The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 641: Annan's First False Tome

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Chapter 641: Annan’s First False Tome

“No wonder…” Annan murmured.

The secret of creation was indeed remarkable.

It was the mother of all secrets.

After getting this knowledge, Annan’s previous hazy memories became clear.

Since the power of the “Mysterious Lady” came from the “Silent Lady” (the Deity of Darkness and Veto), “3” became the number of silence and seal. At the same time, it could also be used as a ritual number.

Also, the Mysterious Lady was the Deity of February, carrying the recurring theme of two. She possessed the mystical power of “duality” between good and evil, light and darkness, and life and death.

The duality made up the foundation of modern rituals, and it could be found in all popular rituals without exception. It also made up the fundamental theory of mortals borrowing power from deities regarding the “mortal and deity” duality.

However, how did the “number 3” increase the power of ritual?

That was because the Mysterious Lady was a part of the Silent Lady!

The Silent Lady theoretically should possess the knowledge the Mysterious Lady knew. In the legends, the Silent Lady gave the Mysterious Lady her eyes, tongue, and wisdom, making her the “silent one.”

Therefore, “number 3” could amplify the rituals, while number 2 could not enhance the veto power. The reason was that Silent Lady shared part of the “secret” component, and the Mysterious Lady shared parts of the veto power!

That also explained why “desire” was closely related to “secret”. That was because “desire” was the mother of “secret”.

Thus, people often a.s.sociate “desire” and “darkness” together. In the earliest era when “desire” was born, “darkness” and “desire” were fundamentally on the same face!

Annan encountered a verse in “Theory of Pale”.

“…As time pa.s.sed and the main races evolved, the images of the deity gradually began to change..”

At that time, Annan thought that this statement implied that “the original deities shared certain characteristics”… For example, the ancient deities were all perceived as symbols of “motherhood” by people. And later, some of them became younger… and so on.

The interpretation was reasonable and logical.

However, Annan only understood the ambiguous phrase now.

The author was referring to how the images of the Grail-holding Lady and the Silence Lady were originally identical and later differentiated into distinct appearances!

—Only those who knew the truth could “understand the verse”.

If the original author had included this statement in the book, it would likely have faced more severe censors.h.i.+p than just being banned in the Noah Kingdom. However, on the other hand, it hinted that the author of this book also possessed this knowledge.

It was unlike the secret about “Austere-Winter”.

The secret about the “grail” seemed to be widespread, so it was no longer a secret.

In retrospect, the power of the Grail-holding Lady was closely related to the Silent Lady!

Grail-holding Lady originally sacrificed “the non-existence child” to the night. If the night was considered nothingness, the child could be regarded as a child of the night.

Hence, the night was overjoyed and accepted the Grail-holding Lady’s sacrifice because it simply couldn’t have children.

However, a child with the nothingness property could be attributed to it.

In that regard, the world’s first ritualist wasn’t even the Mysterious Lady, but her “mother” Grail-holding Lady. Instead, the Mysterious Lady was the product of the first ritual.

Only by fully establis.h.i.+ng the correctness of this “sacrifice ritual” and confirming its success could the Mysterious Lady be born. This logic expressed that the Grail-holding Lady “Cybele” must have possessed the power to complete a ritual.

Her success in the ritual completed a “sacrifice”, granting the “sacrifice” property in the “grail”. That was how she acquired the Book of Truth and became a deity.

Since then, the curse vessel relating to the “grail” type could still be used as a subst.i.tute for the concept of “sacrifice” in rituals.

“Wait a moment.” Annan suddenly realized something.

There was a “Sun Deity” in this world, but no “Moon Deity” existed. At first, Annan instinctively thought that this was because the power of the “sun” was too much greater than that of the moon, and the moon reflected the sun’s brilliance.

Upon learning that the nameless and formless ent.i.ty revered as the “night” was the precursor to the Silent Lady, it was astonis.h.i.+ng to realize its immense power—so potent that it could separate into two upright deities.

This phenomenon suggested that there was no sun at the beginning of creation.

Annan retained vivid memories of this nightmare.

—That wilderness without light and fire

—The silent and deep sky.

—And the emotionless earth, as if to bury everything.

Are the “heaven” and “earth” the original forms of “the Silence Lady” and “the Bone Burying Grandma”?

Then what the Grail-holding Lady holds could be the “prime desire” that triggered the world’s first “sacrifice”…

“Is it a longing for a physical body embodying wisdom?” Annan lowered his head and took a deep breath.

It shouldn’t be something instinctual.

It was an act against instinct. “Sacrifice” was originally a ritual of giving away the precious things one held. This was neither conducive to the continuation of the ethnic group nor to the contribution of a new life.

That was the nascent desire called “knowledge”.

Before the emergence of the Grail-holding Lady, the concept of “curiosity to knowledge” did not exist in the world. Back then, the Soon-to-be Daughter hadn’t gotten the wisdom from the night, and there wasn’t even a notion of “knowledge” on earth.

At that time, the Sea of Forgetfulness enveloped the earth. All life in the world did not have the concept of “memory”.

In this case, the Grail-holding Lady sparked the first sacrifice.

No wonder she got the Book of Truth for the “Blood and l.u.s.t”.

Annan’s brow furrowed, having learned too many secrets that he shouldn’t have borne at his age.


Annan narrowed his eyes slightly, huddled in the chair, and murmured.

He thought a lot.

For example, he possessed a talent for the element of “wisdom”. For instance, he was acquainted with the Mysterious Lady and the Grail-holding Lady before, and he had even used the knowledge of the Grail-holding Lady. Moreover, he bled “the Forgetting Blood,” also known as the “Silent One’s Ointment,” which was the power that belonged to the Silent Lady.

Only after the Sea of Forgetfulness receded could the fire of wisdom be lit.


The fact that he had forgotten the memory of his first playthrough, was it a ritual to “light the fire of wisdom”?

“…This secret is important.”

Annan realized that he must not forget this incident.

He had never reached a moment where he was so close to the truth.

But if he read out the knowledge of the world’s creation, Annan would forget it—he still didn’t know how the saints retained the knowledge.

“But it’s fine!” Annan’s eyes suddenly lit up.

It was not like he had no way to go around the rules.

Like the ambiguous account in the “Theory of Pale”.

As long as he described it like this, he could leave a message for himself!

To prevent the power of mysterious knowledge from being infused into the scrolls, Annan had to use encrypted words, ill.u.s.trating in ambiguous terms. Then, he would create a book containing a hidden “decoding table” to decipher the encrypted words for his future self.

That was right.

It was a “false tome”!

“I’m going to start making my first “false tome”…”

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The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 641: Annan's First False Tome

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The Righteous Player(s) Chapter 641: Annan's First False Tome summary

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