Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Chapter 1015 How to Use Powers

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Chapter 1015  How to Use Powers

By the time Rudy reached home, Jessica was nowhere to be seen. Rudy was confused as to where she might have wandered off to. Of course, she could do whatever she wanted and didn't need to inform Rudy about it, but Rudy couldn't help but worry about her.

Needless to say, there was nothing Rudy could do about it. He decided to take a quick shower in the meantime.

Once he was done with the shower, he hoped Jessica would be back, but she wasn't. Rudy noticed her laptop wasn't there either, so Rudy a.s.sumed she must have left for work reasons.

Rudy went to check the back of the house to see if Jessica's car was there, but it wasn't. Now Rudy was sure that Jessica had surely left the town. Rudy thought it must be something urgent that caused her to leave, but he hoped that she would be back by the end of the day.

Rudy went to his room and looked through his stuff, expecting that he would find some clues about his supposed girlfriend. However, he couldn't find anything.

He lay down on his bed and let out a loud groan.

"What the h.e.l.l? There are no photos or gifts. Who is my girlfriend? I know I will meet her soon, but still… I am not sure what to do with this relations.h.i.+p. I have no plans of starting a relations.h.i.+p with any girls… at least an actual relations.h.i.+p."

Suddenly, Rudy's phone rang.

"Oh, come on~! I just got on the bed. I am too lazy to get up again~ I wish the phone could just teleport in my hand."

The moment Rudy said that, the phone flew to his hand from the desk.


Rudy was surprised, but at the same time, he wasn't.

'I should have expected that. My powers don't seem to be limited to time or situation. I should try to discover what else I can do. That would be the best way to pa.s.s the time.'

"But first…"

Rudy answered the call in a calm tone.

"Hey Alice."

[Hey! So… I have got three tickets for tomorrow. I called to inform you so you can be ready.]

"Wait, why three? Isn't my… oh, right, I remember she said she would join us if she can." Rudy couldn't refer to his girlfriend without her name, so he chose to change his question halfway by recalling what Alice had told him in the morning."

[Be at my house before 9 AM in the morning tomorrow. I have informed Janet as well.]

"Okay… but is there a reason for us to gather at your house? We can meet at the bus pick up stand. That would be better and closer for us."

[My father will drop us there. He said he happens to be heading the same way tomorrow for his meeting.]

"Ah, okay. I will be there in time."






'What's with this silence? Why isn't she hanging up the call? I don't want to be the one to do it for some reason. Should I say something here? Wish her goodnight? But it's still evening!'

[Umm… What were you doing before I called you?] Alice asked.

"Well… just organizing my stuff. What about you?"

[I called Janet before I called you. And before that, I was watching vlogs of the waterpark.]

"I see."




'What the h.e.l.l? I don't know what to talk about! It's been ages since I last felt this awkward with a girl on the phone.'

"Alright. I will call you if something comes up." Rudy chose to end the call.


After hanging up the call, Rudy looked at his phone screen and simply stared at it.

'Why did I not think of this sooner?'

Rudy opened the dialer and dialed a number. It was Elise's number and he remembered it.

'Please let this work. I hope this works and I get to talk with Elise. I really wish this works.'

Rudy called the number but the call didn't go through and it was automatically hung up after, [The number you have dialed does not exist.]

"I should have known, but at least it was worth a try. I learned something new about my powers. It seems like they don't actually do what I want, but rather what is possible. I tried teleporting to where Elise is, but that didn't work either."

Rudy got up from the bed and left his room. He had decided to test his powers and see what else he could do. He wanted to try everything possible. The things he watched in movies didn't seem impossible anymore.

He left his house and went to the open area on the backside where there was nothing but forest and mountains.

"I should be able to fly."

Rudy took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Then, he jumped with all his strength, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in the sky.

"Holy s.h.i.+t! It worked!"

However, he soon began to fall to the ground and landed on his feet.

"Oh,.. okay. I wasn't flying. I simply jumped."

Rudy tried to use the ability he had used in his room to make his phone fly towards him.

He tried it with rocks and after practicing for a few minutes, he was confident enough to try using it on his own body.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, with a deep desire to fly, Rudy was able to hover in the air for a few seconds.

"I think… I got it. I am manipulating the gravity of the object. To fly, I either have to manipulate the world's gravity, or mine. Obviously, I will change my gravity. I still don't know how I am using these powers. And is it unlimited?Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Well, I don't think I have the liberty to worry about the consequences unless I try it first."

A few minutes later, Rudy had managed to hover in the air for thirty seconds. However, he didn't give up and kept trying. Eventually, after about an hour, he had learned the basics of flying. But he soon realized that the forest was not the best place to learn to fly.

Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Chapter 1015 How to Use Powers

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Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Chapter 1015 How to Use Powers summary

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