Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate Chapter 1104 Titan Divine Domain! Uriel's Father! Overlord Sacrifice To God!

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Chapter 1104 t.i.tan Divine Domain! Uriel's Father! Overlord Sacrifice To G.o.d!

Just as Uriel was killed by the Star Devouring Dragon G.o.d that Zhou Zhou had transformed into…

In the Endless Heavens, t.i.tan Divine Domain.

This was the territory of the t.i.tan race, and it was also known as the [Million Divine Worlds] in the outside world. This was because more than a million Divine Worlds gathered here, which meant that there were at least a million G.o.d Spirits in the territory of the t.i.tan G.o.ds!

In the center of the t.i.tan Divine Domain, there was an incomparably large continent.

This place was called the t.i.tan Continent.

It was a continent with a territory of trillions of light-years.

This was the birthplace of the t.i.tans. The first t.i.tan in the Endless Heavens was born here.

At this moment, in the largest forbidden area of the t.i.tan Continent, a group of t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tier were watching the battle between Uriel and Zhou Zhou.

When they saw Uriel being devoured by the Star-Devouring Dragon G.o.d, one of the elderly t.i.tans suddenly roared with bloodshot eyes.


"My son!"

"He" directly stood up from his throne. His top-notch True G.o.d-Tier Advance Grade aura swept across the entire forbidden area. However, when "He" approached the edge of the forbidden area, "He" was silently blocked by the array here.

The other t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tiers also glared at the scene displayed on the virtual screen.

Uriel's lifeless appearance was like a spear that ruthlessly stabbed into their hearts.

It was so piercing that their hearts were bleeding.

"Our Master G.o.d-Tier seed… actually died!?"

"I didn't expect this Common People's Regal to still be hiding his strength. Even Uriel, who temporarily has a Master G.o.d-Tier t.i.tan, couldn't deal with 'Him' and was even killed by 'Him'."

"If we don't take revenge, what face do we, the t.i.tans, have to stand tall among the myriad races in the world?!"

"Revenge! We must take revenge!"

"All the resources we spent on Uriel were wasted. Common People's Regal!!!"

The True G.o.d-Tiers of the t.i.tan G.o.ds were incomparably furious, causing the sky in the forbidden area to change color.

At this moment, the t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tier named Yuzanda suddenly stood up and flew out of the forbidden area.

"Yuzanda, where are you going? !"

The t.i.tans were shocked. They immediately erected a True G.o.d-Tier barrier in front of "Him" and stopped "Him" from asking.

"My favorite and proudest child is dead."

"As a father, I naturally have to avenge 'Him'." Yuzanda said calmly.

"Yuzanda." Upon hearing "His" words, a calm t.i.tan said, "I know you're very sad after losing your son, but as the Lord of all races, as long as you're in the High Continent, you'll have to abide by the Supreme Agreement. After you go over, once you start fighting with the Common People's Regal, I'm afraid you'll be killed by the Supreme Agreement before the battle ends."

"Then wouldn't you be throwing your life away for nothing?"

"Furthermore, as one of the leaders of the t.i.tan G.o.ds, once you get into a conflict with the Common People's Regal, it's very likely that the Supreme Agreement will think that the t.i.tan G.o.ds want to start a war with the Common People's Regal."

"At that time, it's very likely that the Supreme Agreement will make a move against the entire t.i.tan G.o.ds."

"You can't drag the entire t.i.tan G.o.ds into the abyss just to avenge your child."

Yuzanda fell silent when he heard this, and the divine aura around him became even more oppressive and violent.

"That's right, Yuzanda."

"You're not only representing yourself, you're also representing the entire t.i.tan G.o.ds. You can't be emotional."

Another True G.o.d-Tier advised earnestly.

"We definitely have to take revenge on Uriel, but Big Brother is right. Yuzanda, if you want to take revenge, you do not need to be hasty. When the Lord of All Races enter the war between the various races in the future, the upper echelons of the races behind us, the Lord of All Races, will not have too many restrictions. It won't be too late to take revenge on that Common People's Regal then."

All the t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tiers advised.

"Everyone, at this moment, Yuzanda suddenly spoke. "He" looked at his siblings with a calm expression. "I'm different from you. You have many children, but I only have one son, Uriel. I couldn't advance to a higher level a long time ago, so when Uriel was born, I placed all my effort and time on him."

