Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 982: Qiao Xuan's Bet

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Chapter 982: Qiao Xuan’s Bet


Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

The Emperor held such a high opinion of him that he remained oblivious to the unfolding events. However, by doing so, the Ministry of Personnel would never force him to leave the capital.

“My dear, I will seize an opportunity to suggest paying respects to our ancestors, and then…” Shao Yunduan smiled bitterly, his determination apparent. “You can stay in the village once we return!”

Their household was well-stocked, and the bustling province was within close reach, allowing her to acquire anything she desired.

Her family treated her kindly, ensuring she was not mistreated in his absence.

County Magistrate Qiao would soon depart for the capital, and the incoming County Magistrate would likely avoid causing them trouble, as long as they acted sensibly.

The odds of convenience were even higher.

She envisioned a life of freedom and happiness back home.

Qiao Xuan was taken aback.

Living in the village, she lacked nothing. The family was harmonious, and she had the freedom to explore the mountains and the town whenever she pleased. It was an idyllic pastoral life she had always dreamed of.

It couldn’t be more perfect!

However, that was no longer what she desired.

“You want to separate from me?”

“That’s not what I meant…”

“You’re right!” Qiao Xuan’s expression turned sorrowful and distressed. “You achieved the highest position and received recognition from the Emperor, yet you still wish to remain a government official in the capital. You want to cast me aside and pursue a contented life in the city! Perhaps you will take on concubines one after another. In a few years, I will bear children for other concubines as well!”

Qiao Xuan had been teasing him, but as she spoke, a tinge of sadness crept into her voice. Tears welled up in her eyes.

It was true!

As the saying goes, husbands who are separated by a thousand miles might as well be strangers!

They were thousands of miles apart, and the capital city was so enchanting. No matter how pure-hearted and devoted he was, he would inevitably be influenced by the pa.s.sage of time and the vast, ever-changing environment.

Qiao Xuan didn’t want to take that risk, and she couldn’t bear the consequences.

She wasn’t being overly suspicious. She believed in trusting him, but she knew it wouldn’t be that simple.

Humans were social creatures, susceptible to their surroundings.

Many people clung to their initial intentions, but over time, they changed.

That change wasn’t solely because of him, but also due to the environment.

Being by his side or not made a world of difference.

He understood his own intentions when he suggested she return to her hometown. He was worried she would face hards.h.i.+ps or mistreatment in the bustling city, but she had no intention of staying in the village.

She possessed extraordinary abilities that could protect her, and no one could easily harm her. Even without those abilities, she wouldn’t leave.

Shao Yunduan was alarmed by Qiao Xuan’s words. Anxiously, he tried to explain, “No, no, my love, you’ve misunderstood me. That’s not what I meant!”

“That’s exactly what you’re implying!”

“No, I’m just concerned about your well-being!”

“So, I shouldn’t feel hurt when you take on a concubine?”

“I don’t have any concubines!”

“What about in the future?”

“There won’t be any!”

“You’ll be thousands of miles away, and I won’t be able to see you either, right? What if someone tries to woo you? What if the Emperor insists on a.s.signing someone to attend to you?”

Shao Yunduan found himself torn between laughter and tears. “Absolutely not! The Emperor is far too occupied to meddle in such matters!”

Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 982: Qiao Xuan's Bet

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Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 982: Qiao Xuan's Bet summary

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