All My Disciples Suck! Chapter 678

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Chapter 678

Chapter 678: Sc.u.m!


Accompanied by the sound of running water, the water within the pool slowly coalesced into a humanoid figure that was only an inch in size, and on this humanoid figure, a wolf head totem emerged.

And soon, above this figure, a word slowly emerged.


“?” This young genius of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect was startled.

What the heck?

“Heh heh heh, sc.u.m level talent, this is the least of it!”

“Tsk, tsk, look. The stone statue didn’t even react. He is clearly unqualified!”

“Get the h.e.l.l out of here, don’t be a disgrace!”

Seeing this scene, quite a few high-minded geniuses spoke, each one mocking with great vigor.

After all, everyone was a genius, so why would they emphasize one’s bullishness?

They naturally would seize every opportunity to stomp others down!

“Hold the gra.s.s, sc.u.m? Making me laugh to death!”

“This introductory test is too showy!”

“The developer who designed this introductory episode can order a leg of demon beast chicken tonight!”

The players couldn’t help but laugh out loud as they watched.

Next, the geniuses of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect went up one by one, and in the end, more than half of them failed.

Only the other half were considered barely qualified!

A voice from the outermost figure rang. One of the two smallest stone statues that opened its mouth to speak out.


With the word qualified, a seal emerged on these geniuses of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect who pa.s.sed the initiation test!

A seal of permission to enter and exit freely.

Of course, most of the half qualified received just enough to pa.s.s the evaluation! They were given the word “qualified”.

Soon, it was the turn of the most outstanding batch of disciples from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect!

These disciples, almost all of them were half-step Heavenly Pill, and six of them were at the early Heavenly Pill Realm. The strongest, naturally, was the man and woman leading the group. Both of them were at the early Heavenly Pill Realm. They were  the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect’s Saint Son and Saint Daughter.

A half-step Heavenly Pill from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect quickly got the first highest evaluation!


“Surprisingly good!”

“Who is this person?”

“His talent actually above qualified?”

This scene immediately startled quite a few people.

Most of the younger generation was fine. It was the older generation that was the most shocked by this person!

This was because this introductory test was based on the talent one should have within their realm!

In other words, a high cultivation level was useless, and a poor talent was a direct failure!

With both having the same talent, the one at the Sea Wheel Realm could pa.s.s, while the one at the Heavenly Pill Realm could fail.

Because the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the talent one must have.

This was the fundamental reason why many great men with high cultivation levels were unable to enter instead.

Once upon a time, there was a Deity Transformation Great Power from the Upper Realms who tested at this pool. In the end, he unexpectedly failed to qualify. He did not even have the qualifications to enter the Legendary Secret Realm.

This Deity Transformation powerhouse was naturally furious and intended to fight his way in!

As a result, he was severely injured by a stone statue in the fifth row with a single punch.

Since then, there was no one who dared to attempt a forceful breakin.

Next, there were two more half-step Heavenly Pill Realm geniuses from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect that received good evaluations, while the rest were all qualified.

However, when the four Heavenly Pill Realm geniuses from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect went up to test…

“Sc.u.m?” These four Heavenly Pill Realm geniuses, surprisingly, had a clear sc.u.m evaluation. Not even qualified.

“I’m not convinced, my Heavenly Pill Realm talent is still no match for their half-step Heavenly Pill?” These few early Heavenly Pill Realm disciples were simply speechless.

Is there this kind of reasoning?

My cultivation level is higher, but I’m not qualified? I’m not even as good as someone with half-step Heavenly Pill Realm cultivation?

“If your talent is trash, get lost! Don’t disgrace the Ten Thousand Beast Sect!” However, the Holy Son of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, who was leading the group, spoke indifferently and walked over to the pool.


In the next moment, within the pool, four illusory demon beasts steeply emerged, surrounding a humanoid figure.


The characters steeply emerged! At the same time, the two stone statues in the first row unexpectedly opened their mouths in unison and spoke.

“Woah! Surprisingly, it’s excellent!”

“This talent, it’s amazing!”

“The same early stage of Heavenly Pill, yet he has left behind the other wastes by far too much. Is this the Holy Son of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect?”

Many of the geniuses present were shocked, and their gazes towards this Saint Son were filled with scorn.

Next, the Holy Daughter of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect came forward and was similarly excellent. Once again, there a small shock.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Sect’s test was completed, and out of the three hundred slots, only a little over one hundred and forty people qualified.

