I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate Chapter 815: Killing a Demigod! (1)

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Chapter 815: Killing a DemiG.o.d! (1)


Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

Something was wrong!

Something was very wrong!!

The black-robed man was shocked. Although the slash Xiao s.h.i.+ used was shockingly powerful and extremely ferocious, it was definitely not enough to resist his Eye of Extermination. It was even more impossible to shatter his Eye of Extermination.

The reason why his Rules of Extermination were far stronger than the other Rules of Heaven and Earth in terms of levels was because there was still the Origin of Extermination above the Rule of Extermination.

For example, the other rules of the world did not have the support of the Origin. Naturally, they were far inferior to the extermination rule in terms of levels. Usually, once the Origin was formed, it would exist forever. Even if the Martial Emperor died, his origin of extermination still existed.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, Xiao s.h.i.+’s slaughter rules were definitely unable to resist the extermination rules. Yet the current situation made the black- robed man clearly realize that there was a huge problem!

However, the problem was not with Xiao s.h.i.+’s slash, but with his Eye of Extermination.

“My Eye of Extermination… No, it’s my Rule of Extermination. At that moment, its level seemed to have decreased greatly. What’s going on?!” The black-robed man frowned.

With his understanding of the rules of heaven and earth, there was no method in the world that could reduce the level of the rules of heaven and earth. But at that moment just now, he could clearly feel that his rule of extermination had decreased greatly in terms of level. This caused his Eye of Extermination to be directly shattered by Xiao s.h.i.+.

This situation was unheard of.

“As expected! The best way to resist his Rules of Extermination is to use the Soul Disc!” The method Xiao s.h.i.+ thought of to resist the rule of extermination was not relying on the Qianqi Dao Slash. Even though his Qianqi Dao Slash had been greatly enhanced after he advanced to the demiG.o.d level, it wasn’t enough to withstand the other party’s rule of extermination.

If he wanted to fight it, he could only start from the other party’s rules of extermination. This made Xiao s.h.i.+ think of his first exclusive item, the Soul Disc.

Back then, after Xiao s.h.i.+ turned this item into his exclusive item, this item had its exclusive ability. However, the exclusive ability of the Soul Disc at that time could only be targeted at the Daolord. It had no effect on demiG.o.ds.

Apart from having exclusive abilities, there was another special thing about exclusive items. The grade of the exclusive item would depend on Xiao s.h.i.+’s current cultivation realm.

Because Xiao s.h.i.+ was still the Daolord at that time, therefore, the grade of the Soul Disc was only an exclusive item at the Daolord level. But now that Xiao s.h.i.+ had become a demiG.o.d, this exclusive item also advanced from the Daolord level to a demiG.o.d-level exclusive item.

Its exclusive ability also changed.

[Name: Soul Disc]

[Type: Roulette]

[Grade: Unlimited (Depends on current realm)]

[Status: Exclusive (1)]

[Introduction: It’s a Martial Soul Realm item “invented” by an ancient mighty figure on a whim. Then, under the enhancement of the item upgrade scroll, it advanced from the Martial Soul Realm to the Martial Demon Realm. Then, in the change of the Exclusive Dao, it became an exclusive item. You can use this item by fusing it into your soul.]

[Remark 1: There are a total of five areas on the soul disc. They correspond to attack, defense, probing, use, and amplification.]

[Remark 2: When attacked, you can rotate the target’s attack in the soul disc. The target’s attack will change according to the area corresponding to the needle.]

[Remark 3: The Soul Disc can be used up to six times in a day.]

[Remark 4: Apart from being able to use it on the target, it can also be used on itself.]

[Remark 5: You can choose the area the needle of the Soul Disc points to. You don’t have to rotate clockwise anymore, but you can only point to the same area once a day.]

[Remark 6: If the pointer points to the same area, it will receive an additional five times increase.]

[Current exclusive ability: Disc of Rules]

[Introduction: The Disc of Rules can tamper with the attacked rules and lower the level of the rules. It can also increase the level of its own rules.]

[Remark: The Disc of Rules can only tamper with the enemy’s rules once a day and increase its own rules once.]

Back when the Soul Disc was still an exclusive item at the Daolord level, its exclusive ability was to reduce the enemy’s Dao level. For example, it would decrease from a superior-cla.s.s mortal dao to an inferior-cla.s.s mortal dao.

Now that it has advanced to a DemiG.o.d-level exclusive item, its exclusive ability is then transformed to reduce the level of the rules.

Therefore, when Xiao s.h.i.+ used the Soul Disc and directly caused the other party’s level of the rule to decrease, the Eye of Extermination used by the other party could no longer resist his Qianqi Dao Slash.

It was directly shattered!

But the rules that the Soul Disc had tampered with were only the rules in the attack that the other party had used this time. It did not directly change the rules of the other party. Moreover, it could only be tampered with once in a day.

In other words, if the other party continued to use the same attack, Xiao s.h.i.+ would not be able to tamper with the rules of the other party’s attack. Therefore, it was clearly unrealistic to defeat the other party with just the Soul Disc.

After all, he only had one chance to weaken the other party’s rules.

I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate Chapter 815: Killing a Demigod! (1)

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I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate Chapter 815: Killing a Demigod! (1) summary

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