Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1299 Join Us And Attain Godhood

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Chapter 1299 Join Us And Attain G.o.dhood

Boom! Crack!

The ice wall Grey created to block the attack of the man was destroyed with just one attack from the man. The attack power of the man was superior to that of the Second Prince.

Grey didn't dare to take the impact of the rest of the attack, with a simple movement, he dodged the attack. But he was met with another attack from another one of the men at the Peak of the Elemental Venerable Plane.

'This might've been a bad idea.' He thought internally as he scurried to dodge the attack.

He turned his attention to one of the men, just as he was about to use the s.p.a.ce element, he noticed that the s.p.a.ce in the area has been sealed.

'Great!' He exclaimed internally.

Of course, he didn't show any signs of frustration, he was still coolheaded as he fought against all eight of them. The Second Prince was watching, not joining in on the battle.

Void and the bunny leader were also watching the battle, getting ready to intervene when needed. The bunny leader didn't mind sacrificing a few of his bunnies to help distract the men Grey was fighting so Grey would be able to escape.

Grey and the men got into an intense battle from the start, none of them gave the other a chance. Even after being overpowered by his opponents, Grey didn't only defend, rather, he attacked whenever the opportunity presented itself. He knew that defending only would put him in a bad spot.

Two inscriptions lit up the sky, both over five meters large. The reason he didn't create more was so that he could use the inscriptions at their strongest. Each of the two inscriptions had attack power almost equivalent to a Ninth stage Elemental Venerable which was an amazing thing.

The Gnomes didn't bring out any of their puppets which made life a little easier for Grey. Well, it would've been much easier for him if they do decide to bring out their puppets since he could capitalize on it and defeat them in a jiffy.

Grey used his speed to the maximum, dodging all the attacks coming his way while also making sure he countered. The inscriptions helped him a lot as he was able to halt some of the attacking sequences of the group he was fighting against.


He was sent flying, cras.h.i.+ng into a tree by the side, completely destroying it.

The eight Gnomes rushed toward the place he crashed, unfortunately, they didn't see him there, rather, they were met with a powerful explosion that forced all of them to retreat.

Grey had managed to not only leave that place, but he left three fusion orb that contained more of the s.p.a.ce element. The spatial tear that occurred right after the explosion caught one of the Gnomes, almost destroying his body. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and only lost an arm.

The other seven who were fortunate to have escaped from the region looked at each other, fear hidden deep in their eyes. Never did they believe that even under such circ.u.mstances, Grey would be able to unleash such a deadly attack. What made it more frightening was that he didn't use this attack all this while, rather, he waited for them time all of them would be together and used it, getting the best possible result out of it.

"This boy shouldn't be taken lightly, he must be killed." The man leading the group said with a cold expression.

Grey had opened his eyes to what the Second and Seventh Prince saw, he was a threat to everyone, if he was allowed to grow more, then they would be even more danger.

At the moment, they've been able to ascertain that he wasn't at the Peak of the Elemental Venerable Plane yet. If someone at the Ninth stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane could fight against eight Peak Elemental Venerable to a draw, and still even manage to threaten their lives, it was unknown what he would be capable of doing once he gets to the Peak.

"Such a shame. I thought I would've been able to kill one of you." Grey's voice came from above them.

When they raised their heads, they saw Grey staring down at them, he was still in a good condition. This meant that the previous attack that sent him cras.h.i.+ng into a tree was a ruse, he only pretended to have been hit. Such cunningness plus his shocking abilities makes him a fearsome opponent to have.

"Kid, I must give it to you, you're special." The leading Gnome said.

"I've heard that a few times." Grey said in a nonchalant manner.

"Have you ever thought of joining us?" The leader of the Gnome group asked a question that shocked everyone present, even the two Princes and Grey were speechless, they didn't except such a request.

"Join you guys?" Grey couldn't help but ask, before the man could reply, he added, "Hard pa.s.s. You guys made me run for my life for months, I'll never forgive that."

"It can be made up for. You're someone even the Emperor would appreciate. Wouldn't you want to reach the G.o.d Plane?" The man asked, trying to entice Grey, "I know you humans can't break through to the G.o.d Plane, but with the help of our world, there might be a way for you to break through to the G.o.d Plane. Think about it, who doesn't want to enter that Plane and become a G.o.d?"

Grey took a glance at the man, at this point, he was flabbergasted, he knew that the chances of breaking through to the G.o.d Plane in the human world was nonexistent, that was what has been said for a long time now. Not that he had any thoughts of breaking to the G.o.d Plane for the moment, just being in the Elemental Sovereign Plane was an amazing thing.

"The G.o.d Plane…" He muttered softly and his expression changed lightly.

The eyes of the leader of the Gnome group showed some delight. There seems to be some hope in getting Grey to join them.

Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1299 Join Us And Attain Godhood

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