Level Up Legacy Chapter 563: My Cute Disciple

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Chapter 563: My Cute Disciple

There were things that Oriole did not know about, and Arthur realized that when he asked him about what happened in the Trial of Holy Crown. Ori mentioned that there were things that he could not ask about, lest the previous Arthur mistrusted him.

Arthur could not agree more. If Oriole had arrived with knowledge of the future and tried to convince him that he needed to follow a specific timeline, it would have been the same issue as his father's.

Even though it gave Arthur complicated emotions, he still believed that he did the right thing by overwriting this timeline. However, sometimes when he closes his eyes, he can feel the other Arthur staring from behind a gla.s.s.

However, that previous Arthur refused to give up the memories he created and his choices. This left the current Arthur helpless when faced with Miko, who seemed to hate him now.

Arthur knew he was just having a casual ident.i.ty crisis, but that did not help him understand what choices were made to lose his friend. Oriole didn't even know the name, as Arthur hid these people from him in the past.

The turtle landed at the bottom of the tree, where giant buildings with tall chimneys spewed vapor into the sky. Arthur and Oriole stared at the scene with a frown before a person walked over to explain to them.

"There is no waste from creating runes, just water vapor is from the furnaces," explained Julia with robes that looked from ancient times. "Welcome, our genius runemasters," her arm spread in greeting.

"The water vapor is rising toward the tree," said Arthur as he pointed out. "I don't think the tree needs that amount of heat."

"The steam is loaded with mana, which is a great method to nourish the divine tree and its branches. We are using this as a part of giving back to Mother of Mana," Julia seemed confused by their avid interest in the tree, but her smile never left. "Let us go inside."

Arthur nodded as he turned to different hosts welcoming the partic.i.p.ants from all around the world. Julia was their host, accompanied by an old man with a straight back and a radiating smile.

Their robes were full of colors but looked well together. It gave the partic.i.p.ants a taste of the antiquity of this place while they followed the hosts into the long path between the workshops.

"I would a.s.sume that the families of Runera would try to get on the good books of the partic.i.p.ants they invited," said Ori beside him with his hands interlocked behind his back. "It seems that there is a lot of power struggle going on in Runera."

Arthur nodded his head, saddened that his city was infiltrated by outsiders. However, without his ability to filter the newcomers, preventing outsiders from Runera would just stagger its growth.

As their hosts led them toward a grand palace built at the base of the tree, Arthur began to notice that there were many details similar to his past life. For example, there were stores among the grand workshops, which he loved in his past life.

The workers inside looked at them with awe, and Arthur stared back just the same. One of the restaurants was the one he frequented to study, but it has grown bigger, and the staff changed entirely.

His heart could not bear to see the home he created be changed so much, but this was one of the sacrifices he made. It was even one of the lesser ones, as there were people that he had to give up on just for a chance to leave the loop.

Julia glanced their way now and then, even though she promised Arthur that she would stop insisting on him joining her. However, it seems the runemaster didn't want to be on their wrong side for long, and not during their fame... or infamy.

The group walked through the grand gate after a long walk, and the hosts led them to gardens where the rest of the partic.i.p.ants were. The crowds were standing around a floating platform with a short woman standing on it.

"Oh no," Oriole's body started shaking. "Does Runera has no other grandmaster to host them?" he asked with trembling eyes, and Arthur saw fear in the eyes of his friend.

As he turned toward the platform, Arthur recognized the woman with flaming red hair and blue curls. Even in this timeline, Jumana still looked like a cat or a tiny dragon. So even though he understood Oriole's dread, he did think it was an overreaction.

"I don't remember her being that bad," said Arthur with confusion. Ori turned toward him with anger before snorting away. "I have to remind you that you weren't there at my apprentice cups."

"Ah, right," Ori nodded with understanding before he turned toward him. "That grandmaster took a liking of me during the cups, and since I came out second place, she wanted to take me on a training trip. It was h.e.l.l. I missed the first half-year of Jerano because of her."

"You were trained directly by Jumana?" asked Arthur with surprise. "It's no wonder that your runic attainment is so advanced compared to before."

"I learned nothing from her but pain!" shouted Ori with a low voice, but Arthur was barely holding back his laugh. Jumana looked around the visitors with her hands around her waist before spotting Oriole in the crowd.

"My cute disciple!" shouted Jumana as she waved her hand at them, and Oriole jumped behind Arthur like a scared kitten. "Ayo, where are you hiding?"

Her voice was so loud, even without runes involved, that the whole crowd heard it. It was so loud that their ears were ringing. Arthur glanced at Ori sitting on his lower back behind him and realized that maybe he asked too much from the runemaster to accompany him.

"Ahem," coughed the grandmaster when she realized that Oriole won't show his face. "I apologize for that. However, I can see that everyone has arrived, so let's get this started. That is, of course, someone couldn't recognize me."

There were no responses, and Jumana puffed her chest with pride. Then, she waved her hand, and the platforms beneath the visitors rose in the air to make the two of them closer.

"Runera is hosting this Ruins Exploration because we encourage sharing knowledge with the world. These ruins have just been found, and we cannot stress enough how important this exploration is. I believe that everyone has signed a no-disclosure agreement before coming here."

Arthur does remember signing something that stated he wouldn't share private information from the ruins if found with anyone but Runera. After that, Runera will have a suitable reward for him in the form of artifacts and status.

"The exploration will begin tomorrow, and the team a.s.signment will be sent in the early morning. As for today, our pretentious families of Runera want to host a party to meet the young talents of the world."

The words came like a slap to everyone's faces because her brutal honesty made the crowd look at each other with a sigh. Arthur smiled, seeing that she hadn't changed too, but Ori was sighing with helplessness behind him.

"She never holds back," muttered the runemaster. "It is no wonder that she is such an outcast," said Oriole before standing from behind him. "This disciple greets his master!" shouted Oriole in a voice that flinched Arthur as he bowed.

The whole crowd heard him, and Jumana was surprised as well. However, Arthur saw the largest grin on her face when Oriole bowed toward her. Then, she acknowledged him with a nod.

"It seems there is no need to punish you, my cute disciple," she said with a grin before turning back. "I apologize for that, dear guests. You know how clingy disciples can be."

The grandmasters laughed as they all nodded with understanding. Oriole lifted his head to reveal his blush, and he raised his hand in Arthur's face to prevent him from talking.

"I wish that we never speak of this again," said Oriole while trying to hide his face. "I just can't stand the thought of others hating her."

Arthur blinked his eyes at his embarra.s.sed friend, who acted nothing like his tattoos and tall build suggested. It was the first time he saw his friend exhibit such emotions, and for the shortest moment, he believed that he had made the right decision.

"I never took a disciple," said Arthur with a smile. "But I wish that he would be a lot like you. You did well, and I'm not going to shame you for it."

"Well then, everyone should receive their keys after this! I need to go before my disciple cries!" said Jumana as she waved her hands and the platforms began to land.

"You better brace yourself, Oriole," said Arthur as he looked at Jumana, but Oriole couldn't feel what Arthur felt.. The runes wrapped around her body as she bolted toward them, tackling Oriole to the ground with a hug.

Level Up Legacy Chapter 563: My Cute Disciple

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