The Young Master's Bride Chapter 1306: Looking forward to Shi Nian-young master Feng, Shi Nian is pregnant

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Chapter 1306: Looking forward to s.h.i.+ Nian-young master Feng, s.h.i.+ Nian is pregnant


Translator: 549690339

Yin s.h.i.+nian supported himself with the toilet bowl and stood up. He looked at himself in the mirror and felt a little disheveled.

Taking a deep breath, Yin s.h.i.+nian tidied his clothes and walked out.

The nauseating feeling made her dizzy and weak.

When he saw Feng Yan, Yin s.h.i.+nian was a little surprised. He had lost a lot of weight.

She didn’t know what he had been up to for the past month.

Although nainai was toot, she still wrapped her arms around Feng Yan’s neck obediently.

Yin s.h.i.+nian knew that she missed her father very much…

This kind of meeting was a little awkward. Yin s.h.i.+nian stood there with his head lowered.

Feng Yan did not even look at her.

Nainai hadn’t eaten yet, and the dishes would get cold soon. Yin s.h.i.+nian didn’t know if Feng Yan had eaten.

“Have you eaten?” In the end, it was Yin s.h.i.+nian who broke the deadlock. It was rare for her to speak first.

“No!” Feng Yan finally glanced at Yin s.h.i.+nian. Seeing that her face was a little pale, he couldn’t help but frown.

“Then wash your hands and eat! I made braised fish and…”

As Yin s.h.i.+nian spoke, he felt that he had spoken too much and suddenly stopped.

He reached out to take nainai from Feng Yan, but nainai hugged him even tighter.

When Feng Yan turned around, he directly held Yin s.h.i.+nian’s hand. It was a very natural action, but it made Yin s.h.i.+nian’s body stiffen.

Feng Yan had done the same in front of nainai before, and Yin s.h.i.+nian had cooperated.

However, she felt a little awkward today. She did not know why.

Yin s.h.i.+nian looked at the plate of braised fish and didn’t dare to eat it again, his heart in a mess.

Her period was still on time, but it was delayed for more than ten days.

She was afraid, really afraid…

She couldn’t even win against Feng Yan with one nainai, what would she do if she had another child?

Nainai was sitting in Feng Yan’s arms, still holding onto his neck and not letting go.

Nainai, daddy will carry you after dinner, okay? ”

Feng Yan said to nainai patiently. He had been busy with valiant song’s kidnapping all this time.

He also missed nainai…

“Are you still leaving?” Nainai didn’t call him ‘daddy’. She wouldn’t call him’ daddy ‘when she was unhappy.

I’m not leaving. Daddy will stay at home with you every day!

Actually, Feng Yan had wanted to kiss nainai, but she refused to let go of him. you’re not allowed to lie to me again. I don’t want daddy to be at home. Mommy isn’t here. Mommy is at home. Daddy isn’t here either. I don’t want …

Nainai had always been an obedient child, but in front of Feng Yan, she always liked to be a little willful.

Because she wanted her father’s love, and this was what she wanted.

“Mom and dad will be by your side from now on. I won’t lie to you!”

When Feng Yan said this, he narrowed his eyes at Yin s.h.i.+nian. In his deep eyes, there was a playful glint.

Yin s.h.i.+nian lowered his head and didn’t say anything. He knew that Feng Yan’s words had a hidden meaning.

Because Feng Yan knew that she was not willing to marry him.

So, what he meant was to tell her not to think about leaving.

“Then you feed me!”

Normally, Yin s.h.i.+nian would definitely not allow nainai to do this.

She had to eat by herself and couldn’t be fed.

However, Yin s.h.i.+nian didn’t say anything today. She knew that nainai was just acting coquettishly to her father.

She wanted her father to do anything with her, to make up for his absence these few days.

“Alright, daddy will feed you!” Feng Yan’s imposing manner was very tiring, but when he saw his daughter, he did not feel tired at all.

After dinner, Feng Yan accompanied nainai to watch some cartoons.

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After that, he coaxed her to sleep. When Yin s.h.i.+nian finished was.h.i.+ng nainai’s clothes and came out, the father and daughter were no longer in the living room.

When they reached nainai’s room, Feng Yan had already fallen asleep with nainai in his arms.

He didn’t even change his clothes …

Yin s.h.i.+nian walked over and covered the two of them with the blanket. When he turned around to leave, his wrist was grabbed.

Yin s.h.i.+nian looked at Feng Yan, whose eyes were still closed. He struggled to free himself, but he didn’t pull his hand away.

She knew that Feng Yan was not asleep, but she did not open her eyes and let go of her hand.

“Do you want to sleep here or go back to your room?”

Not wanting to wake nainai up, Yin s.h.i.+nian could only squat down and whisper into Feng Yan’s ear.

Yin s.h.i.+nian’s voice was very soft, and the ticklish hot air poured into Feng Yan’s ears.

Feng Yan still didn’t react. Yin s.h.i.+nian tried hard to pull his hand out and clenched it tightly.

