Affinity: Chaos Chapter 258: What Are You Planning Now?

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Chapter 258: What Are You Planning Now?

On a river, a s.h.i.+p could be seen transporting people from one side of the river bank to the other. The river was around seven kilometers wide. The s.h.i.+p was around one hundred meters long and extended around twenty meters wide. The s.h.i.+p had three floors with each floor having around forty cabins.

On the deck of the s.h.i.+p, some people could be seen resting while enjoying the midday sun.


A young girl that looked to be around fourteen suddenly yelled and pointed behind the s.h.i.+p. Her surprised scream caught everyone’s attention, and they all rushed to the deck to see what the young girl was pointing at.

Seeing the sight before them, most of their mouths were left agape from surprise.

Klaus could be seen sitting proudly on his horse, with his hair dancing in the wind as his horse ran on top of the ice bridge in front of him, his right hand was outstretched, and snow could be seen coming from it, creating the ice bridge as they went on. His handsome visage caught the attention of most of the young ladies in the s.h.i.+p, making a few blush. The young ladies weren’t the only ones who his face caught their attention, the young men on the s.h.i.+p who were planning to speak to the young ladies had sour faces since Klaus had ruined their chances, seeing how most of the ladies were reacting.

When Klaus noticed how they were looking at him, he made the ice bridge go closer to the s.h.i.+p, while also taking it higher so he could be at the same height as the deck of the s.h.i.+p.

Grey, Reynolds, and Alice who were behind him looked at each other lost for words. When Klaus told them of the idea, he said he didn’t want them to waste their hard-earned money. Now, they already knew he only wanted to show off.

“No wonder he waited till the s.h.i.+p set off before he said we should go as well.” Grey said in enlightenment.

“Yeah. But, this is not the most shameless thing he has done, so I’m not surprised.” Reynolds nodded.

They’ve already gotten used to Klaus’ shamelessness, so whenever he does things like this, they are never really surprised.

Alice looked behind them to watch as the ice bridge was steadily thawing out. When she asked him why he didn’t make it last longer, he said this would make it more dramatic.

Klaus was almost ten meters ahead of the trio, the reason for this was simple, he didn’t want to be close to Grey.

“Wow! So handsome!”

“And he’s powerful too!”

“He must be from the greatest Academy.”

“Yeah, just look at his dazzling hair.”

Some young ladies exclaimed in awe, from Klaus’ appearance, it wasn’t hard for them to figure out he was around their age.

Klaus smiled softly when he heard all this, but he didn’t look at them. His smile got even wider when he heard a lady saying she wouldn’t mind being his servant girl. Most of the young people here were around the Fusion and the early Stages of the Arcane Plane, none could use their elements as well as he does.

Just as he was having a great time, what he expected happened.

“Wow! The one behind him is even more handsome!”

“He’s beautiful.”

Louder exclamations rang out when Grey’s horse got close to the s.h.i.+p. Klaus almost felt like kicking the young ladies, they didn’t even praise him close to five seconds before they all turned their attentions to Grey. It couldn’t be helped, Grey was just too handsome.

Grey was the only guy his age he had seen that had superior looks to him.

Alice who was with them looked at the girls who were screaming loudly, she didn’t know why they were acting this way. When she first saw Grey, she couldn’t deny it, his face left her dumbstruck for a few seconds, but she didn’t have the kind of reaction these girls currently had.

Unlike Klaus, Grey felt a little embarra.s.sed being stared at in such a way. It made him a little uncomfortable, he knew he was handsome, but isn’t their reaction a little over the top?

Klaus who wasn’t being stared at by the young ladies anymore quickly lowered the ice bridge, before giving the s.h.i.+p some distance.

The people on the s.h.i.+p watched as the moving ice bridge disappeared from sight.

‘Well, at least I got to enjoy the feeling, even though it was only for a few seconds, it was worth it.’ Klaus thought, trying to encourage himself.

“You’re a nutjob.” Reynolds said.

“Haha, if only you’re as handsome as we are. Then, you’ll know why.” Klaus laughed before throwing a glance at Grey.

“How did you end up like this?” Grey shook his head as he asked.

The only reason Klaus made the ice bridge was that he wanted to show off.

“It’s a gift. Now tell me, how did you feel a few seconds ago?” Klaus asked.

“Uncomfortable.” Grey said with an odd expression.

‘This is going to be hard, with this mindset, he will never get a girlfriend. Which boy feels uncomfortable when being stared at by so many girls?’ thought Klaus.

Klaus was almost one hundred percent sure that if Grey had his skills, then he would get more girls.

Grey’s answer made him take the decision of wanting to make sure Grey had a girlfriend soon.

“Do you hate girls?” asked Klaus.

“No, why would I?” Grey replied.

“Do you, you know, like boys?” Klaus brought his horse closer to Grey and whispered to him.

“Of course not! Where’s this going?” Grey almost pushed Klaus into the river.

Klaus looked at Grey, as if sizing him up, while occasionally nodding his head. His stare frightened Grey because Grey knew whenever he’s acting this way, it’s that he’s planning to do something crazy.

“What are you planning to do now?” questioned Grey.

“Oh! nothing.” Klaus shrugged.

His reply scared Grey even more.


Affinity: Chaos Chapter 258: What Are You Planning Now?

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Affinity: Chaos Chapter 258: What Are You Planning Now? summary

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