I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot Chapter 904 - 904 14.180 Last Violet Star - Still Dreaming...

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Chapter 904 - 904 14.180 Last Violet Star - Still Dreaming...

904 14.180 Last Violet Star – Still Dreaming...

Xia Jieye keeps observing the events as they play out in front of him. He observes himself deceiving the helpless child he gave himself as a name. But over time, he notices that the person with his face began to treat Anjing with more sincerity than he had ever imagined. As he saw him hurt far beyond his reach, he would become concerned. He can’t tread on while he is being bullied by the other G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses in the area. Or if anything awful occurred outside the abyss and he felt melancholy watching the child weep to him.

This man did not know that Anjing’s importance to him gets deeper and he has almost forgotten about his goal of pus.h.i.+ng his throne to the little one. Xia Jieye as he watches this man with his face slowly falling for the little one he had named. Also watches as Anjing grows more mature from his little boy figure when the two first meet.

Now that he is more ethereal and graceful, even the most malevolent G.o.d would find it difficult to look away from him and could even decide to abandon the original plan of action. The Ice Fairy and the G.o.d of Void were amicably spending the time. In the course of their relations.h.i.+p, they transitioned from being friends to confidants to lovers. The only difference was that Anjing couldn’t stay in the Void for an extended period of time and the G.o.d of the Void was still unable to escape the Abyss. The Abyss is br.i.m.m.i.n.g with the elements of death, wrath, and evil. It was a realm that no ordinary G.o.ds or G.o.ddesses could live in. The Void could only be sustained by demonic and wicked ent.i.ties.

The two were spending their days together as they always do, and despite the fact that their worlds are so different from one another, they still seem to enjoy each other’s company. The only drawback is that they were unable to remain at each other’s sides for an extended amount of time. Yet since they were able to spend time together, even for a little time, this didn’t matter to the two of them. But, certain issues appeared out of nowhere in their reality; they were mostly unaware of the specifics, but they knew they would be affected regardless of the decisions they made.

At the palace hidden within the clouds...

The presence of the Origin and the End was only vaguely known by a small number of G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses. Before anything else was created, they were the very first creatures to ever exist. The G.o.d of Origin was the one who gave life to the G.o.d of Light, who was given the name Shen Siw.a.n.g. The G.o.d of Darkness, Xia Jieye, was created by the End as the G.o.d of Light’s alter ego. They were made to maintain equilibrium in the universe. They treat them with the same level of affection as their own children. So they let them go and let them be.

Universes and worlds were first created by Sovereign G.o.d Shen Siw.a.n.g. His followers referred to him as the G.o.d of Creation as a result of these. The G.o.d of Void, on the other hand, didn’t give a d.a.m.n. He simply enjoys his time with his child while remaining unconcerned with everything going on. As Shen Siw.a.n.g created more worlds and universes, he learned about the existence of his alter ego, Xia Jieye, and visited him in his realm one day.

Within the Abyss...


As per usual, Xia Jieye is eagerly waiting for his child to arrive, but something new has just arrived in his own dominion. A guy in a gold robe with white dragon designs suddenly appeared in front of him as he was calmly sitting on his throne and gazing in the direction where the light had suddenly emerged.

This man exudes sanct.i.ty and has a divine appearance. Although his appearance resembled that of the G.o.d of Void, their respective auras are radically different. His golden-emerald eyes were the color of light and life itself, and he had a soft, unpretentious grin on his face. As this figure suddenly materialized in front of Xia Jieye, he was first startled but his face remained expressionless.

They felt a bond with one another since they were both made with the same intent, which is to maintain the harmony of the universe. They resembled long-separated family members who had just reconnected.

The G.o.d of Void asked, “Who are you? How could you enter my domain?”

“I’m your brother. As you were created by the G.o.d of End, I am created by the G.o.d of Origin. Like them, we only have each other as a family but also unlike them, we were born with feelings that they could never understand. My name is Shen Siw.a.n.g. What is yours?”

“Xia Jieye.”

“I asked them. They said I was born first before you so I am the big brother. I will call you Jieye. Call me brother okay?”f?ee?ℯ??????. c??

“Snort* You wish...”

Hahaha~ “Come on. It is not that hard to call me brother.”


As typical siblings, the two were arguing with one another, but they were unaware that the G.o.d of End had other plans. However, he felt that isolating his son in his own realm was unjust, so he discreetly pushed his son’s forgotten intentions to have someone take over. Anjing had just completed asking everyone for advice on how to save his only important person from the abyss outside the Void.

He gradually overcome his shyness and disconnected demeanor and began approaching others. While he is a natural-born HighG.o.d who has learned to manage the two primary elements of Ice and s.p.a.ce, there are still plenty of bullies in the world. If he can’t defeat them, he will flee; if he can, he will freeze them before running away. He is kind by nature and didn’t want to take life easily.

Even though he didn’t slay any G.o.ds, he nevertheless possesses strength beyond that of most beings. He is also well-liked by the other G.o.ds due to his simplicity by nature. On occasion, when they asked him to play with them, he would reject and respond that his Xiaxia was waiting for him. He constantly asks others for advice on how to save someone from the abyss, but n.o.body knows how. He was recommended to seek some ancient G.o.ds, and the Oldest G.o.d is a water deity who is a few thousand years old and is a turtle that dwells at the edge of this incomplete world. Anjing made every effort to get to the edge of the world.

