Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate Chapter 1358: Bringing Pangu To The Active Universe!

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Chapter 1358: Bringing Pangu To The Active Universe!


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Let’s give it a try now!” Zhou Zhou thought.

“He” immediately sent someone to call Pangu over.

Soon, Pangu arrived in front of “Him”.

“Patriarch, what do I need to do?”

“He” chuckled.

“Your Excellency Pangu, are you interested in going to Cerulean Planet to help my avatar fight in the Active Universe?” Zhou Zhou smiled.

“Pangu is more than happy to do so!” Pangu’s eyes lit up when he heard this and he immediately said without hesitation.

“He” had long been curious about this Lord of All Races event.

However, after “He” woke up, the activity of the Lords of the Races had already entered the stage of the Lord of the Race’s activity. The activity battlefield had also changed to the Active Universe, so “He” had yet to see what the battle between the Lords of the Races was like.

This made “Him” feel rather regretful.

“He” was naturally very happy that “He” saw His Majesty suddenly asking “Him” to go to the Active Universe to help.

“Alright, follow This Emperor!”

Zhou Zhou nodded.

Then, “He” immediately recited the “Return To The City” pa.s.sword.

In the next second, Pangu and “Him” disappeared on the spot.

The Active Universe inside the Cosmos Emperor.

Zhou Fight and Zhou Wu were preparing for today’s battle plan with the generals.

They were originally prepared to attack the Radiant Angel Race today.

However, they suddenly received news that the high-level bloodline races that had come to attack them had suddenly decided to join forces to search for traces of their mortal empire.

Among them, the Radiant Angel Race, the Immortal Spirit Race and the Descendant of the G.o.d Spirit Race were together!

The dragons, on the other hand, joined forces with the elemental, gas, and Leviathan races!

As for the Original Spirit Race, the Chaos G.o.ds Race, and the Shepherds G.o.d Race, they led teams to search for traces of mortal empires in the active universe.

This undoubtedly disrupted their battle plan, which was why they decided to adjust their battle plan at the last minute.

At this moment…

Two figures suddenly appeared in the war conference room.

They were Zhou Zhou and Pangu!

Zhou Fight and Zhou Wu looked up at the two of them almost at the same time and smiled.

“Main body, you’re actually willing to leave the Reincarnation Sacred Palace?”

Zhou Fight teased.

Zhou Martial smiled and did not say anything.

“Greetings, Your Majesty!”

When the generals saw that it was Zhou Zhou’s main body, they immediately said excitedly and respectfully.

As Zhou Zhou began to cultivate in seclusion in the Reincarnation Sacred Palace, the number of times the generals saw him decreased.

Many generals and ministers who knew Zhou Zhou often wondered when they would be able to see His Majesty’s true form again.

This was an extremely glorious thing for them as fanatic believers and even Holy Spirit-Tier believers after all.

Now that they had finally gotten what they wanted, as Believers and subordinates, how could they not be surprised?

When Zhou Zhou saw the soldiers bowing to him, he smiled and nodded.

Then, he pointed at Pangu and introduced,

“This Emperor came here for no other reason than to bring this Chief G.o.d consecrator here to help everyone conquer the Active Universe.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the soldiers could not help but look curiously at who this person was.

He could actually get His Majesty to personally bring him here and introduce him so seriously.

However, when they saw Pangu’s face, their eyes immediately widened, and their divine bodies trembled faintly.

“It’s His Excellency Pangu!”

“It’s actually His Excellency Pangu who came to help us!”

“Greetings, Your Excellency Pangu!”

”F*ck, I’ve only heard about the deeds of Your Excellency Pangu from my elders. I didn’t expect to see him with my own eyes in this world. I have no regrets even if I were to die now…”

The generals were excited and immediately bowed to Pangu.

Pangu smiled and greeted them.

“His” prestige and influence as the first Patriarch of the human race were fully displayed at this moment.

Even though “He” had not appeared in the human race for many years, “His” appearance still caused a huge commotion among the generals.

Zhou Zhou watched this scene with a smile.

“He” had naturally expected this scene.

As for Pangu’s appearance, would it suppress “His” prestige in everyone’s hearts?

Zhou Zhou expressed that the people present were all my fanatic believers and even Holy Spirit-Tier believers. Not to mention the reappearance of Pangu, even if their parents and friends came, they would still have to listen to “Him”. This was the power of faith!

It was crazy and intoxicating!

At this moment…

Zhou Fight and Zhou Wu walked up to “Him”.

“Why did you bring Pangu alone? Wouldn’t it be better to bring a few more G.o.d Spirits and a few Capital Units of soldiers?”

Zhou Fight said regretfully.

At this moment, they already knew the effect of the Lord Talent, the Gospel Of Homecoming. Therefore, they were not surprised by the appearance of Zhou Zhou and Pangu. They only felt a little regretful.

Zhou Zhou rolled his eyes and said speechlessly,

“Capital Units of soldiers?”

“In the past few days, you’ve first instigated the Incite Defection Skeleton Clan and then the Incite Defection Six-Armed War Devil Clan. The soldiers, G.o.d Spirits, True G.o.d-Tiers, and Master G.o.d-Tiers you’ve obtained are enough for you to dominate the Active Universe.”

“Don’t even think about my soldiers.”

“I still have to expand my territory and conquer the Chaotic Divine Demons in the High Continent.”

“Things are different now.”

Upon hearing this, Zhou Fight shook his head and said, “Just now, we received news that those high-level bloodline races have already reacted after suffering twice. Now, ‘They’ have already begun to join forces to search for our traces to prevent them from being ambushed by us alone.”

“Furthermore, the Skeleton Emperor has already told those high-level bloodline races about our Incite Defection.”

“Now, almost every one of them has a divine bone of Regal Soul Heaven. Our Ten Thousand Spirit Saint can’t do it anymore.”

“You collected so many Regal Soul Heaven’s Divine Bones?”

“Then use the Thief Of Heart to steal them all.”

Zhou Zhou said casually.

Then, he immediately reacted.

These high-level bloodline races colluded with each other. As long as he stole it once, they would know.

Next time, he would definitely prepare precautions and even countermeasures in advance.

With the top bloodline races of the Original Spirit Race, Zhou Zhou had no doubt that they could do this.

It would be meaningless if the Thief Of Heart could only take effect once. Instead, it would increase the chances of exposing himself.

The Twin Body was not invincible after all.

As the only Mythical-Tier Lord Talent, “His” upper limit was only Master G.o.d-Tier Advance Grade.

If the other party used a Supreme G.o.d Realm method to check the Azure Emperor’s background, they would definitely discover that the Azure Emperor was actually “His” clone.

It would be a little troublesome then.

“If that’s the case, we can only kill him by force.”

Zhou Zhou said, “First, use the Thief Of Heart to check who the Regal Soul Heaven’s ribs are on. Then, directly enter the enemy’s army and kill them. From there, we will deprive them of their ribs.”

“Then there’s the Incite Defection’s internal strife service.”

“If the other party dares to use a Supreme G.o.d Realm trump card, then we’ll also use a Supreme G.o.d Realm trump card.”

“You’ve already felt it, right?”

“The restrictions on the use of our first treasury have been lifted..”

Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate Chapter 1358: Bringing Pangu To The Active Universe!

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Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate Chapter 1358: Bringing Pangu To The Active Universe! summary

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