Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 1086: Lesson

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Chapter 1086: Lesson

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

“Auntie, bring Concubine Du here!” Third Madame suddenly issued the command.

Taken aback, Auntie Ling nodded and left.

However, to her dismay, Concubine Du was not by her side.

Third Madame was incredibly sensitive. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she snapped, “How dare that woman not show up!”

Auntie Ling forced a smile, trying to pacify the situation. “Madame, please don’t be angry. Third Miss…”

“Bah! That woman is not the Third Miss!”

“Yes, yes!” Auntie Ling acquiesced, going along with Third Madame Qiao’s words. “Concubine Du’s daughter is still weak, and Concubine Du says she needs to take care of her. She will come to visit Madame Qiao later…”

“That woman!” Third Madame seethed. “How dare she! Who does she think she is? How dare she disobey my orders? Go and fetch her, and bring Qiao Kou as well! Make it clear to them that I have Concubine Du’s contract! Let her think twice before defying me!”

“Just go!”

Auntie Ling found herself in a predicament.

If she conveyed this message to Old Master, what would he think of Madame Qiao? Yes, Madame Qiao did have a contract with Concubine Du, but Third Miss was on the verge of getting married, and Madame Qiao had no intention of betraying Concubine Du.

That would only turn the Qiao Family into a laughingstock!

Old Master would never forgive Madame Qiao. They would become strangers from this moment onward.

However, Auntie Ling was also furious. She was angered by Concubine Du’s arrogance and pettiness. Third Miss had stolen Elder Miss’ wedding, and now she had become so conceited that she defied Madame Qiao’s orders and requests.

She deserved to learn a lesson!

Auntie Ling nodded and approached Concubine Du.

This time, Auntie Ling requested a private conversation on the porch. Reluctantly, Concubine Du followed, knowing that Auntie Ling’s tone was far from pleasant.

On the corridor outside the room, Auntie Ling fixed her gaze on Concubine Du and spoke with a cold tone, “Don’t forget that Madame Qiao still holds the contract with you. You know what Madame Qiao is capable of when she’s angered. If Third Miss enters her husband’s household with a sold concubine, her days won’t be easy, will they?”

Concubine Du’s face drained of color, her voice trembling as she replied, “Third Miss, Third Miss was also set up. How can Madame Qiao treat her this way? I haven’t done anything wrong. Old Master would never allow this!”

Auntie Ling snorted in response. “Do you think Old Master can control Madame Qiao? Madame Qiao possesses the contract! You are merely a concubine. Who are you to defy her?”

“Are you feeling guilty because you know you’ve done something wrong?”

Concubine Du’s eyelids twitched, overcome with despair and sorrow.

She knew it! She knew it!

Regardless of the circ.u.mstances, it was an undeniable fact that Third Miss had disrupted Elder Miss’ engagement. Madame Qiao wouldn’t let her off the hook. She was determined not to spare her.

But if not for Old Master’s grounding, even Elder Miss wouldn’t have let her off the hook.

What was she going to do in the future?

“It’s my fault. I’ve been too concerned…”

Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 1086: Lesson

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Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 1086: Lesson summary

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