General, Your Wife Is Requesting Your Return Home For Farming Chapter 1110: Resolution (1)

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Chapter 1110: Resolution (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In a room on the third floor of the Myriad Immortal Building.

Xiao Shunyang saw the man in black who had broken into his residence that night again.

The man was young and was in his early twenties. He was handsome. ???ℯ????????.???

His eyes were a little cold and arrogant, and there was a smile on his lips, but it did not reach his eyes.

This was an ambitious person.

Xiao Shunyang gave his judgment.

The man in black smiled and pointed at the chair beside him. “Your Highness is finally here. Your Highness, please take a seat. Wuyou, serve tea.”

Xiao Shunyang sat down.

A graceful woman in purple clothes stepped forward and knelt down to offer Xiao Shunyang a cup of strong tea.

Xiao Shunyang looked at her and inexplicably thought of Mei Ji, who was beside Zhuge Qing.

Xiao Shunyang only had Bai Xihe in his heart. The reason why he thought of Mei Ji was that Mei Ji had almost injured him.

He was very vigilant against such women.

He looked away calmly and did not touch the woman’s tea.

The man in black took in Xiao Shunyang’s coldness and waved his hand thoughtfully. “Wuyou, retreat. Don’t disturb me from talking to my esteemed guest.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

The charming woman called Wuyou left the house softly.

Xiao Shunyang said coldly, “Don’t use any of your methods on me, be it drugging or women.”

The man in black smiled readily. “As Your Highness wishes.”

Xiao Shunyang said, “I hope you remember what you said today!”

The man in black smiled and said, “Of course. Your Highness, can I take your arrival today as your agreement to cooperate with me?”

Xiao Shunyang said disdainfully, “I don’t even know your name. What cooperation can we speak of?”

The man in black was not angry. His tone was as gentle as ever. “My surname is Xiahou, and my name is Yan. I’m the fourth in the family. If Your Highness doesn’t mind, you can call me Xiahou Yan.”

Xiao Shunyang frowned. “You’re not from the Great Zhou?”

There was no prestigious family in the Great Zhou with the surname Xiahou.

Xiahou Yan smiled and said, “Our Xiahou family has long retired. It’s not surprising that Your Highness hasn’t heard.”

Xiao Shunyang looked at him without blinking, wanting to judge from his expression if he was lying.

Unfortunately, Xiahou Yan’s expression was very open.

Xiao Shunyang retracted his gaze and asked, “What do you want from the Great Zhou?”

Xiahou Yan smiled. “Your Highness is a straightforward person, so I won’t beat around the bush here. If I help Your Highness ascend the throne, I hope Your Highness can give me 20% of the Great Zhou’s taxes everv vear.”

Xiao Shunyang’s expression darkened. “20% tax… Do you know how much it

Xiahou Yan looked at him with a smile. “Compared to the throne, this is just a trivial price, right?”

Xiao Shunyang cursed in his heart.

“What do you think, Second Prince?”

“Ten percent at most!”

“Fifteen percent.”

“Ten percent!”

Xiao Shunyang’s att.i.tude was very firm.

After a while, Xiahou Yan sighed. “Forget it, 10% it shall be.”

Xiao Shunyang hit the nail on the head. “Don’t make it look like you suffered a


Xiahou Yan did not argue with Xiao Shunyang. Instead, he maintained a proper smile. “In that case, I wish us a happy cooperation.”

Xiao Shunyang said calmly, “I haven’t said that I want to cooperate with you.” “Oh?” Xiahou Yan smiled faintly.

Xiao Shunyang said seriously, “I don’t know your plan. Who knows if it’s full of bad ideas?”

Xiahou Yan looked at Xiao Shunyang deeply. “Your Highness, what do you think?”

Xiao Shunyang said, “Let’s eliminate Third Brother’s help first. I wonder if you have the strength.”

Xiahou Yan said meaningfully, “Your Highness, don’t worry. I’ll settle one now. Just treat it as my allegiance to Your Highness.”

Xiao Shunyang snorted and said, “It’s not something that can be used as a pledge of allegiance just by killing a small fry.”

Xiahou Yan said confidently, “This person will definitely satisfy His Second Highness.”

On the other hand, after Wei Liulang followed the stronghold of the dark forces, he did not act on his own. Instead, he went back to discuss with his brothers.

He came to the Protectorate first.

Wei Ting was busy watching his father-in-law’s large social death event when he was suddenly called to the reception hall. He was a little dissatisfied with his sixth brother’s inappropriate timing.

“What is it, Sixth Brother?”

Wei Liulang was careless and did not notice his stinky brother’s disdain. “I found that group of people’s stronghold!”

Hearing that it was such an important matter, Wei Ting put away his unhappiness and asked seriously, “Where is it?”

Wei Liulang said, “There’s a brothel in the north of the city called Myriad Immortals Building! I’ve asked around. It was opened last year. I reckon they came to the capital at that time..”

General, Your Wife Is Requesting Your Return Home For Farming Chapter 1110: Resolution (1)

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General, Your Wife Is Requesting Your Return Home For Farming Chapter 1110: Resolution (1) summary

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