Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1422 He Complicates Things

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Chapter 1422  He Complicates Things

Grey blocked the switched places with one of the Barbarians.

The Barbarian he switched places with didn't expect the Tribe Leader's attack and was struck by the attack. This Barbarian was only in the Early stages of the Venerable Plane, there was no way he could withstand the attack of a Pseudo-Sovereign.

The Barbarian was killed by the attack.

When the Barbarian Tribe Leader saw what Grey did, he was incensed. Grey used his own attack to kill one of his people, this was even more hateful than what Grey did while he was chasing him.

His hatred toward Grey had grown stronger than what he has ever felt. He wanted Grey dead at all costs.

"My brethrens, we must kill them. Forget the price we have to pay, they must die!" The Barbarian Tribe Leader exclaimed.

He didn't go after Grey anymore, rather he stood on the same place in the sky as he looked at his fallen tribesmen.

The other Barbarians gave a warcry, and they retreated from battle. Reynolds and Aries were able to stop their opponents from retreating. They were stronger than their opponents, so there was no way they would allow them to escape that easily.

Reynolds managed to seriously wound his opponent when she tried to join the other Barbarians.

Aries' opponent was lucky to have dodged the attack, if not, she would've been in the same situation as the person Reynolds was fighting.

With the Barbarian's current state, there was no way she could last another minute while fighting with Reynolds who was vastly superior to her now.

But she didn't fear, with a strong conviction, she attacked Reynolds, making sure he isn't able to stop the others. She has watched as their numbers dwindled under the attacks of Klaus and Grey. This was something she couldn't bear to see. Even if she could only hold one person back, it would give the others time to complete the formation.

The other Barbarians started a chant and Grey, who was watching from the side, felt his heart sink.

"Stop them!" He rushed towards the direction of the Barbarians, but he was stopped by the Tribe Leader.

He wanted to switch places with one of the Barbarians, but he noticed it was impossible. The s.p.a.ce there was solidified, there was no way to break through it.

"f.u.c.k! Klaus!" He yelled while being held back by the Tribe Leader.

Klaus knew what he had to do, but three Late stage Venerables were fighting with him, disregarding their lives. Yes, Klaus would have an easier time killing them, but it would be impossible for him to recklessly break through and then stop the Barbarians who were gathered.

Klaus felt a frustration and exploded out with a powerful chilling snow storm, hoping to freeze anything in his path. The snow storm was amplified by his domain, making it even more dangerous. He wanted to freeze everything before him and stop the other Barbarians.

The three Barbarians saw the snow storm coming their way, but they gritted their teeth and jumped into it, charging head-on towards Klaus.

Two of them used themselves as s.h.i.+elds to ensure the safety of one of them who was forced through the snow storm all the way to where Klaus was standing.

When Klaus saw the Barbarian stepping out of the snow storm at such a close range, his pupils constricted, but then an evil smile appeared on his face.

'A futile sacrifice.'

A thin sword appeared on his hand, giving off an even greater chilling aura than his snow storm.

The Barbarian saw this and his gaze changed, he realized they've been played by Klaus. Klaus thought ahead and was prepared if they did something like this.

Klaus swung the sword at the Barbarian, but the Barbarian didn't back down, he was an Earth Elementalist, covering his hands with a brownish glow, he grabbed the thin blades of Klaus' sword.

The second his hand touched the sword, he started to freeze from his hand, however, the determination in his eyes didn't dimmer, rather, it became brighter. Something Klaus never expected happened, the Barbarian started to turn into a statue, but not an ice statue like Klaus' expectations, rather, an earth statue, with Klaus' blade firmly in his grasp.

Klaus realized what the man wanted to do, but it was already too late. The man had a firm grip on his sword and he didn't have the physical strength to drag it away from him.

A smile formed on the man's face when he saw this, his objective had been achieved, now all he had to do was leave everything else to his fellow tribesmen.

Klaus snorted coldly, "You think I'll let you die with a smile?"

An ice spear appeared in the sky and Klaus stabbed it into the chest of the Barbarian whose chest hadn't turned into an earth statue yet.

The face of the Barbarian showed pain, but his smile was still there. The Barbarian knew this effort of his would only stop Klaus for a short time, but that was all that was needed.

Alice and the others were in the same situation, only Reynolds had it easy.

When he saw the situation, he didn't delay and detached his Elemental Warrior from his body, sending it at the gathered Barbarians.

The Barbarian before him wasn't strong enough to threaten him even though he was two stages below him. With his current strength he could kill him with time. But that was not the main point, the issue now is that they had to stop those people from completing whatever they wanted to do, and his Elemental Warrior was strong enough to put a stop to it.

Klaus, seeing Reynolds send his Elemental Warrior over heaved a sigh of relief, but his expression changed when he realized something, the Barbarians suddenly stopped their chants, and their body was covered with a glowing light.

"Why don't we ever have it easy?" He complained.

He couldn't help but turn to Grey. The mission they've been doing all this while had been within their capabilities just like Aries said, but with Grey's appearance, this mission suddenly became so complicated.

Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1422 He Complicates Things

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1422 He Complicates Things summary

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