Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability Chapter 189 - 189 Cooperation

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Chapter 189 - 189 Cooperation

189 Cooperation

Observing Lumian’s perplexed gaze, Franca provided a succinct explanation, “One of the core abilities of the Demoness pathway revolves around mirrors and manipulating the world within them.

“When I suspected that this place might be connected to the Demoness or Hunter pathway, I pondered whether we inadvertently stepped into a certain location within the mirror world. Thus, I attempted to use the makeup mirror to see if I could escape through it. As you witnessed, it proved fruitless.

“Because of this, I have tentatively dismissed the notion of being in a mirror world or encountering a relic belonging to a Demoness. However, now we have stumbled upon a submerged mirror that likely conceals an exit…”

“So, you suspect that this is a specific place within the mirror world, restricted to certain mirrors?” Lumian attempted to grasp Franca’s line of thinking.

“Exactly,” Franca replied with a gentle nod. “But what perplexes me is how we found ourselves here without encountering anything resembling a mirror. Perhaps my conjecture is incorrect, or only partially true…”

Lumian pondered for a moment, hoping to glean some knowledge. He posed a sincere question: “What exactly is a mirror world?”

Franca grabbed the ponytail at the back of her head.

“Explaining it to you is a challenge since I am not entirely certain myself.

“Allow me to elucidate based on my understanding. In mysticism, mirrors possess distinct symbolic meanings, such as one’s reflection or an entrance to another realm. The former suggests that we can use mirrors to create subst.i.tutes, while the latter alludes to a mirror world.

“It is often a.s.sociated with terror, mystery, horror, and the bizarre. I cannot ascertain whether there are hidden elements or if it truly represents an alternate dimension. However, I do know that the mirror world connects to various mirror-like ent.i.ties. It could potentially point to s.p.a.ces that are typically inaccessible. As my Sequence progresses, I should be capable of utilizing the mirror world to swiftly traverse different locations.”

Lumian recalled the recent events and allowed his imagination to run wild.

“Could the version of you we saw be a reflection left behind in the mirror world from a previous encounter, before you became a Witch? That would explain why I have never encountered my past self.”

“That is a plausible explanation, but I haven’t come across anything peculiar…” Franca deliberated for a moment. “If that is the case, we must hurry to the puddle immediately. The exit is most likely there! We can no longer afford to proceed cautiously or wait any longer. As I mentioned earlier, the mirror world harbors eerie and terrifying phenomena. If we linger here any further, I dread to imagine what might befall us!”

“Very well.” Lumian maintained his composure.

Franca turned and sprinted, with Lumian closely following her.

As the Witch ran, it appeared as though she employed some form of ability. Small patches of frost materialized beneath her feet, causing a sharp reduction in friction. Her body seemed weightless as she gracefully glided through the dim quarry cave and into the depths of the underground tunnel.

Utilizing all his strength as a Hunter and Dancer, Lumian struggled to keep pace with Franca and avoid being left behind.

In the wintry chill, a thin layer of ice gradually formed on the walls of the surrounding rocks.

Upon the icy surface, visages stained with blood emerged. Their countenances contorted, eyes br.i.m.m.i.n.g with hatred, resembling vengeful specters emerging from the depths of h.e.l.l.

Among them was the previous incarnation of Franca, when she still appeared as a man!

After sprinting for a while, Lumian and Franca caught sight of the puddle.

As the light from the carbide lamp cast its glow, the puddle’s surface s.h.i.+mmered with a tinge of yellowish-blue.

“Is this it?” Franca halted abruptly.

In that moment, every fiber of his being throbbed with pain, as if his body was on the brink of bursting, save for the fiery sensation in his nasal cavity.

Holding the carbide lamp tightly, Franca cautiously approached the puddle.

“The challenge now is how to elude the monster you encountered and locate the mirror. Regrettably, I cannot yet traverse between mirrors. I can only remain inside for a few fleeting seconds…

“I will divert its attention and keep it occupied for a while. Why don’t you dive underwater and retrieve the mirror?”

Lumian spoke plainly, “I don’t believe you stand a chance against it. It nearly overwhelmed me when I caught a glimpse of it.”

“…” Though Franca felt a twinge of annoyance and frustration, she had to acknowledge that Lumian spoke the truth.

With her Sequence and mystical item, she could still hold her ground even against a Beyonder one rank higher. However, judging by the monster’s display, it far surpa.s.sed her by more than a single rank!

After a brief pause, Franca clenched her teeth and uttered,

“Even if I am outmatched, my skills in escape and self-preservation are formidable. I should be able to hold out against it for more than ten seconds. If you can retrieve the mirror within that timeframe, we can make our escape!”

Lumian let out a chuckle.

“We shouldn’t risk our lives just yet.

“I have a plan to stall that monster for ten to twenty seconds without taking excessive risks. And I trust you can locate that mirror, correct?”

“I’m capable. I have a unique method of detecting mirrors,” Franca eyed Lumian skeptically. “Are you truly up to the task? Is there genuinely no danger involved?”

“In theory, the risks are minimal,” Lumian replied calmly.

