Level Up Legacy Chapter 396: My City

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Chapter 396: My City

"There's no doubt that the man you are defending fled," there was a pause in the meeting hall as the haughty voice threatened again. "Step down and let us take control. This city's resources cannot be wasted." 

"Resources that I've procured or created," Arthur pushed the door open and walked into the hall. Then, without waiting for the crowd's response or their attention, he walked to sit in his chair. "It seems that when the cat is away, mouses come out to play." 

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d...!" The Knight of n.o.bility's face was pale before turning purple with anger. It seems Arthur's sudden appearance was beyond his expectations. 

"Mouses," the other man took a step forward as his aura exploded. "You called me a mouse?" The Duke of Battle was furious, but Arthur simply ignored the two people. 

Instead, he turned to the pet.i.te girl standing against them along with the Knight of Courage and Gruen. The joy on their faces made Arthur's heart warm, and he realized how much he missed them. 

"I'm back, everyone," he said with a grin, and Gruen almost jumped to hug him with tears in his eyes. 



Courage and Gruen were both beyond emotional, but Dia was the sole exception. She stared at him silently as if she was trying to remember who he is. Then, she turned back to the two visitors. 

"There you have it, he is here," the cold princess said without emotions. "Are you still going to make a ruckus in this place?" 

"You half..." The Knight of n.o.bility began, but it seems he remembered Arthur's presence in the room. "You outlander have no say in this!" 

"You called me a mouse, right?" The Duke of Battle walked to stand in front of Arthur. "And you are the big bully cat?" His words were leaking with both anger and thrill. Arthur turned to look at the man and simply sighed. 

"Duke of Battle, how lovely it is to see you again," Arthur stood up from his chair and walked toward the man. "I did indeed call you as such, but this matter would have to wait." 

"You dare..." 

The Duke of Battle began, but Arthur walked past him. The duke disappeared from his spot the moment that he did, leaving only the Knight of n.o.bility behind. 

"There was also you," Arthur walked toward the Knight of n.o.bility, who was trembling after the duke disappeared. "Your plan failed. How about you run back to your ancestor and report this too? That is unless you wish to fight me here," 

"There is no need..." The Knight of n.o.bility muttered as his eyes darted everywhere. "I'll take my leave, but His Majesty will hear about this." 

After saying his piece, the knight hurried away to leave the city. Arthur watched until he did as the sky thundered and the ground split apart. 

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" The furious roar of the Duke of Battle came from within the ground as it split open. "Your petty tricks won't work on me!" 

"It was enough to earn some time," Arthur smiled as he looked at the duke fly out of the ground. "Thank you for creating a well for our city. We will make good use of it." 

"Are these your last words?" The Duke of Battle's aura threatened to break apart their city, and his wrath was unmasked as he descended in front of Arthur. 

Looking at the giant man, Arthur's spiritual arm condensed around them, and the duke's aura was restricted. His sleeve fluttered, and his eyes glowed golden as he bared his teeth at the tall man. 

"I don't care if you are the strongest man or the strongest goat," his voice was full of cold rage. "But as long as you are within my city, you won't be this insolent." 

The people within his city were fearful of the duke's aura, making Arthur beyond rageful. These people believed in him and chose to follow him, despite how risky it was, and Arthur would never allow anyone to terrorize them. 

"And what are you going to do, boy?" The duke gave a crazed grin full of battle thirst. "Show me what you have hidden, and prove to me that you are worthy!" 

"I don't need to prove anything, old man," golden energy exploded from Arthur, and they gathered around his spiritual arm. "I won't shy away from a challenge, but take your insanity outside of my city." 

"My city, huh," the aura of the duke disappeared as he gave a heartily laugh. "King Solomon didn't judge you wrongly, it seems. You are indeed a man with a backbone." 

The Duke of Battle said with a laugh before turning away. Arthur's aura also disappeared, and the tension was diffused. As the duke waved his hand, he left Arthur with a few words. 

"The fact that you are this prideful of your city is what I wanted to test. If you allowed me to wreak havoc, then His Majesty would have removed you from your position," 

The Duke of Battle left the camp, and Arthur saw a light flash across the sky, signifying the end of his test. Arthur retracted his aura and sighed. A battle against the duke would have been beyond his capabilities, but he wouldn't mind going beyond his limits to teach him a lesson. 

"You have been missed, Seika." The Knight of Courage walked out of the house and stood behind him. Arthur turned to see her giving a slight bow. 

"And you did well in managing the city," Arthur said with grat.i.tude. "I'm sorry for leaving you all for so long," he said before someone ran to hug him. 

"Boss!" Gruen hugged him tightly, his thick beard pressing against Arthur's chest. "I prayed every day for your well-being. The heavens have my grat.i.tude. The heavens have my grat.i.tude!"

"Alright, alright. I missed you too. Now get the h.e.l.l away from me." Arthur laughed as he pushed the dwarf away. Then, Dia came out of the house, looking at him with a numb face devoid of emotions. 

"Where is the witch?" 

Arthur's heart twinged at her questions and the fact she was looking around for Gala. Despite knowing that Dia acted like she hated Gala, he knew that she acted this way toward everyone. 

"She won't be coming back," Arthur said quietly, and Dia's blue and red eyes stared into his. She walked toward him and stood in front of him, and Courage grabbed Gruen and left the place silently. 

An ice platform appeared beneath the two, and it levitated in the air until it carried them to a branch of Rega. During the whole process, Dia didn't break eye contact with him. 

"Did you kill her?" Dia asked as she turned away from him and looked at the scenery of Hidden City. 

"I did," he answered.

"You did the right thing," she scowled and walked away. "You should have killed her sooner," despite saying that, Dia's voice was trembling ever so slightly. 

"Did she tell you about our deal?" 

"Uh-hm," she nodded without looking at him. "The witch needed to help you escape, including the access to our library, and you had to kill her in the Spirits Realm." 

Arthur was silent as he lifted his head and closed his eyes. Before, he said that their separation was inevitable, but he never thought that Gala would be the first to leave them. 

"Our separation is inevitable," the princess muttered as her cold hand pressed against his chest. Arthur opened his eyes and met her gaze. "You must have been so hurt," her voice was broken, full of tender care that he never saw in her before. 

"Why are you here, Dia?" Arthur asked and saw the s.h.i.+ft in her eyes. "You shouldn't stand against the n.o.bles when you are trying to win them over." 

"My allegiance will forever be with you," her words stabbed into Arthur's heart, and he reached out to grab the hand on his chest. 

"That's the only comfort I have," he breathed out. "Thank you for being here, and I'm sorry that I've caused you trouble." 

"Don't be," she shook her head. "I'm just glad that you came back, Arthur." 

The way she said his name rea.s.sured him of his existence as if the name would disappear if no one spoke it into the world. Arthur nodded, and they held stood like that for a few minutes. 

Then, his nose sniffed a flowery scent, and Arthur noticed that flowers were blooming beneath them. Dia turned to look at the flowers with confusion before the petals broke away and danced around her. 

"Is this Mother Rega?" Dia asked as the petals surrounded the two. A sweet smile appeared on her lips, showing off her dimples. 

"I guess Rega is inviting us in," Arthur smiled and pulled Dia toward the truck of the tree, which split open. The two then walked into Rega's Inner World and entered the cabin. 


Rega hugged him the moment he entered. Arthur was glad that she was well after building the walls of his city, and it seems she was livelier than ever. 

Level Up Legacy Chapter 396: My City

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