I Get A Random New Occupation Every Week Chapter 1752: What Kind of Woman Is Worthy of Brother Lin

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Chapter 1752: What Kind of Woman Is Worthy of Brother Lin


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Yi and the others weren’t angry. They distanced themselves from the motorcycle.

The man in charge of recording turned around and said to the woman in front of him,

“Get ready. It’s rare for us to see such a good car. Let’s try to shoot dozens of cars. We’ll get some good clips for the future.”

“I’m ready to shoot now.”

“Alright, 3, 2,1 begin!”

“Dear family, men are unreliable. I just went through a divorce agreement with my husband. To let him have it all, I chose to take nothing, leaving him my villa and the nine supercars behind me. Now, I’m penniless and hope all my dear followers will join my live stream at 8 PM. I want to give one last round of giveaways, only 9.99 with free s.h.i.+pping.”

“Can you two give it a rest? Don’t you realize you’re in the way here?” Lin Yi said:

“Seriously, I’m embarra.s.sed for both of you. It would take a brain aneurysm lasting three years to come up with such a script.”

“We’ll say whatever we want to say, what business is it of yours?” The man handling the camera retorted loudly.

“What’s the matter? Can’t handle a couple of comments? Grab your stuff and get lost!”


Sui Qiang raised his hand and slapped his face.

The man in charge of filming fell to the ground. There was blood at the corner of his mouth, and even his teeth seemed to have been knocked out.

“Watch your f*cking mouth, or you’ll get into trouble.”

The man in charge of filming was stunned. His phone had fallen to the ground and the screen shattered. He covered his face and pointed at Sui Qiang as he scolded,

“How dare you hit me? I’ll call the police now!”

“Suit yourself.”

After saying that, the few of them pressed their car keys and loaded their luggage into the cars.

“These, these cars belong to you?”

“What do you think?”

Luo Qi looked back at the man who had been beaten to the ground.

“What else? I let you shoot your video here and you still don’t appreciate it. Learn your lesson for the future and don’t look down on others with those dog eyes.”

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

They originally thought that the people in front of them were from overseas.

They never expected these cars to be theirs.

Under the crowd’s watchful eyes, they drove away.

Lin Yi led the way and drove toward Moon Bay Beach.

About an hour later, nine sports cars parked neatly on the highway beside the beach in Moon Bay.

They got out of the car one after another. Lin Yi said,

“Let’s play here for a while. I’ll take you out to sea later.”

Luo Qi pointed at the w.a.n.gjiang Dock not far away. “There’s a big s.h.i.+p over there. I think it’s quite good. Can we take that s.h.i.+p?”

“That’s the boat I picked. It’s been prepared for you guys.”

“I’ve made Brother Lin spend a lot of money,” Luo Qi said with a smile.

“What’s there to spend? That dock is mine too. I’m the one who decides which boat to take.”

Everyone was shocked.

“I can’t believe you have a dock!”

“All of you are rich. It’s just a pier. Is there a need to be so surprised?”

“It’s mainly because your company is in the semiconductor industry. It has little to do with the docks.”

“I don’t rely on it to make money. It’s just a place for leisure and entertainment. In the future, bring your friends to Zhonghai and mention my name. When the time comes, you won’t have to spend money. You can choose any boat you want.”

“I’ll remember what you said. I won’t hold back next team.”

“We’re all on the same side. There’s no need to stand on ceremony.” Lin Yi smiled.

“Let’s go. Everything is ready. Let’s go to the beach and play for a while.”

“Sure thing.”

Before they came over, Qin Han and the other two had already prepared the place.

They even gathered many young hunks and internet celebrity models. As usual, they were all very attractive.

Xiao Bing and Luo Qi smiled at Lin Yi.

“Brother Lin, you know us well. You know that we like this.”

“You’re all my team members, so I naturally have to get to know you.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Brother Lin really knows how to live.”

After everyone arrived, Lin Yi introduced them briefly so that everyone became familiar with each other.

Meanwhile, his three friends were a little surprised.

The eight people Lin Yi brought with him weren’t simple.

The lowest net worth was more than ten billion yuan, and their family backgrounds were also quite impressive.

Xiao Bing, Luo Qi, and Yu Siying were not stingy with their good figures. They soon changed into bikini swimsuits, which were quite eye-catching.

After playing on the beach for a while, everyone got onto the yacht. The party was about to officially begin.

The people on the s.h.i.+p were all open-minded. After all, they were all children of rich families. They were brazen as they had fun, quickly making the scene very lively.

At seven o’clock in the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun disappeared over the horizon.

With that, the tour was coming to an end.

Lin Yi arranged a table at the Peninsula Hotel to welcome Xiao Bing and the others and for them to stay there for the night.

“We’re almost done. I’ve booked a place. Let’s eat first. I’ll bring you guys to continue playing tomorrow.”

“The few of us shouldn’t just eat amongst ourselves. Call Sister-in-law out too. It’s been so long, but we haven’t seen what Sister-in-law looks like.” Zhang Chaoyue jeered.

“Yes, yes, yes. Call Sister-in-law over too. Let’s have a meal together,” Xiao Bing said.

“Brother Lin, don’t worry. We definitely won’t spout nonsense. We won’t tell her know about things that she shouldn’t know.”

“What are you talking about? You make me sound like a sc.u.mbag.”

“If you’re not a sc.u.mbag, then we’re pure primary school students,” Liang Jinming said.

“d.a.m.n, among all these people, you have the least right to talk about me,” Lin Yi said.

“I admit that I’m a sc.u.mbag, but I didn’t askyou to learn from me,” Liang Jinming said shamelessly.

“But you’re all sc.u.m. If I didn’t match your energy, wouldn’t I have long been left behind?”

“F*ck, what kind of twisted logic is this?”

“Brother Lin, stop dilly-dallying. Call Sister-in-law quickly.”

“I can invite her, but no one can reveal a word about your ident.i.ties.”

“Roger that, I’ll keep my mouth shut!”

Lin Yi took out his phone and dialed Ji Qingyan’s number.

“Are you done?”

Ji Qingyan knew that Lin Yi was entertaining a friend, so she went home by herself that night.

“We’re almost done. We’re going to eat. If you have nothing else to do, come over. They all want to see you.”

“Huh? They want to see me?”

Ji Qingyan was a little fl.u.s.tered. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to attend your gathering.”

“Why not? We’re all on the same side. We’re heading there now. We’ll be there in about 40 minutes. If you have nothing to do, come over.”

“Oh, okay.”

After hanging up, Lin Yi said to the others, “It’s done. Let’s go eat first.”

Half an hour later, the cars arrived at the Peninsula Hotel. Everyone took their seats in the private room.

“I’m going to see my sister-in-law soon. I’m a little excited,” Xiao Bing said.

“We’re not even that excited, so why are you, a woman, so eager?” The male member, Zhou Liang, said.

“I’m just curious about what kind of woman is worthy of my Brother Lin.”

I Get A Random New Occupation Every Week Chapter 1752: What Kind of Woman Is Worthy of Brother Lin

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I Get A Random New Occupation Every Week Chapter 1752: What Kind of Woman Is Worthy of Brother Lin summary

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