Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Chapter 1025 Spending Quality Time with Alice and Janet

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1025  Spending Quality Time with Alice and Janet

Rudy took his s.h.i.+rt off and sat by the ledge of the pool, with his legs dipped in the water. He watched Alice and Janet having a nice time, and couldn't help but smile. After all, it was a rare sight to see.

'I didn't get along with Janet in the last Worldline and we only became friends when we were in the same university. I always thought that if we had talked and sorted out the issues between us, we could have become good friends in high school too.

Well, it seems like my wish has been granted. Although I am surprised about the fact that Janet loved me ever since we were in high school. Maybe she loved me before high school?'

"Rudy~" Alice beckoned him. "Come join us. The water is fresh and the sun is up high. It's the best time to be in the water."

"Give me two minutes." Rudy smiled at Alice as his thoughts s.h.i.+fted.

'Then there is Alice. She loves me too. d.a.m.n, how come I never realized I was super famous in high school? I had two girls who secretly loved me. Maybe there were more, but they were simply afraid of confessing their feelings?'

Rudy let his thoughts get the best of him and imagined wild scenarios where he was popular among girls and they flaunted at him left and right.

'Putting all that aside, what am I going to do?' Rudy wondered. 'My girlfriend is Elise, but I haven't met her yet. So should I start a relations.h.i.+p with Alice or Janet? Obviously, I don't want to play with their feelings or pa.s.s time until I get into the university.

I am trying to save them from their fate. I don't know what happened to Janet after she got transferred into a different university abroad, but I know what happened to Alice. I still somewhat blame myself for her death.

I am sure if I was there, she never would have gone through depression and taken her own life. So… to save her from depression, I have to go out with her and keep her happy? I can make her happy without going out with her, but I know that at a certain point, she would confess to me.

What would I do at that time? If I want Elise, I have to reject Alice. And if I want to save Alice, I will have to… forget about Elise…'

As the realization struck him, Rudy's face became gloomy. He was finally aware of the results of the choices he would make in his life.

'I… can't do that…'

"Rudy, are you coming?~" Janert asked this time.


About half an hour later, the girls were tired and needed a break, so they got out of the pool. They wanted to go to the washroom, so Rudy went with them and waited for them outside the section. Once they were done, he told them to go to the cafeteria and order the food they wanted to eat.

"Where are you going?" Janet asked playfully.

"I need to pee."

Once Rudy was done, he went to the cafeteria and found Janet and Alice sitting in a private lounge.

Surprised, Rudy raised his brows and approached them.

"Uhm, this is a private lounge, you know?" he informed them.

"Yes, we know."

"So why are you here? Our tickets don't cover this."

"Actually, Rudy." Alice made Rudy sit beside her and continued, "Jane and I were standing in the line, waiting for our turn to order, but a woman came to us and told us that we can have the private lounge and that they would send someone to fetch our order."

'Was it Reina?' Rudy asked himself.

A few seconds later, they were approached by a waiter who wrote down their order.

Janet let out a short sigh and turned to Rudy and Alice before saying, "You know, I always thought of these VIP services as a scam and waste of money, but… they are not bad."

"You pay for a relaxing and ha.s.sle free experience."

After a short pause, Rudy added, "A private s.p.a.ce and a safe environment."

A while later, their food arrived and they began eating.

"Be careful not to eat too much. We have to swim and use the rides. You wouldn't want a nuclear reaction in your stomach," Rudy chuckled.

"I don't want to go for rides right now. I want to relax and have a nice shower," Alice uttered her plans.

"We are almost 4 hours in and still haven't used a single ride, you know?"

"Yes, but there are still a lot of people here and I don't want to…" She lowered her voice and glanced around before saying, "I don't want to show my skin to anyone… other than you…"

Her face flushed, red as beet.

"Same. I am not here for the rides. I just wanted to spend some nice time with you," Janet stated. But after getting a judging look from Alice, Janet added, "And with Alice too."

"Well, if you want to try rides, let me know. And if you want less people, we will have that at the closing time."

'Or perhaps, I can talk with Reina and have her let us stay here for a few minutes even after the water park is closed?'

"Oh, by the way, when we were in the reserved pool, a beautiful girl came there. She was carrying a cat with her," Alice informed.

'Yeah, that's Lucy. Was she there to check who I brought with me?' Rudy wondered.

"Did she say something?" Rudy asked curiously.

"No." Alice shook her head.

"I asked her if she needed something, but she didn't respond and left."

"Maybe she got lost or something?" Rudy pretended to guess. "Or maybe she was exploring the water park."

Rudy hacked into the server and saw that Lucy had left the water park and got into a car. He then connected himself to the internet and got all the details about the car from its number plate.

'The car belongs to her mother.' Rudy sighed in relief.

'I have got the address. Maybe I should pay a visit and see what's going on? I want to ask her how she knows my name. And also… Paul's whereabouts.'

Rudy clenched his fists as he thought, 'I am going to end that motherf.u.c.ker!'


Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Chapter 1025 Spending Quality Time with Alice and Janet

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Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Chapter 1025 Spending Quality Time with Alice and Janet summary

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