More than half of the remaining geniuses ended up not even being able to enter.

Next, it was the turn of the other forces.

One by one, the geniuses went up with apprehension or excitement.

However, the truth was cruel.

More than 70% from the Three Swords Alliance were eliminated! The highest talent was only good.

The Temple of Five Laws had 80% of their disciples eliminated. There were only five good in total.

The other forces were even worse. Some individual forces from the Lower Realms even had all nine geniuses eliminated! It was like coming here for nothing!

“Finally, it’s time for the Three Great Divine Temples!”

“Yes, Descendants of the Deity Transformation. How honorable is their talent!”

“Not bad!”

At this moment, the geniuses from the three major forces of the Temple of Heaven, the Thunder G.o.d Temple, and the G.o.d of War Temple came forward to begin their tests.


“This is impossible!!!” The Temple of Heaven was simply miserable. More than ninety-five percent of the geniuses were all sc.u.m and were eliminated miserably!

The Thunder G.o.d Temple was slightly better, only having 80% eliminated!

And the G.o.d of War Temple was the strongest. Surprisingly, around fifty percent pa.s.sed. Their per capita pa.s.s rate was considered the highest amongst the human race!

Seeing this scene, many people sucked in a breath of cool air.

Who exactly was the creator of this Legendary Secret Realm?

Surprisingly, he didn’t even recognize the bloodline of the descendants of the Deity Transformation Realm. Most of them even received a sc.u.m evaluation?

The unqualified geniuses, no matter how angry they were, didn’t dare to mess around. They could only return to their original positions in a stifled manner.

“Next, I ask the three honored guests to come forward for testing!” As Mu Xueying opened her mouth, many of the younger generation froze.

n.o.ble guests?

But soon, three figures walked out in unison. After a few moves in the air, they stood in front of the pool of water.

The Red Emperor’s descendant, Chi Mo, Duke of Six Paths, and the Little Heavenly Lord, Jian Aolai!

“I’ll come first!” Once a great emperor but now having fallen for countless years, Red Emperor Descendant Chi Ma took one step forward. He then reached out and dripped a drop of blood into the pool.


In the next moment, the pool steeply changed, and a blood-red figure that was almost half a meter tall slowly stood up. A gust of blood sea-like shapes filled the surroundings.

Large characters rose up in the air!


This time, it was surprisingly the first and second rows. There were four stone statues that spoke in unison.

“Superior!!!” This scene instantly shocked everyone!

Not only were the human cultivators shocked, but the demon and beast races were also shocked in unison.

“He’s a descendant of a great emperor! No wonder he was able to step into the upper cla.s.s!” The few True Demon descendants sucked in a breath of cool air, and one of the Lava Demon Clan descendants even whispered in a low voice.

This was because even for the same True Demon Clan descendant, only a small portion – roughly one third – were rated as superior!

Obviously, this red-haired man was not only a descendant of a great emperor, but also a direct lineage descendant!

“Hmm, not bad!” Chi Mo nodded in satisfaction and then retreated to the side.

“My turn!” The Duke of Six Paths nodded and took a step forward, similarly dripping in blood.

Soon, a silhouette emerged, slightly shorter in height than Chi Mo’s, while six colors of light floated around it.


Accompanied by the four stone statues that cried out in unison, the crowd present was in an uproar again.

Soon, it was the turn of Little Heavenly Lord Jian Aolai.


Unsurprisingly, the third superior appeared.

“Who are these three?”

“Surprisingly, all of them are supperior? This is an existence second only to the highest level for tens of thousands of years, isn’t it?”

“Yes, these past thousand years, all three of them are the most gifted existences!”

Many people lamented.

Seeing this scene, the ones who vomited the most blood were those who failed!

They looked at those who got a superior evaluation, shaking the whole place.

Then they looked at themselves, who didn’t even qualify to enter.

Between tem, the gap between was surprisingly so big?

However, at this time, no one cared about those losers.

Everyone’s gazes instantly coalesced in one direction!

The direction of the Yan Huang Sect!

“He Yiming, it’s your sect’s turn!” Mu Xueying smiled delicately, revealing the most beautiful, sweetest smile since her appearance until now.

At this moment, everyone’s gazes were also looking over. They were also curious.

What about the talent of this Yan Huang Sect’s disciples?

All My Disciples Suck! Chapter 678

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All My Disciples Suck! Chapter 678 summary

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