I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate Chapter 822: Demigod Treasure (1)

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Chapter 822: DemiG.o.d Treasure (1)


Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

Other than that, Xiao s.h.i.+ also considered something. Even if he had three types of rules of heaven and earth, once the Martial Emperor chose to break through to the ninth realm, he would still not be his match.

To an expert at the ninth realm of the Martial Dao, no matter how many worldly rules a demiG.o.d had, it was impossible for them to contend with a ninth realm martial artist. Therefore, from all aspects, joining forces with DemiG.o.d Xingkui and DemiG.o.d Mu Wen was the best choice.

No matter what, the Martial Emperor was the number one enemy now.

At the thought of this, Xiao s.h.i.+ contacted the two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings. As the two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings were currently in their own domains, they were in a state of facing a great enemy. They wouldn’t easily take a step out of their domains.

Xiao s.h.i.+ thought that with their current vigilance, it was best to choose to meet them in the Heavenly Mystery Palace.

On the one hand, the Heavenly Mystery Palace could ensure their safety and lower their guard. On the other hand, talking in the Heavenly Mystery Palace could prevent their conversation from being seen through by the Martial Emperor.

The Martial Emperor must be paying attention to everything behind the scenes. As long as he went to look for these two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings, the Martial Emperor would definitely know. Even the contents of their conversation might be leaked. Only by holding a meeting in the Heavenly Mystery Palace could they ensure that their conversation would not be seen through by the Martial Emperor.

After all, no matter how powerful the Martial Emperor was, it was also impossible for him to infiltrate the Heavenly Mystery Palace. And the method to let the two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings enter the Heavenly Mystery Palace was very simple.

In the regions of the two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings, there were members of the Heavenly Mystery Palace. Back then, DemiG.o.d Yao Xi had a chance to come into contact with Xiao s.h.i.+ through the members of the Heavenly Mystery Palace in her own domain.

Under Xiao s.h.i.+’s instructions, the members of the Heavenly Mystery Palace, who were located in the Xing Kui Domain and Mu Wen Domain, found two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings and expressed that the Palace Master of the Heavenly Mystery Palace wanted to see them.

“Palace Master of the Heavenly Mystery Palace?”

The demiG.o.ds were taken aback. They did not expect the Palace Master to look for them at this time. Previously, they had never interacted with the Palace Master.

However, when they thought of what had happened recently, they immediately realized that the reason why the Palace Master was looking for them at this time was definitely related to the recent death of DemiG.o.d Yao Xi and the replacement of Yan Huagu’s worldly rules.

They knew that there was no danger that would threaten their lives in the Heavenly Mystery Palace.

The two demiG.o.ds entered the Heavenly Mystery Palace through the members.

Soon, DemiG.o.ds Xingkui and Mu Wen met the mysterious and unfathomable Patriarch in the Heavenly Mystery Palace. But the Palace Master’s entire body was enveloped in darkness. The two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings could not see his figure and appearance clearly.

Apart from the Palace Master, they realized that there was another person here. “It’s you!?” When the two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings saw Xiao s.h.i.+, they frowned. “There’s no need to be surprised. This is the demiG.o.d of the Fifth Domain. He specially asked me to invite you here for a demiG.o.d meeting.” The Palace Master, who was enveloped in darkness above, said.

The pupils of the two demiG.o.ds constricted. They clearly noticed the keyword mentioned by the Palace Master.

A demiG.o.d!

Although they had already guessed that the person who replaced Yan Huagu’s rules of the world was most likely the ruler of the Fifth Domain before this, their minds could not help but stir after confirming it.

There was even a moment of adrift.

Not long ago, the other party was only a Sage. Although he was known as the Fourth Heavenly King, the three demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings looked down on Xiao s.h.i.+ and were filled with disdain.

In the blink of an eye, this Sage, who they had originally looked down on, had already become a demiG.o.d of the same level as them. This speed of improvement had completely overturned their understanding! It was hard for them to imagine. How did the other party advance from a Sage to a demiG.o.d in such a short period of time?

Usually, people like them in the Upper Three Realms had experienced an incomparably long period of time before making a breakthrough in their cultivation realm. After all, every realm in the three realms of the Martial Dao was crossed.

The difficulty was extremely shocking and huge. It would take an extremely long time. However, Xiao s.h.i.+ had broken the rules and displayed a speed of improvement that the entire Tianwu Continent had never seen before.

“The two of you, I’m looking for you this time because I have something very important to tell you.” Xiao s.h.i.+ explained the Martial Emperor’s situation to the two demiG.o.d Heavenly Kings in detail with a solemn expression.

When DemiG.o.ds Xingkui and Mu Wen learned that the mastermind was actually the Martial Emperor, their expressions turned solemn. They did not expect that the Martial Emperor was still alive. Instead, he had been plotting everything behind the scenes. Now, he wanted to gather the five rules of heaven and earth to advance to the ninth realm of the Martial Dao.

This matter had a huge impact on them. It stirred up a violent storm in their minds.

“So, the three of us have to work together. Only when the three of us join forces can we resist the Martial Emperor.” Xiao s.h.i.+ said in a low voice.

The demiG.o.ds nodded.

I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate Chapter 822: Demigod Treasure (1)

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I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate Chapter 822: Demigod Treasure (1) summary

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