Master Xiao, Your Wife Has Reborn Chapter 111 - The Curse

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Chapter 111: The Curse

Su Jin was out of words as she sat on the chair. She’d never told him that she was pregnant, so why was he all agitated?

Xi Chenxiao returned to the table with a blank expression, yet his fingers had turned white from his clenching grip. “Is there anything else you want to eat? Are you feeling sick? Do you want to use the washroom?”

Su Jin almost rolled her eyes at his dumb questions. Though she’d taken a morning-after pill the other day, it couldn’t guarantee a 100% prevention.

She wasn’t against the idea of having a baby, but she was too frail now. Should anything happen, she wouldn’t be able to protect her child. The best timing was to wait until she got stronger.

You arrived too soon in the past, Su Jin thought to herself as she stared at her belly. Please. Please come just a little bit later in this life.


The minute Xi Tian completed his preparations, he came forward, speaking carefully, “Sir, the hospital’s ready for her. As soon as we reach, they could perform the checkup.”

“Okay. We’re leaving now.”

Xi Chenxiao put his arm around Su Jin and started heading to the exit, all while she was still dazed.

“Slow down! What’s the rush?” she typed. “Baby or not, I’ll most likely lose it at this rate. Take it easy!”

He came to a stop. Before Su Jin could react, he’d picked her up and cradled her like a baby, marching forward. In her reflex, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Shocked and stunned, her face flushed red. It was her first time cradled by a man. And a man with incredible status and power.

On their way out, the servants and guards almost popped their eyes out, gazes glued to them until Xi Chenxiao put her down gently in the backseat and got in with her. He ordered, voice slightly shaky, “Drive.”

Xi Tian started the engine and gunned it, roaring towards the hospital. After ten minutes, the car pulled over at the entrance. Xi Chenxiao held Su Jin in her arms, and they went straight to the OB-GYN section.

“Date of your last period and intercourse?” the chief of the OB-GYN department asked. Her eyes were on Su Jin, who Xi Chenxiao was still cradling.

The moment Su Jin had heard the word “intercourse,” she lowered her head in embarra.s.sment, blus.h.i.+ng.

Without uneasiness, Xi Chenxiao answered, “Half a month ago.”

“I’m sorry. Is this some joke? You’re here for an ultrasound just after two weeks?” the doctor paused, “All right. Go home, and please come back after 40 days. I have a long line waiting out there.”

Xi Chenxiao went silent, and so did Su Jin. He glanced at her before striding out of the room. “Let’s go.”

As his subtle scent filled her nose, she pulled out her phone and typed the words, “Hey, how about you put me down? You don’t have to carry me. I can walk. I might not be pregnant anyway. You don’t have to waste your energy.”

The devil cradling her like an adult would do a kid—it was pretty f*cking embarra.s.sing.

“It’s nothing. I’m not tired,” Xi Chenxiao replied, voice chilly. However, he got lost in breathing her sweet scent and cuddling her soft body.

Mentally, Su Jin roasted him. Couldn’t he carry her more gracefully?

“Don’t worry about the baby. There’s always a next time..”

Master Xiao, Your Wife Has Reborn Chapter 111 - The Curse

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Master Xiao, Your Wife Has Reborn Chapter 111 - The Curse summary

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