The Wife I Picked Up Is Too Fierce Chapter 309 - March Is in Trouble

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Chapter 309: March Is in Trouble

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“But… I’ll be embarra.s.sed if Little Jiu Jiu bathes me…” Feng Qing lowered her head and looked embarra.s.sed. Even though she had already handed herself to the man, she still felt very embarra.s.sed when she thought of the scene of the two of them naked and lingering together.

“You won’t be shy anymore if we do it a few more times.” Xie Jiuhan’s eyes shone with aggression. If not for the fact that he was about to have a meeting, he would have pushed the woman onto the bed.

Feng Qing : “…”


Looking at her hands that could not be touched by water, she was very puzzled. Why did this man say it as if he could take advantage of her?

Xie Jiuhan entered the study room while licking his lips. Feng Qing heaved a sigh of relief. When she was with the man, she felt that every breath of air was charming and gentle, making the deer in her heart constantly excited.

At the entrance of the Xie Manor, Xie s.h.i.+hao returned with March in his arms. After a series of checks at the pet hospital, the vet gave March a splint and bandaged his wound. The vet said that March’s tail would recover after three consecutive changes of medicine.

“Woof, woof!” Seeing Feng Qing, March broke free from Xie s.h.i.+hao’s arms and ran all the way to Feng Qing’s feet. He kept rubbing his head against her calf. From his pitiful expression, it was obvious that he felt sorry for Feng Qing.

After circling Feng Qing a few times, March slipped out of the bedroom. Feng Qing and Xie s.h.i.+hao were confused. Soon, March ran back and placed a bone stick with mud in front of Feng Qing.

“Woof woof ~ Mommy, eat the bone. It’s very nouris.h.i.+ng!” March barked twice and squatted on the ground to look at Feng Qing in antic.i.p.ation.

Feng Qing was caught between laughter and tears while she looked at the bone on the ground. She knew that March was doing this for her own good, but she could not accept this love…

At that moment, a clear bird’s cry sounded from the courtyard. March’s eyes darted around and he ran out. Seeing that his mission was completed, Xie s.h.i.+hao hurriedly left, afraid that Xie Jiuhan would deal with him.

Feng Qing didn’t care about March. She leaned on the sofa and watched the television. If she wasn’t wrong, March should be catching birds in the courtyard to play because March had always wanted to catch birds in the past, but he had never succeeded.

Just as Feng Qing was watching the television excitedly, March ran back from outside. From the corner of her eye, she saw that he seemed to be holding something in his mouth.

The next second, March ran to her and threw the thing in his mouth to the ground, barking at her.

Feng Qing looked at the ground. It was a small black rat that was covered in blood and its two hind legs were still twitching. At first, Feng Qing was not too afraid, thinking that it had been bitten to death by March. In the end, the little rat was just pretending to be dead, seeing that March had let go, it immediately flipped up and ran in the room.

In the study room, Xie Jiuhan was sitting up straight and listening to the reports from the various departments of the corporation expressionlessly. Suddenly, a scream that was loud enough to shatter gla.s.s rang out.

The next second, in the video conference, Xie Jiuhan, who was in the middle of the screen, disappeared, leaving behind an empty desk and a bookcase.

All the departments of the corporation : “…”

In the video conference, everyone looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They felt that this scene was familiar. They could only stop the report and wait for their boss to come back before continuing. However, they were even more curious. What did their lady boss do today?

Xie Jiuhan rushed into the bedroom and found Feng Qing standing barefoot on the coffee table. March was chasing a little black rat around the room.

Xie Jiuhan walked over and hugged Feng Qing, saving her. At the same time, March pounced on the little mouse and finally caught it.

To March’s confusion, just as it bit the rat, a thick and strong hand picked him up. Then, with a cry, March and his rat flew out of the bedroom.

Realizing the commotion here, Su Yu and Xie Qi hurriedly walked over and asked, “Ninth Master, what happened?”

Xie Jiuhan pointed at the dog and rat in the courtyard and said with a cold expression, “Fire the servants in charge of clearing the rats in the Xie Manor and bury those two alive.”

Xie Qi took a step forward. He was usually the one in charge of such hard work. He said respectfully, “Ninth Master, are you saying that you want to bury Lord March too?”

March laid on the ground and wailed.. “Roar ~ Mommy, save me. Daddy is going to bury me alive!”

The Wife I Picked Up Is Too Fierce Chapter 309 - March Is in Trouble

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The Wife I Picked Up Is Too Fierce Chapter 309 - March Is in Trouble summary

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