Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1302 Each With A Plan Of Their Own

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Chapter 1302 Each With A Plan Of Their Own

Grey and his friends joked around as they stayed there a while longer. 

While Grey and his friends were speaking about what to do, the Gnomes were also discussing what measures they needed to take to ensure they took Grey down.


The Gnome's castle. 

"He's too dangerous, we can't let him come and go as he pleases." The Second Prince said seriously. 

"I know. But even with nine of us, we aren't able to take him down. I'm sure if there is more, he will still be able to maneuver his way out of danger." The man who was leading the other group of Gnomes said. 

He was an expert and knew that someone of Grey's caliber wouldn't foolishly fight against them if he didn't have the confidence that he would be able to escape. Only a fool would walk into their own death. Grey wouldn't want to die, the humans also wouldn't want someone as capable as Grey to die for a few treasures, unless they don't know how valuable he is. 

"So what do we do?" The Seventh Prince asked. 

"If we can trap his group of friends, or someone important from the side of the humans, we can use that person as leverage against him." The leader of the group said. 

"How can we do that? He's monitoring this place, if we take a step out, he will attack. With the appearance of you guys, he wouldn't allow you to leave. If you leave he will certainly hunt you guys down." The Seventh Prince said. 

"He's just one man, we have the advantage of numbers. I'm the strongest, so I'll lure him away, you guys leave and find someone important from the humans. I heard some important figures entered the realm after he came in." 

"If I'm not mistaken, the reason he's here is to ensure he keeps us occupied to guarantee the safety of those people. If we can capture one of them, we should be able to defeat him." The leader of the group suggested. 

"It's not going to be easy. Even if they sent him here to keep us busy, those people should still have protectors. It wouldn't be easy to capture any of them alive." One of the men at the Peak said. 

"Have you forgotten who we are? Unlike when fighting against him, we don't need to bother about not using our puppets. He's the only one who can endanger us with them, as for the others, they can't." The leader of the Peak Gnomes said. 

When they heard his words, they nodded in agreement. Yes, Grey was the only one who was a threat to them. Without Grey, they could use their puppets which gives them the advantage they have always had over humans. 

"To be on the safer side, I'll visit the Giants, I have a few friends who might be interested in fighting against him." The Seventh Prince said. 

While they were in the lower realm, Grey threatened the Giants not to get involved in the battle between humans and Gnomes. Due to Grey's brazenness and superior abilities, the Giants naturally cowered before him, not daring to get involved in any battles. But now, he didn't believe they wouldn't want to fight against Grey. To them, he was too proud. 

"If you can bring two or more Peak Venerables from the side of the Giants, we should be able to settle the score with these humans." 

"Alright, everything is settled. The sooner we get to work the better." The leader of the Peak Venerable Gnomes said, he looked at the others and said, "I'll be leaving in an hour, save your strength. He might be able to figure out our plan and come after you all." 

"What if he doesn't follow you?" The Second Prince asked. 

This was a serious question, if Grey didn't follow him, then he would be leaving them to Grey. He was the strongest individual present. Against Grey, if even just one person is absent, he might kill all of them. 

"I'll go after him. He doesn't have a choice, he will definitely fight me." 

While they were having this conversation, unbeknownst to them, there was a little bunny that was at the side, listening to everything they were saying. The bunny was so tiny that it was very difficult to spot. What was worse was that there was no way to sense its presence. 


The bunny was transmitting everything to the bunny leader, who in turn was telling Grey everything. 

"Oh, interesting." Grey said. 

"Alice, I'll leave the Seventh Prince to you. He's only at the Fifth stage. You should be able to deal with him." Grey told his friends of the Gnomes' plan and also devised a plan of his own. 

Since the Seventh Prince would be leaving on his own, it was best to send Alice after him. Alice could handle him, although he was a tricky opponent, Alice had a Seelie which could count as an opponent for the Seventh Prince's puppet. 

Alice nodded, she didn't have any issues with going after the Seventh Prince. This was a good opportunity for her to test her strength. 

"Rey and Klaus will slow down the other group." Grey said, seeing the expressions on both his friends' faces, he laughed and said, "The bunny leader will accompany you, it has a few guys that can help when things are tough. It can also help take you guys out of danger."

"Can't Void come with us?" Klaus asked, he felt safer with Void. The small time he had spent with the bunny leader, he knew it didn't like fighting. And at the moment, it doesn't have any powerful underlings under it.

He felt he would be safer with Void who was even more powerful than Grey. 

"No, Void has another mission." Grey shook his head. 

He planned to secretly send Void to accompany Alice. Alice was the weakest of the group, and he knew that the Seventh Prince was a powerful genius, if Alice wasn't careful, she might lose her life to him. 

Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1302 Each With A Plan Of Their Own

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1302 Each With A Plan Of Their Own summary

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