Global Survival: 100 Times Cultivation Speed From The Start Chapter 1360 Ultimate Mission! Mobile Stargate! The Way Home!

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Chapter 1360 Ultimate Mission! Mobile Stargate! The Way Home!

Chu Feng keenly discovered that from the eighth level onwards, the quality of the treasures in the treasure inventory became higher and higher.

There were even Master G.o.d Weapon-level treasures appearing!

Chu Feng naturally accepted them with a smile.

He reached the top.

In front of the first level, there was no one around and it was extremely quiet.

There was not even a guard.

In reality, from the tenth level onwards, he could not see "Dear Gate" anymore.

It must be because his level was not high enough, right?

Chu Feng smiled faintly.

He was also alone at this moment.

The level of authority of others was too low. They could not step into the first ten levels at all.

Chu Feng simply placed everyone on the 20th floor.

As for Chu Feng, it was because he had obtained a high-level king authority from the Green Emperor Palace that he could move unhindered.

He exhaled lightly.

Chu Feng slowly stepped into the first level.

A dazzling light flashed before his eyes.

It was different from the feeling of the world spinning.

This time, it was as if he had really pa.s.sed through a door.

As the light gradually returned to normal, Chu Feng could not help but size up his surroundings.

It was fine if he did not look, but when he did, he was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out.

"This is… s.p.a.ce?!"

All around was a dark void.

Only in the extremely far distance could one vaguely see traces of faint light emitted by the stars. It was unknown how far away they were!

"Wasn't I still in the Treasure Hall just now? Why am I here all of a sudden? Where am I?!"

Chu Feng immediately realized another very serious problem.

"d.a.m.n! I'm not even at the Master G.o.d Realm!"

"Throwing me into this universe, isn't this taking my life?!"

Chu Feng was so frightened that he did not dare to move.

The reason was simple.

The universe seemed calm, but it was actually vast and boundless. Danger lurked everywhere.

There was surging universe chaotic energy everywhere. A spatial rift that could easily tear apart a Divine Lord expert appeared and disappeared unpredictably.

If a non-Master G.o.d rashly left the Star Continent and entered the universe, at best, he would lose his direction and be exiled forever. At worst… he might be killed by some natural dangers of the universe!

In fact, even some ordinary Master G.o.d experts did not dare to step in easily.

That was why Chu Feng was speechless.

"d.a.m.n, no one told me before I came that this place is connected to the universe?!"

Chu Feng no longer dared to think about treasures and opportunities. Now, he only wanted to know… how he could go back?!

Looking back, the door of light from when he came had long dissipated.

There was nothing in all directions.

Chu Feng wanted to cry.

He had wanted to quickly collect the fragments of the Heavenly Dao Pearls and rush back to Earth.


Where the h.e.l.l was this?!

Don't tell me you want me to cross the void and return by myself?

Putting aside the countless dangers along the way, the most important thing was… where was Earth?

With his current strength, if he was not afraid of death, he could manage to travel through the universe.

But if he could not even tell the direction, what should he do?!

Then he might really be lost in the universe forever!

Thus, just as this thought appeared, it was extinguished by Chu Feng.

Just as Chu Feng was at a loss, suddenly…

An ethereal and indifferent voice sounded in his ears.

It was a little similar to the Artifact Spirit of the Green Emperor Palace, but different.

Treasure Hall Ultimate Mission

Mission Requirement: Defeat Yourself

Mission Reward: Mobile Stargate (Infused with energy, it can shuttle through various Stargates in the universe at any time.)

Special notification: You need to know the coordinates of the destination Stargate.

He listened to the notification that suddenly sounded in his ears.

Only then did Chu Feng heave a sigh of relief.

It was good that someone was in charge!

However, why did the mission on the first level sound so strange?

Along the way, he had done many missions, but this was the first time he had encountered a vague mission like "Defeat Yourself".

How could he win?

Mental victory?

Chu Feng was unable to understand.

Then, he turned his gaze to the reward for the final mission.

When he saw the reward effect clearly, his eyes widened.

He couldn't help but gasp.

"Good lord, I'm actually rewarded with a mobile Stargate?!"

One had to know that Chu Feng had walked out of Earth by relying on the Stargate left behind by the Starlight G.o.d Dynasty! This thing could allow the user to cross an extremely long distance in an extremely short period of time.

Otherwise, even if a Master G.o.d expert were to rush through the vast universe, it would still take a tremendously long time!

The universe was vast, and the existence of the Stargate had undoubtedly greatly shortened the distance between them.

However, the Stargate was not omnipotent.

The destination of each Stargate was fixed.

For example, the Stargate on Earth could reach the Third World, and vice versa.

Simply put, the Stargate was equivalent to a two-way door.

It could not be moved or carried. Its destination could not be changed.

However, according to the Treasure Hall, this Mobile Stargate directly overturned the original form of the Stargate.

He could carry it with him and connect to any stargate. He only needed to know the other party's coordinates…

Wasn't this equivalent to having a treasure that could shuttle through the universe at any time?!

Chu Feng's eyes widened in shock.

"In that case, this thing is much more valuable than a Master G.o.d Weapon!"

"In fact, if used well, it might not be inferior to a Great Emperor-level divine artifact!"

Chu Feng muttered to himself.

"I didn't expect such a precious treasure to be hidden at the top level of the Treasure Hall!"

Everyone in the world coveted the three temples, such as the Nine Kings of the Sacred Land, the Human Spirit Race, the Demon Spirit Race, and so on. They were all focused on the three temples.

Only those who did not have the ability to enter the three temples would come to the Treasure Hall to try their luck.

However, who would have thought that the Treasure Hall also had a top-notch treasure that was not inferior to the three temples!

Of course, the difficulty of obtaining it did not seem to be low…

The most basic high-level king authority would stump 99% of people…

He composed himself.

Chu Feng was already determined to obtain this Stargate.

After all… this was his hope of returning home!

He had originally planned to go through the Third World and return the way he came. That would probably take a lot of time.

But now, as long as he obtained this mobile stargate, he could go back to Earth directly!

It was very convenient and fast!

Most importantly… Chu Feng took a glance at the dark void around him.

"If I can't get this Stargate, I don't know how to get out! Am I going to be trapped here for the rest of my life?!"

"d.a.m.n! You're forcing me to complete the mission!"

Chu Feng cursed.

However, he still carefully studied the mission requirements.

"Defeat Yourself… This is too abstract!"

"Isn't there a specific requirement?!"

Chu Feng was muttering.

Suddenly, he felt a terrifying chill behind him…

Global Survival: 100 Times Cultivation Speed From The Start Chapter 1360 Ultimate Mission! Mobile Stargate! The Way Home!

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Global Survival: 100 Times Cultivation Speed From The Start Chapter 1360 Ultimate Mission! Mobile Stargate! The Way Home! summary

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