“Feng Yan…” Yin s.h.i.+nian was a little annoyed as he called his name in a low voice.

Feng Yan liked to hear Yin s.h.i.+nian call his name. His clear and cold voice was very pleasant to hear.

“Call me hubby!” His voice was a little drowsy and hoa.r.s.e, with a charming low voice.

Yin s.h.i.+nian bit his lip. He was a little surprised by Feng Yan’s request.

Although she said that she wanted to marry him, they were only together for the sake of the child. There was no love between them, so why would they use such an intimate address…

Yin s.h.i.+nian knew that he couldn’t say it. The truth was the same. She couldn’t.

She had always called him Feng Yan, and sometimes young master Feng.

“Let go of me, you’ll wake nainai up!”

Yin s.h.i.+nian’s legs were a little numb from squatting, but Feng Yan didn’t let go.

“If you don’t scream, I won’t let go!”

Feng Yan opened his eyes slightly and looked at Yin s.h.i.+nian through a small gap-

That lazy gaze seemed to be alluring, making Yin s.h.i.+nian unable to look away.

Feng Yan had a feminine and handsome look, which made people feel that he was very evil and dangerous, making you feel nervous and afraid when you saw him.

Yin s.h.i.+nian knew that if she didn’t call out to him, Feng Yan really wouldn’t let go. She didn’t want to continue this stalemate with him.

However, she really couldn’t call him hubby…

“Ah Yan…” After thinking for a while, Yin s.h.i.+nian called him ah Yan, which she felt was the most intimate form of address.

Feng Yan’s lips curled up, then he closed his eyes again.

The meaning was obvious. If you don’t call me hubby, I won’t let you go.

Yin s.h.i.+nian was so angry that he couldn’t free himself. However, just as she was about to bite Feng Yan again…

She saw the scar on his purlicue, that was …

The bite she took last time had actually left a scar, and it was quite serious.

Feng Yan1 s hand was long and beautiful, and the scar was very obvious.

He couldn’t say what he was feeling, but Yin s.h.i.+nian controlled his desire to touch her.

He knew that if he didn’t call her hubby, she wouldn’t let him go.

When had she ever won against him? in the end, she still compromised.

Yin s.h.i.+nian was actually a little uncomfortable. Squatting down was a little uncomfortable and a little disgusting.

“Hubby…” A very, very soft ” hubby ” slipped out of Yin s.h.i.+nian’s mouth, with a hint of shyness.

There was also a bit of helplessness…

Feng Yan’s eyes were still closed. Yin s.h.i.+nian knew that he wasn’t asleep, and his thumb kept rubbing the back of his hand.

Yin s.h.i.+nian resisted the sudden dry retching and bit his lip …

“Hubby…” This time, Yin s.h.i.+nian’s voice was much louder, enough for Feng

Yan to hear him clearly.

After she called him hubby, Yin s.h.i.+nian’s entire little face turned red.

This time, Feng Yan finally opened his eyes, his devilish gaze burning with pa.s.sion.

Yin s.h.i.+nian couldn’t be more familiar with that…

“Be good!” Feng Yan actually let go of Yin s.h.i.+nian’s hand.

I promised nainai that I would sleep with her!

Feng Yan would definitely fulfill his promise to nainai.

So, even though he really wanted Yin s.h.i.+nian now, he still restrained himself.

If nainai woke up and couldn’t see him, she would get angry again. He couldn’t break his promise to his child. That wouldn’t be a good father.

Another thing that Feng Yan cared about was that night, the night Yin s.h.i.+nian had spent with that man in the hotel.

Yin s.h.i.+nian heaved a sigh of relief. He got up and glanced at Feng Yan, then turned around to leave.

However, Feng Yan held her hand again, and Yin s.h.i.+nian’s nerves tensed up again. She didn’t want to do that with Feng Yan.

Moreover, she could not be sure if she was pregnant. If she was really pregnant, she could not…

“Kiss me!” Feng Yan was actually very tired. He had not had a good rest for the past few days.

Yin s.h.i.+nian bit his lip. As an experienced man, he didn’t put up any more pointless resistance.

She bent down and kissed him on the lips.

Just as she was about to get up, Feng Yan grabbed the back of her head.

He pulled her down directly, and her delicate lips were sealed again. With a lingering feeling, this kiss was very soft…

Unlike the domineering kiss in the past, this kind of kiss made Yin s.h.i.+nian a little addicted.

She didn’t know if it was because he was out of breath from the kiss, but Yin s.h.i.+nian actually felt a little drunk.

Yin s.h.i.+nian didn’t even know that she had taken the initiative to kiss Feng Yan back.

Such a young and serious kiss made Feng Yan stand up abruptly…

“You sleep over there!” Nainai was right beside him, so he couldn’t do anything.

Besides, he was indeed sleepy and tired …

Yin s.h.i.+ watched as Feng Yan lay down again without changing his clothes …

“Take a shower and change into your pajamas before you sleep!”

