The Young Master's Bride Chapter 266

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Chapter 266

266 The cold man’s eyes turned red

Li beixiao did not answer, but his eyes gave Mumu the most direct answer. She must be!

Seal the door

Ye qingge played with Tang Tang the entire afternoon with Feng Yan’s company.

The child’s resistance at the beginning slowly turned into a response to ye qingge.

To ye qingge, this was already a very good result.

She had to admit that Feng Yan was really patient with children.

Although Tang Tang could not speak, she was very smart.

She didn’t know how to speak or sign. She only used her eyes to communicate with you, but she could understand everything you said.

Feng Yan said that it was Tang Tang herself who didn’t want to talk, and it wasn’t inborn or that she was sick.

Ye qingge had just finished cooking dinner when she heard Han Bing call for the commander.

She almost dropped the plate in her hand.

Huo zhongrao was here … Her big brother was here …

Ye qingge thought that four dishes might not be enough, so she opened the refrigerator and made two more dishes.

He looked at the clothes he was wearing. They weren’t dirty, nor were they too out of date. They wouldn’t make him feel that he was living a bad life.

Li beixiao had bought her some clothes, but she was not used to wearing them. They were not suitable for work, so they were all limited edition.

She was not short of money. Last time, she had won a lot of money from li beixiao and Feng Yan. However, she was used to such a life and did not know how to spend the money.

Ye qingge was in the kitchen checking to see if she did anything inappropriate.

Huo zhongrao stood in the living room and looked at Feng Yan with a dark expression. If it wasn’t for the child, he would have already punched him.

He knew everything, yet he had kept it a secret for so long. He still didn’t know what Feng Yan was thinking.

He was waiting for bei Zhi to fall in love with

Then, he’d watch bei Zhi suffer, and let him Taste the Feeling of losing something.

He had hurt meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeo?

Tang Tang, this is uncle. Smile and say h.e.l.lo to him!

Feng Yan hugged Tang Tang and said gently to her.

Huo zhongrao’s cold face gave people a sense of Majesty, especially when he didn’t smile.

His soldiers did not even dare to breathe when they saw him, let alone the timid Tang Tang.

She had been lying in Feng Yan’s arms without looking at Huo zhongrao, her little hands playing with the b.u.t.tons of Feng Yan’s s.h.i.+rt.

“Brother Rao, Tangtang will be scared if you do this!”

At this moment, Feng Yan’s eyes were no longer as frivolous as they usually were.

Before he came, Huo zhongrao had already learned about Tang Tang’s situation from Han Bing.

He didn’t expect this child to not know how to speak and to be so timid.

What kind of sin had he committed to let his child suffer like this?

“Uncle will hug you!”

Huo zhongrao reached out his hand to Tang Tang and the child immediately buried her face into Feng Yan’s chest, not even giving Huo zhongrao a side view.

Huo zhongrao didn’t know what to do with this child.

He really wanted to get closer to the child. After all, he was his sister’s child.

Tang Tang only showed him the side of her face, so he could not see what she looked like.

He was anxious, but he knew that this child was not born yet and couldn’t be rushed.

Feng Yan could tell that brother Rao wanted to see Tang Tang’s face but was afraid of scaring the child.

“She looks exactly the same as MeowMeow when she was young!”

Feng Yan took out his phone, opened his photo alb.u.m, and handed it to Huo zhongrao.

When Huo zhongrao saw Tang Tang’s photo, his body stiffened.

The cold man’s eyes turned red. He seemed to see MeowMeow when she was young.

His throat was choked, and all the memories gushed out, causing his breathing to become rapid.

The Young Master's Bride Chapter 266

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The Young Master's Bride Chapter 266 summary

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