He is currently positioned at the base of a high cliff, its end lit only by stars. A ma.s.sive waterfall with a little island that appeared to be a vast basin was seen when he peered below. Anjing was aware that the earliest G.o.d in this location was on this basin-shaped island.

Anjing mumbles, “Ugh~ It looks so high... would I fly out of this world if I slipped out?”

He became aware of the large waterfall and directed it to create a stairway. He would have a firm surface to stand on the moment his foot touched the stairs since it would immediately turn to ice. Anjing ran down the ice staircase and arrived at the circular basin while sporting an innocent and happy grin. First, he attempted to summon the elderly turtle.

“Grandfather Turtle!” He yelled, “Grandpa Turtle! Grandpa Turtle! Wake up!”

Sadly, it was of little use because the elderly turtle was sound asleep. Anjing, who was incredibly agitated, began beating on the large turtle sh.e.l.l vigorously. Nearly every living thing in the area is startled by the sounds of gonging as they reverberate at the edge of the world.


“OLD TURTLE, WAKE UP! I WANT TO ASK SOMETHING!” said Anjing, obviously a bit p.i.s.sed from being ignored. After being pampered by the G.o.d of Void for a long time Anjing started to become a bit spoiled.

The Old Turtle G.o.d finally woke up, “Stop that you brat! Not only you turned my waterfall into ice, you even knocked my sh.e.l.l rudely!”

“I only want to ask something. The other G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses told me Grandpa Turtle is the smartest and oldest G.o.d that ever existed. Is that true?” Anjing asked.

“I am indeed the oldest here but compared to that Venerable in the Abyss I am only a child. Little one, you should stay away from that evil being. You would get eaten!” warned the Old Turtle.

Actually, everyone in this incomplete world already knew that the G.o.d of Darkness had taken the fancy of this innocent little HighG.o.d. Actually, this little one is the strongest among them, only weaker than the G.o.d of Light and Darkness. He is quite an overlord himself but this little G.o.d is still too young. It is understandable that the Evil G.o.d would want him given that his might hasn’t yet reached its pinnacle.

Anjing said, “Xiaxia won’t eat Anjing! Old man, you are lying.” He started hitting the old turtle’s sh.e.l.l in anger.


The old turtle felt a bit dizzy with the ringing of his own sh.e.l.l and took back his word as this silly little HighG.o.d who is protecting his people.

“S-Stop! This old man is wrong~” begged the old turtle. Anjing still has a conscience and stopped hitting the sh.e.l.l of the Turtle G.o.d. Even if he is naive and innocent like this, he is still overprotective of his loved ones.

“What do you want to ask, Little Snow?” asked the Old Turtle.

Anjing responded, “I want to ask how I can bring Xiaxia out of the Abyss. Do you know a way, grandpa turtle?”

Anjing nearly fell down the ice stairs due to the Turtle’s body shaking and trembling like he was boiling in hot water. He was irritated by the abrupt movement and froze the turtle’s little pool of water to prevent him from violently shaking.

“Stop doing that! I almost fell off!” complained Anjing.

The Old Turtle bellowed, “Are you crazy!? You want to free that Evil Sovereign!!! I’m telling you. No... I didn’t hear you just now. I will not be answering your question.”

Anjing is rarely furious, but once he is, not even the G.o.d of Void can stop him from going out of control. The temperature at the edge of the earth abruptly plunged; as a result, all nearby liquids, including the land, had frozen solid. The elderly turtle is the one who was struck immediately by his domineering aura. For the first time, in the life of the little one. He used the coercion of his aura as a HighG.o.d pressuring the Old Turtle before him. There aren’t any HighG.o.ds in existence except for him. He is the strongest being under the Sovereign of Light and Darkness.

In the end, his entire being exudes coolness and frost. His silver eyes s.h.i.+ne as he floats and looks down at the turtle beneath him. From being naive to distant, Anjing’s whole manner had altered. Their silver eyes, which were once bright and alive, no longer contain any kindness. The Old Turtle was frightened, but now he is experiencing ultimate control over the elements and an overwhelming presence that rivals the Sovereign in nearly every way. Another formidable ent.i.ty was now in front of him.

The thoughts of the Old Turtle G.o.d at this moment, ‘Everyone says that no one knows who Snow came to life. They didn’t know his origin nor was he connected to the makers of this universe. He suddenly appeared in this incomplete world without no one noticing. So the others treated him as a low-cla.s.s weakling G.o.d that everyone can bully. But they are wrong! What weakling!? This child is not weak at all. I had seen the Sovereign of Light before and his aura was so strong that he could barely breathe in his presence but before this young G.o.d, he could even feel his life draining from him. He is a hidden Sovereign that this incomplete world had bore, he had no connection to the Origin or the End. A unique existence that is different from the rest. This little SOvereign is still young. As long as he learns how to love he wouldn’t become the G.o.d of Chaos that everyone fears to exist.’

“Old thing, this deity isn’t asking you but ordering you to answer this deity’s question. I was being kind and let you answer it. If you can’t give me what I want then... you should also disappear...” Anjing said.

I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot Chapter 904 - 904 14.180 Last Violet Star - Still Dreaming...

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