Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers Chapter 86 - Do Not Want Trouble

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Chapter 86 - Do Not Want Trouble

It took an hour and half including the walk from their home to the place where they can rent an ox cart , thus Lin Yan hurried Su Wan and Lin Yu to finish getting ready and meet him in just fifteen minutes after they were done eating , while he dumped the task of was.h.i.+ng dishes at Lin Chen who was the only one who had no work this early in the morning .

Lin Rui went to revise while Lin Jing went back to his room to prepare his weapons and axe for chopping wood up for the dining table .

Since it was still early in the morning , given that they all have woken up at dawn to sow the seeds in the spring room clearly afraid that their fellow village members might see them doing farm work at home and ask unnecessary questions , Su Wan and the Lin brothers didn't fear about their secret leaking out but they feared the trouble that might come as the old Lin family , if the old Lin family found out that they had such a lucky charm in their house , then it was highly possible that Grandma Lin might create a din much worse than before .

Su Wan wanted to at least earn some money to raise their walls and change their front doors and locks before the news of them planting vegetables came out , in case a huge rat comes and soil their crops before they had a chance to become rich .

Su Wan changed her clothes and cleaned her face , after she was done she walked to the courtyard where Lin Yu was already standing - she rolled her eyes when she saw that Lin Yan who was the one hurrying them was no where to be seen , she cupped her mouth then shouted at Lin Yan 's room "Ah Yan hurry up or I will leave together with Ah Yu , if you make us late "

Didn't this poisonous man said the same thing to her while hurrying her ? Humph there you go now .

Mother Lin wrapped the remaining six mantou in a cloth bag so that they could eat it later when they got hungry . After she was done packing the mantous ,she fussed over Lin Yu and Su Wan a little as she repeatedly gave advices to Lin Yu " Ah Yu don't tire yourself out and don't lose sight of your brother and Su Wan … you should also try your best to protect Su Wan ,and Wan Wan if you want something you can buy that , don't try to save , you are the reason are family can eat and sleep well , Ah Yu remember to buy whatever Wan Wan asks you to buy , if your second brother tries to stop her remember to tell him that its I who gave Wan Wan the permission to buy , alright ?"

Lin Yan who just came out of his room , was just on time to hear his mother bad mouth in front of Su Wan , his lips twitched a few times. Was he really that petty ? Will he not let his wife buy some small trinkets ? He might be a miser but he wasn't an unreasonable miser , what does his mother take him for ? A money grubber ?

Of course Su Wan said nothing this time she had already seen Lin Yan walk over to them? and , she knew that Lin Yan might not stop her from shopping but old habits were hard to get rid off? ,? most probably , Lin Yan might really try to stop her , so mother Lin 's warning came at the right time , who will fight with that poisonous man in the middle of the road ?

After being repeatedly cautioned by mother Lin and in Lin Yan 's case warned , the three set off to their journey to the town . Shortly , after leaving their house they saw Madam Fang and her husband Feng Dai , who was carrying six baskets on his back and two buckets in his hand ms that were filled with eggs , from the shape of eggs Su Wan could make out that one bucket had chicken eggs while the other one had duck eggs .

" oh are you three going to town as well ?" Asked Fang Xiaolin , because of the dispute with her maternal family she couldn't was not in the mood to go the town and sell the baskets and embroidered clothes , her husbands didn't ask her to go either but days became into a week and the money in their house got less and less , no work yet spending every day ? Fang Xiaolin didn't have the leverage to do so , thus she finished her embroidery work and decided to go to the town to sell it today , little did she expected to meet Su Wan here .

Just seeing Su Wan made her swallow her saliva , the delicious dish that Su Wan gave her last time was still on her mind , she too wanted to ask the recipe of that dish but later on her other husband , Feng Zhai told her that the Lin family was selling their dish at the dock in a small restaurant , after that Fang Xiaolin dropped the idea of asking Su Wan the recipe of that dish , because she clearly made it to earn money from it , so how will she bear to give it away ? Her husband did brought the Salisbury fish steak once or twice but they weren't rich so Fang Xiaolin asked him not to buy anymore but she still wanted to eat it? ! She just couldn't forget the taste of that fish steak !

And if she asked about it maybe Su Wan might make it and stuff it in her hands just like the last time , the Lin family was already having so much trouble , so how could Fang Xiaolin add to their trouble , so she didn't visit the Lin family house , because she was clearly afraid that she wouldn't be able to stop herself from mentioning the deliciousness of the dish .

Su Wan smiled brightly , exposing her pearly white teeth and said " yes , we are going to the town as well , We have a little more purchasing to do given that we had nothing when we came here "

Su Wan didn't tell Fang Xiaolin about Lin Yu 's designs nor did she told Fang Xiaolin about their motive to go to the town either , though she knew that Fang Xiaolin was a nice girl but she still didn't want to publicise the matter much , in fact they should try to keep being as low key as possible , if she told Fang Xiaolin that she had another shop other than the restaurant , the matter was bound to be known to others and if others came to know , the old Lin family would come to know as well , and who wants to add troubles in their life ?

She knew that the matter would not be hidden for long but she was still a firm believer of not ' speaking a loud about your achievements , until you get success in what you are doing ,' so as to save yourself from the embarra.s.sment when you fail .

Of course she knew With Lin Yu 's talent he would definitely make a name for himself but until then it was safe to hide this matter .

Please do leave a review, Power stones or comment !! And if you liked the chapters a gift if possible !

And to that shameless person , I see you started publis.h.i.+ng my chapters even faster just to let me know how thick your skin can be, I just published here and you already published it on your site within minutes - truly how shames less, I will continue scolding and reporting you -just remember this is not the end !!! You rat a.s.s coward !

Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers Chapter 86 - Do Not Want Trouble

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Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers Chapter 86 - Do Not Want Trouble summary

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