After Yin s.h.i.+nian said this, he was stunned. She wasn’t the type to take the initiative to care about others.

Furthermore, this person was Feng Yan. However, he could not help but say it. “I’m tired!” Feng Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at the slightly vexed Yin s.h.i.+nian.

After not seeing her for a month, he felt that she had changed a little, but he could not put his finger on it.

Yin s.h.i.+nian hurriedly lay down beside nainai, his heart beating so fast that it felt like it was going to jump out.

Soon, she heard Feng Yan’s even breathing.

Yin s.h.i.+nian, however, couldn’t fall asleep. This was the first time that ” the three of them ” slept together.

Yin s.h.i.+nian took his phone and couldn’t help but take a selfie.

After that, Yin s.h.i.+nian almost had to hold the photo in his arms to fall asleep.

She missed her daughter, missed… Feng Yan!

The next day.

Feng Yan kept playing with nainai.

Yin s.h.i.+nian and Jiang Fei had made an appointment to help her make a gown.

They had to wear it for their company’s Annual Meeting.

Ever since the incident at the hotel, Jiang Fei would always look for Yin s.h.i.+nian or call him.

As time pa.s.sed, the relations.h.i.+p between the two became much closer.

On the way to the wedding dress store, Yin s.h.i.+nian bought a test paper at the pharmacy.

To be safe, she bought two …

When she arrived at the store, she ran into the bathroom and did a test…

She was pregnant…

Although the marks were very shallow, both of them were the same, two marks

Yin s.h.i.+nian sat on the toilet, his face pale…

She did like children, but this child…

Her rationality told her that she couldn’t keep this child, but she couldn’t bear to, couldn’t bear to…

“s.h.i.+nian?” Jiang Fei’s voice came from downstairs.

Yin s.h.i.+nian threw the test paper into the trash can and went downstairs.

When he was taking Jiang Fei’s size, Yin s.h.i.+nian was a little absent-minded. Jiang Fei kept talking to herself.

“s.h.i.+nian, just make a simple one, don’t make it too expensive!”

Jiang Fei said with a smile. She looked at the wedding dresses and liked them very much.

“I’m giving this to you!” Yin s.h.i.+nian’s voice was very low, his mind filled with the matter of his pregnancy.

“How can I do that? you’re doing business, so I have to pay you!”

Jiang Fei waved her hand, her att.i.tude firm.

Yin s.h.i.+nian didn’t say anything else. She wouldn’t take Jiang Fei’s money.

That was her personality. She didn’t want to waste her breath on something she had already decided on.

While Yin s.h.i.+nian was choosing the fabric, Jiang Fei went to the bathroom.

Yin s.h.i.+nian didn’t mind and continued with his work.

After a while, Jiang Fei walked out of the bathroom.

“s.h.i.+nian, you’re pregnant?”

Jiang Fei asked s.h.i.+ Nian excitedly.

The scissors in Yin s.h.i.+nian’s hand fell to the ground.

He was a little annoyed at his own carelessness. Why didn’t he take out the garbage bag and let Jiang Fei see it …

She didn’t want anyone to know about this.

“Why are you so nervous? Don’t scare the child.”

“s.h.i.+nian, you’re so nervous, don’t tell me… The child was not young master

Feng’s? Ah… Is that the man who carried you away?

Jiang Fei quickly squatted down and picked up the scissors.

“s.h.i.+nian, you’re so nervous, don’t tell me… The child was not young master Feng’s? Ah… Is that the man who carried you away? Then, that night…”

Jiang Fei looked at Yin s.h.i.+nian, her eyes unblinking.

Yin s.h.i.+nian’s head exploded. Feng Yan had misunderstood that he and Bai Hexun had done that thing that night.

Counting the days, if he knew that she was pregnant, he would probably think that the child was Bai Hexun’s …

However, it was true that she and Bai Hexun did not do that. They did not.

Yin s.h.i.+nian sat in his chair, his mind in a mess. He didn’t even know when Jiang Fei had left…

Jiang Fei turned around to look at the wedding dress shop and sneered.

“Young master Feng, you … h.e.l.lo, I’m Jiang Fei… Do you still remember me? I’m…

He took out his phone and dialed a number…

“Young master Feng, you … h.e.l.lo, I’m Jiang Fei… Do you still remember me?

I’m … s.h.i.+ Nian’s friend.” Jiang Fei’s voice was very nervous, as if she was very shy.

“Is there something?” Feng Yan’s voice was cold and slightly impatient.

“Young master Feng, I know you’re busy, but s.h.i.+nian is pregnant. I hope you can… Spend more time with her and don’t let her… Hard work…”

The Young Master's Bride Chapter 1306: Looking forward to Shi Nian-young master Feng, Shi Nian is pregnant

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The Young Master's Bride Chapter 1306: Looking forward to Shi Nian-young master Feng, Shi Nian is pregnant summary

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