Simultaneously, he silently added, If the risks prove too great, I’ll find an alternative. Mr. K, Madame Hela, Madam Magician, the great being, and the power of Inevitability are all viable options.

Franca wasted no time and pursed her lips as she spoke, “Alright, just to be safe, I’ll create a Mirror Subst.i.tute for you.”

Naturally, Lumian had no objections to something that could effectively reduce the risk.

After Franca produced a small mirror and crafted the corresponding subst.i.tute, Lumian gripped the ritual silver dagger and encircled the pond-like puddle, creating a spiritual barrier.

Throughout the process, he maintained a distance of four to five meters from the water’s edge, fearing the monster would drag him under.

Putting away the ritual silver dagger, Lumian turned to Franca with a genuine smile.

“What comes next involves one of my secrets. Could you turn around?”

“Very well.” Franca was content with his straightforwardness.

She inwardly sighed once more.

Does Jenna misunderstand Ciel?

As Franca turned around, Lumian placed the carbide lamp aside and began the Summoning Dance.

He intended to summon the monster, but he wouldn’t allow it to possess him!

Lumian believed that the higher the level of a peculiar creature, the more aware it would be of the corruption within his body. This made it less inclined to attach itself to him.

In other words, as long as he refrained from issuing commands that would influence the monster, it was likely to observe the Summoning Dance eagerly, waiting for an opportunity to attack. However, it was intimidated by the seal and the corruption and dared not act upon its thoughts. It would only truly engage him once the dance concluded.

The Summoning Dance lasted for 20 to 30 seconds, ample time for Franca to submerge herself and locate the mirror.

As long as Lumian could escape this world before the monster attacked, there would be no further issues!

Of course, if he couldn’t harness the corresponding powers of nature in this place and allow the Summoning Dance to take effect, he could always employ an alternative method.

Amidst the contorted and frenzied dance, Lumian’s spirituality stirred the forces of nature, forming a connection that dissipated into the surroundings, only to be obstructed by the spiritual barrier.

After a few seconds, ripples appeared on the surface of the puddle, and a pallid figure emerged, floating above the water.

It bore a resemblance to a human, with an inflated body and a gargantuan face occupying half its form.

The monster floated toward Lumian and came to a stop in close proximity.

Lumian dared not gaze directly at it. With his eyes half-shut, he called out, “Hurry!”

Without hesitation, Franca discarded the carbide lamp, took two steps, and leaped into the water.

With a splash, water splattered around.

A cold, damp sensation penetrated Franca’s skin as near darkness enveloped her vision.

Guided by the faint glow of the carbide lamp seeping through the water, Franca swiftly descended to the depths.

Suddenly, dark creatures resembling seaweed extended their hair-like tendrils, slithering around Franca as if alive.

Franca paid them no mind and continued her descent.

Just as the “seaweed” was about to touch her, it unexpectedly burst into black flames.

The black flames burned silently underwater, showing no signs of extinguis.h.i.+ng. The “seaweed” didn’t turn to ash, but their consciousness was snuffed out.

They floated in the water, swaying with the currents.

Farther away, a mult.i.tude of seaweed continued to surge forward, obstructed by layers of condensed frost.

Beside the puddle, Lumian, engrossed in the Summoning Dance, did not look at the monster. However, he heard a sound akin to a bubble popping. A putrid odor wafted towards him, accompanied by an enveloping chill.

An image flashed across Lumian’s mind:

The bloated monster with its enormous face was less than a step away from him, almost clinging to his back. He could even perceive its “breath”!

Hiss… Lumian instinctively gasped, refusing to interrupt the Summoning Dance.

In the water, Franca, having dived deeper, finally sensed the presence of the mirror!

Her form suddenly faded, vanis.h.i.+ng from her original position.

Franca’s figure swiftly materialized on the ancient silver mirror resting silently on the seabed.

She retrieved the artifact and swam towards the surface, a look of joy adorning her face.

She had just confirmed that this mirror truly led to the underground tunnel in the outside world!

Beside the puddle, Lumian was filled with anxiety as he kept his gaze fixed on the water’s surface. The Summoning Dance was nearing its end, and the bloated monster drew closer, its flesh almost brus.h.i.+ng against his skin.

If Franca did not emerge soon, he would resort to using Mr. K’s finger!

Just then, Franca reached the sh.o.r.e, holding the mirror, and leapt up amidst the splas.h.i.+ng water.

Avoiding eye contact with the monster, she lowered her head and hurried to Lumian’s side, gripping his wrist.

Simultaneously, both of them turned ethereal, while the ancient mirror clattered to the ground.

A scene unfolded upon the mirror’s surface: Franca grasping Lumian’s hand and leading him through a short, dark tunnel to an illuminated “cave” before leaping out.

Amidst flickering lights and shadows, Lumian realized he stood upon a dim path, with distant light seeping in.

Franca retrieved the mirror that had served as his subst.i.tute and noticed countless cracks marring its surface, on the verge of shattering.

“That was a close call.” She sighed sincerely.

Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability Chapter 189 - 189 Cooperation

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Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability Chapter 189 - 189 Cooperation summary

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