Master Pei's Wife is a Devil Concubine Chapter 1114: The First Two Buckets of Gold for the New Year! (1)

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Chapter 1114: The First Two Buckets of Gold for the New Year! (1)


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Su Ji met w.a.n.g Yi, who had left in a hurry.

“Dr. w.a.n.g…” As soon as she spoke, she froze.

w.a.n.g Yi didn’t stop and pa.s.sed by her.

Su Ji recalled what she had just seen.

Dr. w.a.n.g’s face…

She had never seen such a red face before.

If one were to say that it was as red as a monkey’s b.u.t.t, it would have to be the kind of monkey’s b.u.t.t that had been beaten a hundred times.

Su Ji was suddenly a little worried about Madam Du.

Then, she b.u.mped into the butler and stopped him to ask about Madam Du.

The butler placed a bowl of bird’s nest porridge on the tray. He looked relaxed. “Third Young Mistress, don’t worry. Madam has already returned to her room to rest. She even asked me to bring a bowl of porridge over.”

It sounded like nothing had happened.

Su Ji let out a long “oh”. “Thank you.”

Shen Mu came out of the study with a smile. After completing his mission, his face was filled with happiness. He closed the door and b.u.mped into Su Ji, who was about to knock on the door. He paused for a moment. “Happy New Year’s Eve…ah, no, it should be Happy New Year now!”

“Happy New Year.” Su Ji lifted her chin toward the study. “What’s so mysterious?”

Shen Mu deliberately kept her in suspense. “Madam, you’ll know when you go in and take a look.”

Su Ji:

She looked at him in silence for a few seconds before walking inside.

Shen Mu closed the door.

The item was placed on the desk. Pei Huai stood in front of the desk with his back to her. Su Ji first saw the scattered samples on a few pieces of white paper next to him. They were left behind when Pei Huai inspected the goods.

Seeing the bright red flowers blooming on the white paper, Su Ji, who seemed to have guessed what the treasure was, quickened her pace. Pei Huai turned around, smiled and make way for his wife.

Su Ji walked up and saw the exquisite wooden box that held the main object. Inside the wooden box was a flat white marble plate.

In fact, just the color of the plate was enough to make it a treasure that Shen Mu had sent over tonight.

But in fact, it was just a vessel used to store real treasures.

Su Ji propped her hand on the edge of the table and looked at the item up close.

As the founder of the Huajin Script Style, of course, she knew.

The layer of vermilion mud that was neatly pressed into the disc was precisely the top luxury item in the calligraphy world… Dragon Spring Ink!

The fire left a mark, but it was not wet by water.

The royal family’s tribute, for this kind of quality, one tael was at least five figures. This price was not much to her husband, but the important thing was that it would take six years to make a normal set.

Don’t ask how Su Ji knew.

Pei Huai leaned against his desk and stroked the corner of his lips as he looked at his wife’s bright eyes.

“My wife knows her stuff.”

Su Ji looked at Pei Huai.

She became even more curious.

First, he used the couplet to practice, and now, he used the high quality Longquan ink.

What exactly…was he planning?

Pei Huai’s lips curved profoundly.

Before that day really came, he would not reveal anything to her.

The people of the country had been looking forward to the new year for a few months. After a few days of excitement, the holiday was about to end.

The office workers took advantage of the last few days to visit and travel. As for the artistes, the first thing most of them did before returning to work was to lose weight!

Su Ji scrolled through her WeChat Moments, and all of them were asking for a G.o.dly diet recipe that didn’t require dieting or exercise.

This was a good idea. She used one night’s time and came up with a prescription.

At the beginning of the new year, Su Ji earned her first bucket of gold.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Su Ji and Jiang Chu had arranged to meet.

They lived in the villa area, so it was actually very easy to meet.

However, Jiang Chu knew that he was not welcomed in the Pei family. He was also afraid that seeing the Pei family’s house would be too much of a shock, so he arranged to meet Su Ji at the community park.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the park was the peak time for single old men and old ladies to meet and greet each other.

Happy New Year, Old Madam Si.”

“Old Master Dong is still as strong as ever.”

Su Ji arrived a little early and joined a Go group. She won two hundred yuan from an old man.

Old Master was furious.

Especially when he heard the surrounding old ladies whispering to each other, praising the little girl for being beautiful and smart.

Losing money was a small matter, but losing face was a big deal.

Su Ji sat opposite him casually, playing with a few black pieces that he had just eaten.

That fearless look was even more infuriating.

The old man was evil. He wanted to go back on his word after losing and refused to let Su Ji go. He narrowed his eyes dangerously and warned in a low and cold voice, “perhaps you don’t know…who is my direct superior.”

Master Pei's Wife is a Devil Concubine Chapter 1114: The First Two Buckets of Gold for the New Year! (1)

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Master Pei's Wife is a Devil Concubine Chapter 1114: The First Two Buckets of Gold for the New Year! (1) summary

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