Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 1153: Minister Old Yun

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Chapter 1153: Minister Old Yun

Editor: Henyee Translations

Shao Yunduan’s surprise was evident, yet he was determined not to let go of this golden opportunity. As he eloquently discussed a section of the book, the ministers couldn’t help but commend him calmly. He couldn’t help but feel inwardly pleased as he realized why the Emperor had been so intrigued by his talents.

Emperor Xuan of Qi was even more delighted with Shao Yunduan’s performance. Although not a poetry enthusiast, the Emperor was well-versed in the four books and five sutras and recognized Shao Yunduan’s exceptional abilities in poetry as well.

The Emperor’s joy knew no bounds as he honored Shao Yunduan with a set of study treasures and a copy of the imperial book. However, this was not the end of the story. The Young Master overheard something intriguing about Shao Yunduan’s intermediate sutras and pa.s.sed on the message to the East Palace. It was revealed that Shao Yunduan’s Master Yun happened to be the retired Teacher of the Crown Prince.

Master Yun’s credentials were impressive as a contemporary Confucian with a distinguished career as an academician of the Hanlin Academy, Left a.s.sistant Minister of Rites, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and Grand Secretary of Yuan Pavilion. Prior to becoming the Grand Tutor of the Crown Prince, he had numerous disciples due to his fame and extensive network. Yet, the Crown Prince, along with the Second Prince, the Third Prince, and the Fourth Prince, managed the country’s governance. To prevent any complications or interference, Master Yun chose to withdraw from his governmental position.

His decision was to ensure that the Crown Prince could focus on his responsibilities without any unnecessary concerns or fears arising from Master Yun’s presence in the court.

The Crown Prince understood the reasons behind Master Yun’s departure and reluctantly watched his honored tutor leave the capital. As the most devoted student of Minister Old Yun, the Young Master deeply respected his teacher and was well acquainted with the teachings he had pa.s.sed on to Shao Yunduan. When the Young Master noticed the similarities, he became suspicious and confronted Shao Yunduan, ultimately confirming his suspicions by comparing the portrait of the Old Master.

Both surprised and delighted, the Crown Prince and Shao Yunduan were left in awe of the unexpected connection. It became clear why Master Yun had initially been hesitant to accept Shao Yunduan as his disciple or allow him to address him as Master. After the Crown Prince, Master Yun had refrained from taking on any more disciples, making Shao Yunduan a unique exception.

The revelation brought immense joy to the Crown Prince, as he realized that Shao Yunduan was not merely his Junior Brother but a student taught directly by his beloved Master. The familiarity he sensed in Shao Yunduan’s essay now made perfect sense, as Shao Yunduan had absorbed some of the essence of Master Yun’s style during their interactions.

The discovery of this connection between the two left Shao Yunduan dumbfounded and filled the Crown Prince with pride, knowing that his esteemed Master’s teachings continued to influence and shape talented individuals like Shao Yunduan.

However, during that time, the Crown Prince hadn’t considered the possibility of reuniting with Shao Yunduan, and now he deeply regretted it. He wished he had reconnected with him much earlier, avoiding the lost time.

Despite the strangeness of their unexpected reunion, the Crown Prince couldn’t hide his excitement as he looked at Shao Yunduan with sparkling eyes. He was eager to inquire about the well-being of the grand tutor and was pleased to find Shao Yunduan very amicable.

Ever since Minister Old Yun left the capital, there had been no contact with him. The Crown Prince felt a sense of sadness whenever he thought about the elder man. He understood that the reason for Minister Old Yun’s departure was likely to give up everything and leave behind the complexities of the court.

Though the Crown Prince longed for the elder man’s return to the capital, he was aware of the purpose behind his mentor’s actions. He knew it was best for the Elderly Men to stay away from the court’s intrigue and politics.

The Crown Prince’s father had placed great trust in Minister Old Yun, and it was due to that trust that the Crown Prince found himself in his current position.

Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 1153: Minister Old Yun

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Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 1153: Minister Old Yun summary

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