Affinity: Chaos Chapter 424: Attack From Below II

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Chapter 424: Attack From Below II



Ellis’ feminine voice rang out in all directions.

Grey couldn’t confirm if the attack was fatal on him or not, but since they were together, he hurried there to check if he was okay.

“I’m… I’m… going to die!”

On getting there, Grey was lost for words. Other than the small scratch on his leg, he was perfectly fine, yet he screamed like someone who was not only fatally injured, but it had been confirmed that he wouldn’t make it.

“What the h.e.l.l are you saying?” Grey couldn’t help but ask, his hand ma.s.saging his temples.

“Wait… I’m still alive? I… I… thought I would die,” Ellis said with tears in his eyes.

“If you continue lying there, I think you just might be,” Grey said in an apathetic voice.

Ellis s.h.i.+vered on hearing what Grey said and hastily stood up.

On seeing how he stood up with such speed, Grey heaved a sigh. An injured companion is nothing more than dead weight in this place, especially given their current situation and the sudden increase of the Overlord Plane beasts in the area.

“Thank you for warning me in time,” Ellis said after standing up, although he was still slightly shaking from the fear, he should be fine.

“It wouldn’t be nice to see you die, so there’s that.” Grey said, he held his chin before continuing, “From the two attacks, we can ascertain that the attacks are coming from underground and that whatever is attacking us is an Earth Elementalist and an expert in concealing themselves,”

“Is there a way to defeat it?” Ellis asked.

“Of course!” Grey replied.

“Oh, that’s good.” Ellis sighed in relief before asking, “So, how do we defeat it?”

“I don’t know,” Grey replied with a casual shrug.

“What?” Ellis almost fainted.

“I don’t know how to defeat it,” Grey said with the same nonchalant tone.

“But… but… you said there’s a way to defeat it?” Ellis stuttered.

“Yes, there’s always a way to defeat any opponent. I just don’t know how to defeat this one,” Grey replied while placing his hand on the ground.

‘It’s no good, I still can’t sense the vibration.’ He thought to himself.

“Doesn’t that mean we’re dead?” Ellis asked with horror.

“No, I can probably escape easily from it. You on the other hand, not so sure,” Grey replied in a straightforward manner.

“Ah… I don’t want to die! You… you can defeat it senior!” Ellis went pale from fright.

He fell down and hugged Grey’s legs, begging him with tears flowing from his eyes.

“I can defeat it, I think. But I don’t have a way now,” Grey said while pus.h.i.+ng Ellis away from his legs.

Ellis held onto his legs with his life, to him, Grey’s legs were currently the safest place to be.

“d.a.m.n it! Let go of me and jump to the other side,” Grey said before leaping into the air.

Ellis looked at his left and right before jumping once again.

Unfortunately, he was a bit too slow, again.


His scream echoed around once again, but when Grey looked at him, he couldn’t help but be surprised.

‘How is he able to always dodge it even when he’s already caught in the attack?’ He asked himself confused.

He was still mid-air, so he saw the scene of Ellis being caught in the attack but escaping only by a hair’s breadth.

‘Forget about that for now, attack!’ He pushed the thought of how Ellis escaped to the back of his head.

Since he was above the attack of the beast, this was the perfect time to counterattack.


His blue flames lit up the sky before a large fire snake came cras.h.i.+ng into the place where the attack of the beast previously came from.


A larger explosion rang out, scaring the h.e.l.l out of Ellis.

“Ah! I’m going to die! I’m going to die!” Ellis screamed as he ran away from the range of the aftereffect of the attack.


A strong wind current suddenly blew around the forest, quickly blowing away the flames from the ground.

Grey was still mid-air during this time, when he looked at the place of the explosion, he saw something furry burrowing into the ground.

“Huh? A tail?” He mumbled.

He saw what looked like the tail of a rat, but he wasn’t too sure since he only saw it within a second.

‘I shouldn’t be wrong. We’ll have to draw it out again,’ He thought to himself before descending.


Ellis was blown away by the unexpected wind current and he crashed almost twenty meters away.

“Senior, you… you… almost killed them,” He complained as soon as Grey landed not too far from him.

“That was the only chance I had to attack. If I didn’t wait a little further because of you, I would’ve had it,” Grey replied.

He didn’t attack quickly because there was no way Ellis would’ve been able to escape from the attack range given the short time.

“Are… are you sure?” Ellis asked suspiciously.

“Yes, now we just need you to act as bait to bring it out once again. I still can’t track it, so the only way to get it is when it comes out to attack,” Grey said, smiling mischievously. Unfortunately, Ellis is unable to see his devilish expression.

“Oh, that’s easy.” Ellis waved it off.

“That’s unexpected,” Grey’s mumbled to himself, not expecting Ellis to accept immediately.

“Wait, what?!” Ellis suddenly screamed after a few seconds.

It was as if it was only after a while did he figure out what Grey said.

“You, bait, me, hide,” Grey said while pointing at Ellis then at himself.

“What do you mean you bait me hide? You just want to kill me!” Ellis exclaimed, frightened.

“Can you attack it?” Grey asked with a nonchalant tone.

“Uhmm… no. But I still won’t accept to be bait!” Ellis said with resolve.

“It doesn’t change anything though, since we’re already here, it wouldn’t allow us to leave. Well, I can escape, you, not so sure,” Grey said.

“You…” Ellis’ eyes widened in fright.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you die,” Grey rea.s.sured.


Affinity: Chaos Chapter 424: Attack From Below II

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