Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1432 I Don't Need Any Evidence

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Chapter 1432  I Don't Need Any Evidence

The atmosphere became tense between the trio. The lady didn't immediately reply to Aries' question, nor did she react to what Aries said, she stood on the same spot and looked into the sky.

"Why do you want to know what business I have here?" The lady asked.

Aries looked at the lady and said, "Cause you're linked to something I want to get to the bottom of."

"Oh, I'm connected to what brought you into the woods at such an hour? I wonder what that might be." The lady chuckled, but didn't seem tense.

"It involves you working with a Necromancer." Aries didn't hide what brought her there.

"Do you even know me to lay such accusations on me?" The lady asked with an amused tone.

"I don't care who you are, but since you're involved with Necromancers, you deserve nothing but death." Aries said.

"What's with all this, just incapacitate her and get it over with." Reynolds said when he saw the time they were wasting with their long conversation.

The lady looked at Reynolds, "I like you, you're quick to act, unlike some people who want to ask questions."

"But, I do not know what you're talking about, neither have I ever worked with a Necromancer. So you have the wrong person. If you'll allow me, I have some things to attend to and can't stay and chat."

The lady turned and was about to leave, but Reynolds appeared before her and said, "You're not going anywhere, not under my watch."

The lady chuckled and scoffed, "What are you going to do to me, boy?"

Reynolds threw a hand forward, but before he could grab the woman, she vanished with a 'poof'.

"She's close! This is why you don't talk to the evil people."

Reynolds moved out, luckily, Grey's way of tracking the lady was still there and he could spot which direction she headed.

Aries didn't speak and followed the lightning covered Reynolds as he went after the lady.

Of all three people found, only Klaus' opponent didn't have the time to escape simply because unlike the others, he didn't have a conversation with them. He directly froze the place the person is located, trapping the person inside. Only someone on the level of Grey and Void could use the s.p.a.ce element to escape from Klaus' ice cage. Anyone else below that level will have to forcefully break the ice before escaping.


On another part of the woods, deeper this time.

A fissure tore in the air and a figure came out of it. It was none other than the man Grey went after.

"That kid, to think they're unto us. I told them the emergency message was suspicious. d.a.m.n it. We've been exposed. I need to leave the Faction." The man muttered and he brought out another talisman, just as he was about to use it, he noticed that another figure grabbed his hand, it was so fast that before he could react, the figure was firmly holding onto the talisman. You'll discover the inception of this content at n0v@lbin★

"You think you can escape from me using a spatial talisman? I'm a s.p.a.ce Elementalist, also very adept with it." Grey smirked.

The man was surprised at how quickly Grey caught up to him. He knew Grey was a s.p.a.ce Elementalist, he had seen Grey during the trial and also when he was challenged, but he never thought he would be this fast with his s.p.a.ce element.

"Kid, I don't want any trouble with you, why are you bothering an old person like me?" The man asked.

Grey had a.s.saulted him, now he chased him here too, he was worried.

"Stop with the act, I'm not going to give you that opportunity again. Your cultivation will be sealed by me and I'll take you back to your precious Faction." Grey was said, he paused and said, "Or better still, why don't I just kill you and end all this. It'll be more efficient. There's no point in taking you back to the Faction since you'll be killed too."

The man froze when he heard Grey's statement, "What do you mean by kill me? Did I do anything wrong? Do you have any evidence that I committed an offense worth me getting killed over?"

"I don't need evidence to kill you. I'm stronger than you, that's all I need." Grey's reply was deemed arrogant in the eyes of the man.

"Arrogance will be the end of kids like you. You might be strong, but you will never live long enough to see yourself succeed." The man said coldly.

"Well, you'll be dead before then. So I don't think you need to worry about me being alive or dead." Grey's arm had a fireball on it as he was prepared to strike.

"You'll regret this decision, boy." The man's voice changed, before deeper than what it used to be.

His little figure expanded and his aura spiked to the Peak of the Venerable Plane.

"Since you want to die, I'll entertain you." The man said, and he struck first, using a fire elemental attack.

Grey blocked the attack before countering. The man used the darkness element to block Grey's attack, comfortably blocking it.

"You're mine." The man said and attacked once again.

Grey was calm and composed, taking each of the man's attacks while making sure to block off all paths of escape.

Two inscriptions lit up the sky as he used them to attack.

The man was forced to take attacks from three different angles which was a little difficult, but being a veteran combatant, he was able to keep up with Grey's attack method, biding his time, waiting for the opportunity to strike Grey down.

But as time went on, he realized the opportunity he was waiting for might not come, and Grey was slowly penetrating through his defense.

The man gritted his teeth, "Kid, what's your problem with me?"

"You're a necromancer, and I don't like you." Grey replied.

"Fine, then deal with them." The man was tired and brought out his puppets.

Only after he brought them out did he realize he made the biggest mistake of his life.

Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1432 I Don't Need Any Evidence

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 1432 I Don't Need Any Evidence summary

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