Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 984: Careful

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Chapter 984: Careful


Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

The differences extended beyond just the environment. The level of attention from the imperial court, the potential for greater achievements, and the speed of promotion varied greatly among the different locations.

Shao Yunduan caught the attention of Emperor Xuan, which made the Ministry of Personnel hesitant to transfer him. He held a seventh-rank position at Hanlin Academy. Officer Tian secretly hoped that he could be a.s.signed a more fortunate position, but he felt too embarra.s.sed to act upon such desires.

As a result, he could only grant Shao Yunduan a seventh-rank editing position.

However, Officer Tian did not approve of Shao Yunduan’s friends.

Lu Min was dispatched to Fujian, while Gu Zhiyou was sent to a cold and remote place in the northwest. These locations were underdeveloped and challenging environments, ones that most people avoided and tried to steer clear of.

Shao Yunduan felt a deep sense of guilt and even treated them to a meal, burdened by his conscience.

Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou were not particularly content either. Especially after the appointments were announced, some individuals made sarcastic remarks about Shao Yunduan, further fueling their annoyance.

Yet, they did not hold Shao Yunduan responsible for their circ.u.mstances.

“Brother Shao, that’s an order from the imperial court. It has nothing to do with you,” Lu Min remarked.

“Yeah, we’re at the bottom of the rankings and lack connections, so we never expected to receive favorable positions. It’s all within our expectations,” Gu Zhiyou added.

“Haha, no matter what, Shao Yunduan has become a government official. He excelled in his studies and lives up to his ancestors. That’s something to be proud of,” another friend chimed in.

“Indeed, who knows what the future holds? Being away from the capital might actually be a good thing. I’m curious about the scenery in the south,” Lu Min pondered.

“Haha, I think the north has its own interesting aspects too. But Shao Yunduan, you’re headed to advanced mountains and rivers, and we’re uncertain when we’ll meet again. People in the intermediate positions can be quite treacherous, and you, well, you’re a bit different. Be cautious in the future!” Gu Zhiyou advised.

“Absolutely. Brother Shao, please take care!” They expressed their concern sincerely.

Shao Yunduan felt immense grat.i.tude and nodded, engaging in a brief exchange of words with them.

After their gathering, they were set to depart the following day. A long journey awaited them!

Upon finis.h.i.+ng the meal, Shao Yunduan retrieved two envelopes and placed them in front of Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou, speaking earnestly, “There’s 500 liang in each envelope, totaling 20,000 liang. Please don’t refuse it. You’ll definitely need it in your new locations. We’re friends, so don’t worry about it. If you feel guilty, you can always return it to me later.”

Both Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou were taken aback.

“Brother Shao, isn’t this too much?” they exclaimed.

Though they were able to sustain their studies and had a decent family background, they were only well-off within their local province. By living frugally, they could earn around 20 or 30 taels annually.

For them, 20,000 liang was an enormous sum!

Shao Yunduan smiled warmly. “We won’t know the extent of our needs until we’re in our respective positions. It’s always good to have some for self-protection. Consider it a gift from me and your Sister-in-law, and please don’t turn it down.”

Moved by his kindness, they gratefully accepted the two envelopes.

“Brother Shao, thank you so much!”

“We’ll all live well, and we’ll meet again in the future. Take care, Brother Shao.”

“You too!”

Qiao Xuan also handed each of them a cloth bag, each containing five potatoes.

Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 984: Careful

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Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 984: Careful summary

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