Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability Chapter 193 - 193 Luck Enhancement

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Chapter 193 - 193 Luck Enhancement

193 Luck Enhancement

Lumian waited patiently until midnight drew near. As the clock struck 11:30 p.m., the light in Ive’s room went out, yet no one emerged from the apartment. It seemed the miser had decided to save on gas bills and retired for the night. The final act of the play at Théatre de l’Ancienne Cage à Pigeons concluded as midnight approached. The audience trickled out one by one, but no one entered the theater.

Lumian muttered to himself, his thoughts racing: Could it be that the Prophecy Spell’s answer isn’t precise enough? After all, the ritualistic magic was cast by me. It’s understandable that its effect isn’t perfect. Yes, that’s a possibility. But what if the Prophecy Spell is accurate?

Alarmed amidst his thoughts, Lumian’s head snapped in the direction of the door adorned with theater posters.

If the Prophecy Spell was correct, it meant that Monsieur Ive had indeed been at Théatre de l’Ancienne Cage à Pigeons between 11 p.m. and midnight.

And if Monsieur Ive truly had been there, who was the identical figure who had entered the apartment and never left?

There was a strong chance it was a decoy!

A decoy!

No way… Lumian couldn’t fathom his own suspicion.

How could he be deceived by such a trick, especially after meeting and conversing with Monsieur Ive before?

He was more inclined to believe that the Prophecy Spell was flawed.

Perhaps there’s a tunnel beneath the apartment leading to Théatre de l’Ancienne Cage à Pigeons? Lumian pondered, searching for a plausible explanation.

Trier was a city where establis.h.i.+ng a tunnel was easier than in other places. It only required a short excavation to connect to underground pa.s.sageways and sewers. However, such tunnels were also p.r.o.ne to discovery. The Underground Trier teemed with people—quarry police patrolled the area, smugglers traveled through, and planters pa.s.sed by. Unless the tunnel went deeper or had a cleverly hidden entrance, it wouldn’t take long for it to be found.

If Monsieur Ive’s apartment did have a similar tunnel, he wouldn’t have needed to venture out to the nearby Underground Trier entrance at night.

In the midst of these thoughts, Lumian recalled two important details.

Firstly, he had “witnessed” a change in Monsieur Ive’s luck when they first met. The next day, he realized that luck had inexplicably altered.

Secondly, Monsieur Ive possessed Beyonder powers and had a high likelihood of being a believer in the evil G.o.d, the Mother Tree of Desire. Despite having a low Sequence, when the official Beyonders brought him in for questioning, they found nothing amiss.

Combining these perplexing facts with the disparity between the Prophecy Spell and reality, Lumian’s pupils contracted as he muttered to himself:

A decoy, could it be real?

Was the person residing in the opposite apartment all this time after the robbery a mere decoy?

Is that why his luck changed and the official Beyonders failed to detect anything wrong?

How is it possible for him to resemble Monsieur Ive so perfectly? Did he employ a mystical item akin to the Mystery Prying Gla.s.ses or some other method? And where is the real Monsieur Ive hiding in Théatre de l’Ancienne Cage à Pigeons? The more Lumian pondered, the more unnerved he became.

No one had discovered the subst.i.tution that took place.

At the very least, Christo’s men showed signs of mirror-like reversal.

From the a.s.sortment of the pervert’s abilities, Lumian had already deduced that Monsieur Ive had sensed something awry after being “robbed.” After all, even a single verl d’or held value as money. No robber would willingly discard it. And if it had truly been discarded, it meant that the robbery was not the true objective. It was understandable, then, that Monsieur Ive had prepared himself to conceal his secrets from the official Beyonders. Lumian simply hadn’t antic.i.p.ated such a bizarre method.

He had actually fas.h.i.+oned a doppelg?nger identical to Monsieur Ive!

For a moment, Lumian couldn’t ascertain whether the decoy in the apartment was an ordinary person adorned with Beyonder cosmetics or a devotee of the evil G.o.d with extraordinary powers.

If it was the former, Lumian desired to seize the opportunity in the dead of night, apprehend the decoy, administer a thorough thras.h.i.+ng, and extract the truth. Then, he would deliver the decoy to the police headquarters or a cathedral, leaving the official Beyonders to conclude matters.

If it was the latter, he dared not act impulsively. No one knew the decoy’s Sequence level or the breadth of its abilities.

Lumian turned his head once more, casting a glance at the brick-red, three-story building housing Théatre de l’Ancienne Cage à Pigeons. He noted that no more patrons emerged from its entrance, dispelling his idea of venturing inside for another look.

The final performance of the day had concluded!

After contemplating for a while, Lumian resolved to make some preparations.

He rose slowly to his feet and proceeded toward Le Marché du Quartier du Gentleman, skulking in the shadows untouched by the glow of the gas street lamps.

Along the way, he scrutinized the vagabonds slumbering in the corners of the roadside, his gaze deep and earnest.

Finally, he found a suitable target.

Huddled beneath a makes.h.i.+ft barricade in the alley, the vagabond’s clothing was tattered and stained with mud. His legs bore the marks of dog bites, festering wounds oozing yellow pus.

In Lumian’s eyes, this individual was plagued by misfortune. He would face a series of calamities in the next two or three days, with his very life potentially at stake.

This made him the ideal “material” for the Luck Enhancement Spell!

Yes, Lumian intended to employ the ritualistic magic of the Alms Monk—the Luck Enhancement Spell—to fas.h.i.+on an item capable of transmitting ill fortune.

