The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1412: [Star Voyage] Script

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Chapter 1412: [Star Voyage] Script


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Why don’t you give him a call and ask him?” Hua Xuanhe asked after the phone rang and hung up automatically.

“No need. I don’t really care about this.” s.h.i.+ Xi thought that she would go back and ask him tonight.

Wouldn’t it be very awkward if she made the call now and he didn’t pick up? Hua Xuanhe raised an eyebrow. “You’re still going to look for him tonight?” s.h.i.+ Xi: “…Yes.”

“Girls should be more reserved,” Hua Xuanhe suggested.

“But wouldn’t it be awkward if he spent the night here?” s.h.i.+ Xi asked.

Hua Xuanhe: ?!

Couldn’t you guys not spend the night together?!

Jealousy from a brother.

Hua Xuanhe thought of something and sent a message to Xie Yunzhou.


In the car.

Hua Ruoling’s hands were tied as she sat in the back seat of the car. “You have no right to treat me like this!”

” Why don’t you save some energy and think about how to face the interrogation later?” Xie Yunzhou said coldly.

“What interrogation?” Hua Ruoling suppressed her guilt. “I’m not even close to

Second Xie!”

“Oh? Then what were you doing that night when Second Xie was racing?” Xie Yunzhou asked.

Hua Ruoling bit her lip.

Xie Yunzhou did not ask further.

If it wasn’t for the Xie family asking him to handle this matter, he wouldn’t have bothered at all.

It was only when he found out about Hua Ruoling that Xie Yunzhou became interested in finding out the truth.

His phone vibrated. It was a call from Hua Xuanhe.

Xie Yunzhou lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, but he didn’t take it.

If Hua Xuanhe called at this time, he must have wanted to ask about Hua


However, this matter was not something he could decide.

The call ended automatically.

Not long after, Xie Yunzhou saw Hua Xuanhe’s message.

He suddenly looked at Hua Ruoling. “You let the tiger hurt s.h.i.+ Xi?”

Hua Ruoling was shocked. “I didn’t!” she replied subconsciously.

The car stopped.

Xie Yunzhou’s eyes were cold. “I hope you’re still so stubborn after entering the interrogation room!”

When s.h.i.+ Xi returned to the villa, Zhu Lin was watching a drama and eating peaches in the living room.

Seeing s.h.i.+ Xi return, Zhu Lin immediately turned off the tablet. “Xi Xi, do you want to eat peaches?”

s.h.i.+ Xi took a peach from the fruit basket and asked, “Xie Yunzhou isn’t back yet?”


If Xie Yunzhou was back, how would she dare to be so undisciplined in the living room?

Seeing s.h.i.+ Xi lying on the sofa, Zhu Lin said, “The first revised scripts for [The Legend of the Princess] and [Star Voyage] have been edited. Do you want to take a look?”

s.h.i.+ Xi sat up straight. “Has [Star Voyage] been edited?”

“Yes, this is the script.” Zhu Lin handed the printed script to s.h.i.+ Xi.

Previously, s.h.i.+ Xi had seen a sci-fi script and felt that it was not bad.

However, there were some logical flaws in the middle, so Zhu Lin had to correct them.

She didn’t expect it to be changed back now.

Zhu Lin saw s.h.i.+ Xi flipping through the script of [Star Voyage] with interest.

She asked carefully, “Xi Xi, you’re not going to reject [The Legend of the Princess] and want to act in this, are you?”

“Can’t I?” s.h.i.+ Xi asked without looking up.

“This, this, this… This just won’t do!” Zhu Lin stuttered.

s.h.i.+ Xi looked up.

” What are you trying to say?” s.h.i.+ Xi was puzzled.

Zhu Lin took a sip of water and explained, “I don’t know how many sci-fi dramas they’ve made in the past!”

“The sci-fi dramas that are currently broadcasting are also failing. Who knows how many more will fail in the future?”

“Why should we give up on [The Legend of the Princess] and act in a sci-fi drama?”

s.h.i.+ Xi had a xianxia base, and modern dramas were also popular. It was the safest to act in the [Legend of the Princess],

The career plan that Kuai Xue had given s.h.i.+ Xi was also to be more stable.

The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1412: [Star Voyage] Script

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The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1412: [Star Voyage] Script summary

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