Transmigrated as the Ex-Wife of a Heroic Man Chapter 940: Little Treasure

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Chapter 940: Little Treasure


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“I’m back.” Little Sister and Sixth Sister rushed into Su Wen’s embrace, but Sixth Sister, trying to maintain her mature facade, stood by with a disdainful snort. “Childis.h.!.+ How old are you? Still clinging to Big sister like that? Su Duoduo, you’re a first-year student.”

Proudly, Little Sister made a face. “No matter how old I am, I’ll always be Big sister’s darling.”

Sixth Sister was at a loss for words, fuming inside.

Su Qing, on the sidelines, was thoroughly enjoying the spectacle, earning her a resentful glare from Sixth Sister.

“Second sister, are you laughing at me too?” The Sixth Sister suspected Su Qing of joining in the mockery. She couldn’t stand being the b.u.t.t of the joke today, not when she was the elder sister! She could handle being teased, today she would let her have her way!

“No, I’m not,” Su Qing replied innocently, blinking her eyes. “Sixth sister, you’re my darling.”

Sixth Sister felt somewhat mollified.

However, while Sixth Sister felt better, someone else was seething with anger.

Parked by the roadside was Zhou Hengguang’s car. He claimed to be drunk and remained inside the vehicle, using it as an excuse to conceal his ident.i.ty. For now, he had to remain hidden. He couldn’t risk being seen by both Qingqing and Sister-in-law at the same time.

He couldn’t reveal the truth until Qingqing fell in love with him. Until then, he had to keep his true ident.i.ty a secret.

Upon hearing Su Qing’s words, Zhou Hengguang’s heart ached with anger.

What a heartless girl! He had tried so hard to please her, but she sweet-talk someone else.

He was her precious little darling!

With a slight narrowing of his long, narrow eyes, Zhou Hengguang s.h.i.+fted his posture lazily, looking out of the window with a hint of drunken allure. Under the dim light, he exuded a captivating charm that could ensnare the soul. Su Wen squatted down to look at the two little girls. “Were you bullied?”

The sixth sister shook her head vigorously. “No, Brother Xiaoxiao and Third Brother protected us.”

The Little sister, no longer in the mood to act coy, chimed in excitedly. “Big sister, let me tell you, Brother Xiaoxiao was amazing today. He practically scared that mean woman half to death! And the Third brother is even more formidable. That woman was so furious and she stormed out!” “Third Brother?” Su Wen looked at Xu Xiaoxiao, puzzled.

“That’s Zhou Hengguang, ” Xu Xiaoxiao pointed to the car nearby. “He’s here too. But he drank too much and fell asleep in the car. He didn’t come out.”

Su Wen, deciding against disturbing him while he slept, said, “Forget it then. I’ll thank him properly another day.”

“Why thank him? Just thank me,” Xu Xiaoxiao interjected, oblivious to Zhou

Hengguang’s presence. “He’s so late. If Hengyang finds out, he’ll be dead.”

Zhou Hengguang, still in the car, narrowed his eyes and sneered at Xu Xiaoxiao’s boldness.

“We will head back first.” Since Xu Xiaoxiao had personally escorted her to Su Wen, she wasted no time and called Ji Fang over. The two bid their farewells and got into the car. Xu Xiaoxiao, who was also slightly drunk, sat in the front pa.s.senger seat while Ji Fang took the wheel.

As the car door opened, Zhou Hengguang caught Xu Xiaoxiao’s eye, his gaze cold and piercing.

“Aren’t you drunk?” he questioned.

“I woke up when you started badmouthing me behind my back,” Xu Xiaoxiao retorted cheekily, unaware that she had been caught red-handed.

“Oh?” Xu Xiaoxiao explained earnestly, oblivious to her blunder. “That’s not behind your back. I usually say it to your face.”

Zhou Hengguang fought back a laugh.

Ji Fang was dumbfounded. He regarded Xu Xiaoxiao with newfound admiration. Anyone who dared to speak to the director like that must be at the top of the food chain.. Truly impressive!

Transmigrated as the Ex-Wife of a Heroic Man Chapter 940: Little Treasure

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Transmigrated as the Ex-Wife of a Heroic Man Chapter 940: Little Treasure summary

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