"My child has never disappointed me either. 'He' can reach or even surpa.s.s the growth goals I set for 'Him' every single time."

"I see 'Him' as an extension of my life. The race also sees 'Him' as the hope for the future of their race. His Excellency Overlord Sacrifice To G.o.d also admires my offspring and even took my child as "His" personal disciple."

"You could say I live for my child."

"I can't accept the death of my child."

"He" had a ferocious expression. "I must slaughter the Common People's Regal! For this, I won't hesitate even if I have to give up being a member of the t.i.tan Divine Clan!"

With that, "He" took out his race token and threw it to his brothers and sisters. Then, he flew out of the t.i.tan Divine Realm without looking back.

The t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tier fell silent.

"Are we going to let 'Him' leave just like that?"

A t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tier said.

"Let 'Him' go. 'He' won't be willing to accept it if 'He' doesn't take revenge. I can sense that 'His' heart is already dead. Under such circ.u.mstances, no one can change 'His' will."

The t.i.tans fell silent.

"Now that Yuzanda has already given up on being a member of our t.i.tan race, it's fine for Yuzanda to the Common People's Regal. 'He' also has some Master G.o.d-Tier-level trump cards. It's just as well for us to test out more of the Common People's Regal's methods."

"This way, when the Common People's Regal's methods are used up, we can completely slaughter him."

The leading t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tier suddenly uttered in a deep voice.

The t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tiers became even quieter upon hearing this. No one uttered anything to refute him.

"Now what do we do?"

After a long silence, a t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tier spoke.

"Go meet Your Excellency Overlord Sacrifice To G.o.d."

"Uriel is Your Excellency's personal disciple. We should report this to Your Excellency immediately."

The leading t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tier said.

The t.i.tan True G.o.d-Tiers had no objections, so they all flew towards Overlord Sacrifice To G.o.d's Divine Kingdom.

In the High Continent, in the skies above the Blazing Sun Kingdom.

A total of five to six trillion soldiers, G.o.d Spirits, and True G.o.d-

Tiers were fighting intensely and crazily here.

In particular, the combat between True G.o.d-Tier was even more intense. Every move had the power to turn the world upside down.

However, "They" were not Zhou Zhou after all. They could not use their Master G.o.d-Tier level powers wantonly in the high continent. Therefore, each of them had opened up a world to engage in a life-and-death combat with the enemy True G.o.d-


At this moment, on the battlefield, all kinds of military formations, war machines, special treasures, and all kinds of war-type treasures were displayed on the battlefield. The scene looked not inferior to a ethnicity war or even a world-

destroying war.

If not for the fact that the King of the Blazing Sun had the protection of the Nine Worlds Divine Demon Dreamfall Array, this spot would probably have been easily destroyed by the nomological attacks that erupted on the battlefield.

In terms of battlefield advantage, because Zhou Zhou had used the Ten Thousand Spirit Saint, the Blazing Sun Kingdom was stronger than the people of foreign races in terms of ordinary soldiers, ordinary G.o.d Spirits, and even True G.o.d-Tier.

Only in terms of war machines and military formations did the people of foreign races have a partial advantage because they had True G.o.d-Tier military formations and True G.o.d-Tier war machines.

However, in terms of overall battle, the Blazing Sun Kingdom still held an absolute advantage.

Nonetheless, the people of foreign races still had hope in their hearts.

As long as their leader, Uriel, could defeat the Common People's Regal of the Blazing Sun Kingdom and then return to lead them to counterattack the army of the Blazing Sun Kingdom.

Under Uriel's lead, they could definitely defeat the powerful troops of the Blazing Sun Kingdom!

Without the lead of the Common People's Regal, the Blazing Sun Kingdom's soldiers were at most comparable to a relatively powerful Beginner Level Divine Kingdom Lord faction.

How could they defeat the people of foreign races led by Master G.o.d-Tier combatants?

Just as the people of foreign races were struggling to hold on with hope…


A golden divine dragon descended from the sky and landed in the sky above the Blazing Sun Kingdom.

Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate Chapter 1104 Titan Divine Domain! Uriel's Father! Overlord Sacrifice To God!

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Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate Chapter 1104 Titan Divine Domain! Uriel's Father! Overlord Sacrifice To God! summary

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