The Young Master's Bride Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

97 My woman is not very obedient

When li beixiao walked in, Feng Yan deliberately raised his arm and shook it, so that li beixiao could see his hand holding ye qingge’s.

Li beixiao’s cold face suddenly became a few degrees colder.

“Li beixiao, don’t misunderstand. I was forced to do it!” Ye qingge felt that she would be played to death by these two men sooner or later.

“Big brother!” He glanced at ye qingge coldly, then sat down beside her and grabbed her other wrist.

He wanted to pull ye qingge’s body to his side, but Feng Yan was also exerting force. Ye qingge was like a doll being pulled, about to be torn apart.

In Huo zhongrao’s eyes, li beixiao had always been a person with a sense of propriety. However, his childish behavior at this time made him slightly surprised and somewhat relieved.

He had investigated this ye qingge before. No wonder Mumu liked her. She had a unique temperament, quiet and indifferent, and a little charming. He could tell that she had a temper.

“Both of you, let go of my hand and sit here!” ‘You’, of course, referred to ye qingge.

The three of them were slightly surprised. Li beixiao and Feng Yan let go of their hands at the same time. They would not disobey Huo zhongrao.

Ye qingge did not hesitate and sat directly next to Huo zhongrao. She knew that she could not leave.

Li beixiao’s eagle-like eyes stared at ye qingge as if he wanted to tear her into pieces and swallow her.

Ye qingge also glared at him, her eyes full of resentment, anger, and grievance.

Feng Yan’s lips curled into a cold smile.

Sitting beside Huo zhongrao, ye qingge did not feel uncomfortable or awkward at all. Instead, she felt at ease and comfortable. It was a feeling that she had never felt before.

“Brother Rao, where’s that brat?” Feng Yan leaned back in his chair, his legs spread out casually.

The brat Feng Yan was talking about was li beixiao’s son, li Mumu. Although Feng Yan and Li beixiao were not on good terms, he liked li Mumu very much.

“Together with shadow!” Huo zhongrao poured a gla.s.s of water for ye qingge and pushed it in front of her without saying a word.

“The brat is his son!” Feng Yan explained kindly, as if he was afraid that ye qingge did not know.

“She knows!” Li beixiao still didn’t know what Feng Yan meant. He looked at him and gritted his teeth.

Her own son had an idea and was actually calling Feng Yan his brother.

Ye qingge held the cup with both hands and lowered her head to drink water, ignoring everyone. She had had enough of these two childish men.

At this moment, the dishes were served. Ye qingge saw that they were all home-cooked dishes.

“Let’s eat!” Huo zhongrao didn’t even look at the two and sat up straight.

Ye qingge felt that Huo zhongrao’s strong aura was innate, and the manliness was in his bones.

People couldn’t help but respect him, just like soldiers.

In ye qingge’s eyes, li beixiao’s domineering aura was unparalleled. However, in front of Huo zhongrao, he seemed to have automatically restrained all his sharpness.

Just like now, he and Feng Yan had obediently started eating …

“Why aren’t you eating?” Huo zhongrao asked when he saw ye qingge not eating.

However, even this faint tone made people feel even more pressured.

“I already ate it before he caught me, Mr. Huo.”

Ye qingge smiled weakly, her tone a little annoyed and dissatisfied.

“Then you should eat more!” Huo zhongrao frowned and looked at Feng Yan.

“Brother Rao, my woman isn’t very well-behaved, she won’t cooperate if you don’t grab her!” Feng Yan deliberately emphasized the words “my woman.”

The Young Master's Bride Chapter 97

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The Young Master's Bride Chapter 97 summary

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