If the fake Monsieur Ive were to be plagued by misfortune, continually beset by various predicaments, there was a high likelihood that he would reveal his predicament to the official Beyonders!

With this in mind, Lumian had been on the lookout for the most hapless vagabonds. This particular group belonged to the realm of ill-fated individuals.

With his cap pulled low, Lumian approached the vagabond, positioning himself so the gas lamps on the street cast his face in shadows.

He crouched down, black-gloved hands ready, and gently prodded the tramp.

“You…” The tramp stirred, his voice filled with pain and confusion.

“I need your a.s.sistance with something. Willing to lend a hand?” Lumian produced a silver coin, worth one verl d’or, adorned with cherubs and intricate lines.

The tramp’s eyes were immediately drawn to the gleaming coin. Without hesitation, he nodded and replied, “No problem!”

As he spoke, he extended his hand, already imagining the aroma of Apple Whiskey Sour and hearty meatloaf.

Once the silver coin was in his palm, the tramp’s eyes widened suddenly, fixated on something behind Lumian. He blurted out in shock, “That’s…”

Seizing the moment Lumian turned his head, the tramp swiftly pushed himself up, attempting to vault over the barricade and sprint down the alley.

It was evident that giving money to a vagabond and enlisting his cooperation in something posed a clear danger!

For an ordinary tramp, the logical choice was to accept the money and make a run for it!


Lumian swiftly withdrew his right hand, calmly observing as the tramp slumped against the barricade, unconscious.

From the start, Lumian had no intention of allowing the tramp to witness everything while awake. Even if he were blindfolded and his ears blocked, there was still a risk of danger. Moreover, there was the potential for revealing Lumian’s ident.i.ty and the sinister ritualistic magic known as the Luck Enhancement Spell.

Hence, his plan had been to seek the tramp’s consent and then render him unconscious.

Lumian a.s.sisted the tramp to his feet, as if supporting a drunken companion, and guided him to the nearest entrance to Underground Trier. Finding a concealed spot nearby, he secured the tramp, binding his hands and feet, blindfolding him, and m.u.f.fling his ears.

Once everything was in place, he stealthily returned to Salle de Bal Brise, retrieving a carbide lamp and the necessary tools.

Without delay, he went back to the entrance, carefully lifting the unconscious tramp and making his way to the quarry cave where he had previously performed the Prophecy Spell.

This time, however, the ritual had undergone a change. While it remained a dualistic ceremony, the orange candle representing a deity and other supplicants had been replaced with one of a grayish-white hue.

It still contained Lumian’s blood.

To enhance his chances of success, Lumian intended to utilize the ritualistic magic to “pray” to the corruption sealed within his chest, mobilizing a fragment of its power.

After constructing the altar and erecting a wall of spirituality, he plunged Hedsey’s tainted dagger into the tramp, allowing his blood to flow into a metal vial.

The tramp stirred, only to be swiftly rendered unconscious once again.

Lumian disinfected and bandaged the wound, blending the blood with ash from his own hair to create an ink-like substance. Using the thinnest paintbrush at his disposal, he meticulously outlined a series of intricate and enigmatic symbols on faux goatskin parchment.

The design consisted of interwoven black thorns forming a ring, snakes with entwined heads and tails, a river composed of these serpentine figures, distorted lines, a peculiar eye, and more.

By the time he completed a fraction of the intricate work, Lumian’s forehead was drenched in a sheen of cold sweat.

He positioned the tramp and the faux goatskin adorned with symbols upon the boulder that served as the altar. Dripping perfume into the flames and sprinkling powder, Lumian took two steps back, fixing his gaze upon the gently flickering yellow candle flame, and uttered ancient Hermes words:

“Power of Inevitability!

“You are the past, the present, and the future;

“You are the cause, the effect, and the process.”

As before, the flame of the deity’s candle compressed to its utmost limits before expanding, swelling to the size of a clenched fist. Its hue transformed to a silvery-black shade, distorting everything in its vicinity. Gray mist filled the air, and a tempest of darkness whirled about.

Lumian, his ears a.s.sailed by frenzied murmurs, endured the vertigo and switched to the Hermes tongue.

“I implore you,

“I implore you to alter this dest.i.tute man’s fate.

“I pray that you will take away his misfortune.”

At this juncture, Lumian took a step forward and ignited the faux goatskin adorned with mysterious symbols using the silver-black candle flame. Placing it within a natural crevice on the altar’s surface, he observed as the parchment began to smolder.

In the next instant, he produced a gold coin worth five verl d’or, engraved with the Sunbird, and positioned it near the tramp’s outstretched hand.

To those gripped by greed, money was an irresistible lure. It served as the optimal conduit!

Lumian, burdened by a sensation akin to carrying a weight of over five hundred kilograms, retreated a step, awaiting the consumption of the smoldering faux goatskin before commencing the final incantation.

“Gray amber, a herb that belongs to inevitability, please pa.s.s your powers to my incantation…”

The entire altar abruptly ignited, a.s.suming an ethereal semblance. Before Lumian, an illusory, intricate, and chilling river of mercury silently coursed its way.

It enshrouded the tramp and the gold coin, amplifying the murmurs in Lumian’s ears and causing the cyan veins upon his face to bulge.

Instinctively, Lumian recoiled from the agony of supplicating for a boon. Suddenly, the illusory image shrank, descending upon the surface of the gold coin resting upon the altar.

Everything returned to its former state, except for the gold coin, which now appeared dimmer under the silver-black illumination.

Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability Chapter 193 - 193 Luck Enhancement

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