seconds for the others to get everything. 

"They might be equals." Lucas said, he added, "Of course, Grey might have the advantage. You know he has more means of attacking, giving him a large variety." 

"It'll all come down to experience." Grey's grandfather spoke up. 

Lucas nodded in agreement with his father's words. From the looks of things, Grey wouldn't be able to overpower them, so it will all come down to who has more battle experience. 

They felt Grey would have the edge when it came to experience, he had been fighting since they knew, which said a lot about his lifestyle. 


The battle had gotten very intense. 

The trio were able to break out of Grey's barrage of attacks and they've started their own attacks. Grey might be strong, but they didn't believe he would be able to easily defeat them. 

Reynolds drew closer to Grey, but he felt his body sink down. 

"Hehe, you've forgotten about this?" Grey attacked, punching Reynolds to the ground. 

A water ball appeared once again, stopping Reynolds from hitting the ground. 

"You're a hateful fellow, do you know that?" Grey looked at Klaus. 

"Shut your mouth. If not that I want you to impress your parents I would've beaten you black and blue." Klaus retorted. 

Grey was about to speak when his face fell following Klaus' next words. 

"Uncle, Aunty, do you know Grey is planning on not giving you guys grandkids?!" He yelled at the top of his voice, making sure Grey's parents who he believed were outside would hear it clearly. 

Grey's mouth twitched when he heard this and for a second, he didn't attack. 

"Moron." Klaus cussed out. 

Reynolds was already standing behind Grey, and the momentary pause gave him the opportunity to strike, his fist hit Grey's back, sending him flying. 

Alice attacked too, sending out a lightning bolt that made Grey's descent faster. 



Martha and Lucas exchanged glances, their eyes twitched softly. This was a very delicate conversation, and Grey's reaction might affirm Klaus' words. 

Grey's grandfather was the only one laughing, "Haha, I like this kid. He's very smart." 

Her was praising Klaus' wittiness. One has to know that being able to destabilize your opponent mid battle was something that top experts are certainly capable of. Klaus was able to disrupt Grey's thoughts which was enough to show that he was a genius when I came to doing this. 


Grey shot up from the rubble, his face was a little dark, he had forgotten Klaus was very good with his words. With just a word he was able to change how the battle was going. 

"You've forgotten about my abilities, bud, you've been slacking off." Klaus returned Grey's words to him, although different, it was the same thing he meant when he attacked Reynolds. 

Grey rubbed his nose and replied, "I was careless." 

He flew up and went back into battle, there was no use in speaking any more, if not, Klaus might just say something that would completely make him unable to fight any longer.

Klaus knew Grey rushed back into battle because of him, but it didn't mean he wouldn't speak. He was just waiting for the right time to throw Grey off again. 

Grey and Reynolds were into hand to hand combat, while Alice and Klaus were attacking from the side. 

Their coordination was top tier. Grey was forced into a stalemate. Even with his inscriptions and arrays, he wasn't able to shake them off. 

He almost wanted to use his golden energy, but then thinking about it, he decided against it. It wouldn't be right to use it in such a situation. Of course, with the element of surprise, he would be able to catch them off-guard, unfortunately, he didn't know who was watching. Using it to be victorious and then exposing himself to the world was far too dangerous just because he wanted to win a spar. 

The battle got more intense, but as the fight gets longer, it started to become more obvious that a winner might not come out from the battle. 

Grey has been able to occasionally send them flying, but so has they. 

They fought a little while longer, destroying parts of the mountain. However, the result was the same. No clear winner. 

Just when Grey was thinking of giving up, he noticed a change. 

Klaus' half moon suddenly enlarged and formed a complete moon. 

"Huh?" He was slightly shocked. 

Klaus' aura spiked and shot to the Peak of the Elemental Venerable Plane. 

If this had happened when the fight just started, then he wouldn't have been worried, but the problem is that they've been fighting for close to thirty minutes, and he was slightly exhausted from the intensity of the battle. 

Klaus, bringing out his ultimate technique meant that he has been waiting for so long to use it. 

Grey's expression wasn't nice, and he too came to a decision, he would use the golden energy. Since Klaus was using this, he didn't want to lose to Klaus. 

Given Klaus' personality, if he lost to him, he would never hear the end of it. 

Grey prepared himself while Klaus sent out a powerful attack. When Reynolds saw the thin ice needle forming in front of Klaus, he couldn't help but suck in a cold breath. 

This has always been Klaus' ultimate attack since leaving the trial land years ago. He acquired this technique at that time and has been honing it as time went on. Now, it had been honed to a frightening level. The ice needle is almost invisible, this goes to show just how tiny it has been compressed to. The smaller it is, the stronger it is. 

With its current strength, it would be able to easily kill a Peak Elemental Venerable. Grey might be strong, but Reynolds didn't think he would be able to survive if hit by this attack. 

Klaus didn't have any plans of holding back. 

"Bring it on." Grey spoke from the side, he was prepared. This would be the strongest attack he has been faced with, and he knew that he risked getting seriously injured if he was careless. 

"You asked for it." Klaus unleashed the attack. 

Grey gulped down and awaited the attack, he would block this attack. 

Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1268 You Asked For It

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1268 You Asked For It summary

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