Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1409 Naturally Talented Klaus

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Chapter 1409 Naturally Talented Klaus

Boom! Bang!

"f.u.c.k! He's already as strong as Grey!" Klaus cursed when his ice dome was shattered by an attack from the man.

Grey was the only one who could destroy this, and the fact that the man could break it now meant that he was already touching the threshold of the Elemental Venerable Plane. Anything more than this and he would be unstoppable.

They wouldn't be able to deal with him even with all the people they have with them.

"Come on, we have to try. We fought Grey to a draw the last time." Reynolds said.

"Are you stupid?! We were sparring, no matter how powerful our attacks were, we all still held back in the end." Klaus felt like knocking Reynolds senseless, but when he thought about it, Reynolds was already senseless, doing that would make life h.e.l.l for him.

"Oh…" Reynolds didn't argue with that cause he knew it was the truth. If they were in a life and death battle, they wouldn't worry about harming the man, but when fighting with Grey, they all held back, Grey especially.

Grey had the higher attack power, and given the fact that he also had the s.p.a.ce element, there were a few times he would've been able to open them up, but he held back.

Klaus didn't say anything and hurriedly created an ice wall to block the attack. This time, he used the ice technique he learnt while they were getting the Ice Seelie.

When the man attacked, the ice wall retaliated. This gave them the chance to also counter, forcing the man to take a step back.

The man was strong, but he wasn't invincible. With a good plan, they will be able to defeat the man.

Klaus was the one who had to block the attacks of the man while Reynolds and Aries were the main attackers.

The trio were smart, and even though this was their first time fighting one opponent together, they were able to cooperate flawlessly.

Reynolds and Aries had frightening attack power that even in his current state, the man knew not to take their attacks lightly.

Reynolds was stronger than Aries, but Aries' attack packed a different type of power that made the man worried.

The man tried to take out Reynolds, but he was blocked by Klaus' ice attacks that forced him back.

"d.a.m.n it!"

Frustration slowly started to creep in. Yes, he was stronger, but there was nothing he could do with Klaus present. Klaus' ice was too strong. No matter how powerful his attacks were, they could only break them, but the entire impact of the attack is almost fully absorbed by the ice wall before they break, which makes it impossible for them to cause any harm to Reynolds and Aries.

"Since you want to die so much, I'll follow your wishes." The man was vexed and decided to turn his focus to Klaus.

Klaus looked at the man with a smile, "An old guy that can't beat three youths, I can never take someone like you seriously."


"You what?" Klaus asked with a mocking tone, "I understand why your kid died. She probably wanted to escape from you."

Reynolds had told him about what happened and knew the man was trying to resurrect his dead daughter. What's the best way to make the man lose his senses if not with her?

This might be a low blow, but as long as they were able to take the man down, then he was okay.

The man's eyes turned red when he heard Klaus' statement. This was the first time in his life that he felt such pain from words spoken by others. He has been abused and talked down on, but he had never felt this much pain in his chest from just words. It was like a large sword was used to stab his heart as Klaus made that statement.

"Take that back!" The man's red veiny eyes showed his anger.

"Bud, you outdid yourself this time." Reynolds couldn't help but applaud him. He had been trying to get the man to go berserk all this while, but it didn't take long for Klaus to do it.

"What can I say, I'm naturally talented." Klaus gave a smug smile.

Aries, on the other hand, was left speechless.

'This is also a battle tactic?' She was dumbfounded.

Although a berserk version of the man looked tougher to deal with, in truth, he is easier to deal with in his current state. He would barely care about his safety as the only thing in his head would be to kill Klaus. This will mean he might even neglect the existence of the others and focus his attention on Klaus.

"I said take that back!" The man roared and dark clouds covered the area.

"Don't think you're the only one who can make the clouds change." Klaus didn't bother with him and turned to Reynolds, "Bud, light it up."

Reynolds chuckled, "With pleasure."

Reynolds' figure shot straight into the dark clouds which had covered the area and a large lightning web stretched across the dark cloud.

Klaus attacked the man while Reynolds was doing this. He used his heavy water to grab hold of the man's legs.

The man tried to break free, but he noticed the abnormality of the water.

"Ah!" He roared and exploded out with a powerful darkness dome that shattered the water.

The dome didn't stop as it continued to increase, destroying anything it came in contact with.

Klaus looked at it and felt chills in his spine, "d.a.m.n… that's strong."

"Bud, aren't you done yet?" He looked at the sky while retreating.

Just as Reynolds was about to speak, a figure covered in lightning shot into the cloud as well and the duo created a large flash of light that shattered the dark clouds.

"Good, now destroy that." Klaus pointed at the dark dome that was advancing forward.

"The townspeople!" Aries exclaimed.

The dome was getting close to where people lived in the town. If they were caught in this, they would definitely die.

Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1409 Naturally Talented Klaus

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1409 Naturally Talented Klaus summary

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